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Pharmacology-I B.Pharm Question Bank :

Name of the University : The Tamilnadu Dr. M.G.R. Medical University
Degree : B.Pharm
Subject Code/Name : 4239/Pharmacology – I
Year : III
Paper : IV
Document Type : Question Bank
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Pharmacology-I Question Bank :

February 2009 :
[KU 748] Sub. Code: 4239
(Regulation 2004)

Related / Similar Question Paper : TNMGRMU B.Pharm Pharmaceutical Dosage Forms & Cosmetic Technology Question Bank

Candidates Admitted from 2004-05
Q.P. Code : 564239
Time : Three hours
Maximum : 90 marks
I. Essay Questions :
Answer any TWO question. (2 x 20 = 40)
1. What is bio-transformation? Write the essay on various bio-transformation reactions with suitable examples.
2. Write the essay on pharmacological actions of cholinergic drugs and brief the mechanism of action and therapeutic uses of reversible anti cholinersterase.
3. Classify the anti psychotic drugs? Write the pharmacodynamic and pharmacokinetic properties of phenothiazines.
II. Write Short Notes : Answer any EIGHT questions (8 x 5 = 40)
1. Write short note on bioavailability.
2. What is receptor? Classify the different types of receptors with examples.
3. Write note on therapeutic uses of adrenergic drugs?
4. Define bioassay. Write note on different types of bioassay.
5. Explain the various stages of anaesthesia?
6. Write the symptoms and line of treatment of methyl alcohol poisoning.
7. What is arrhythmias? Classify antiarrhythmic drugs?
8. Write the short note on opioid receptors.
9. Explain the mechanism of action and therapeutic uses of digoxine.
10. Brief various route of administration with suitable example?
III. Short Answers: Answer any FIVE questions (5 x 2 = 10)
1. Define terratogenicity with example.
2. Explain the volume of distribution.
3. What is prodrug? Give examples.
4. What is diuretics? Give any two therapeutic uses.
5. Define tachyphylaxis with suitable examples?
6. What is status epilepticus site the drug of choice?
7. Brief the therapeutic uses of angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors?

August 2009 :
I. Essay Questions :
Answer any TWO question. (2 x 20 = 40)
1. a) Classify the Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.
b) Write the mechanism of action and pharmacological actions of aspirin.
c) Mention the therapeutic uses and adverse effects of aspirin.
2. a) Classify drugs used in the treatment of congestive cardiac failure.
b) Write the mechanism of action of Digoxin.
c) Mention its adverse effects.
3. a) Classify the sedative, hypnotic drugs.
b) Explain the mechanism of action and pharmacological actions of benzodiazepines.
c) Mention the therapeutic uses of diazepam.
II. Write Short Notes : Answer any EIGHT questions (8 x 5 = 40)
1. Treatment of organo phosphorus compound poisoning.
2. Dale’s Vasomotor reversal phenomenon.
3. Mechanism of action of disulfiram.
4. Advantages of carbidopa with levo-dopa combination.
5. Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors.
6. Naloxone.
7. Explain the action of nitrates in angina pectoris.
8. Pre-anesthetic medication.
9. What are the principles of bioassay? Describe the bioassay of vasopressin.
10. Angiotensin receptor antagonist.
III. Short Answers: Answer any FIVE questions (5 x 2 = 10)
1. Disadvantages of oral route of administration.
2. Name two drugs which does not cross blood brain barrier.
3. Therapeutic index of drugs.
4. Name two drugs used in glaucoma.
5. Therapeutic uses of adrenaline.
6. Name two non sedative antihistamines.
7. Name two drugs that suppress dry cough.

February 2010 :
I. Essay Questions :
Answer any TWO question. (2 x 20 = 40)
1. a) Classify anticholinergic drugs with examples for each group. (5)
b) Describe pharmacological actions, therapeutic uses and adverse effects of atropine. (15)
2. Define the term drug biotransformation. Discuss the different types of biotransformation with suitable examples. (20)
3. a) Classify antipsychotic drugs. (5)
b) Write actions, therapeutic uses and adverse effects of chlorpromazine. (15)
II. Write Short Notes : Answer any EIGHT questions (8 x 5 = 40)
1. Advantages of dopa decarboxylase inhibitors.
2. Succinylcholine.
3. Prodrugs.
4. Pralidoxime is used in organophosphorus poisoning.
5. Neostigmine is preferred to physostigmine in myasthenia gravis.
6. Selective agonists.
7. Mast cell stabilizers.
8. Routes of administration of local anaesthetics.
9. Dissociative anesthesics.
10. MAO inhibitors.
III. Short Answers: Answer any FIVE questions (5 x 2 = 10)
1. Name two potassium sparing diuretics.
2. Two uses of minoxidil.
3. Name two drugs used in angina pectoris.
4. Name two therapeutic uses of digitoxin.
5. Name two anticholinergics used in parkinsonism.
6. Advantage for combining adrenaline along with local anesthetics.
7. Propranolol is contra indicated in Bronchial asthma.

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