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Medicinal Chemistry-I B.Pharm Question Bank :

Name of the University : The Tamilnadu Dr. M.G.R. Medical University
Degree : B.Pharm
Subject Code/Name : 4237/Medicinal Chemistry – I
Year : III
Paper : II
Document Type : Question Bank
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TN MGRMU Medicinal Chemistry-I Question Paper

[KU 746] Sub. Code: 4237

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(Regulation 2004)
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February 2009

Q.P. Code : 564237
Time : Three hours
Maximum : 90 marks
I. Essay Questions :
Answer any TWO questions (2 x 20 = 40)
1. a) What are drug-receptor interaction? Explain different types of binding forces exist in drug-receptor interaction with example. (10)
b) Explain the basic concept of prodrug with example. Give it application (10)
2. a) Define the terms sedative and hypnotic. Classify them with each one example with chemical structure for each class. (7)
b) Brief the SAR of barbiturates. (6)
c) Give the synthesis and use of diazepam and barbital. (4+3=7)
3. a) Classify diuretics on the basis of site of action with one example. (5)
b) What are loop diuretics? Explain its mode of action. (5)
c) Brief the SAR of thiazide diuretics. (5)
d) Outline the synthesis of Acetazolamide and furosemide. (5)

II. Write Short Notes : Answer any EIGHT questions (8 x 5 = 40)
1. How does hydrogen bonding affect biological activity? Explain with example.
2. Write a brief note on phase –II biotransformation pathway.
3. Classify general anaesthetics with example, outline the synthesis of ketamine.
4. Describe the synthesis and clinical use of
i) Amitriptylene.
ii) Imipramine.
5. Discuss in detail the adrenergic blocking agents. Outline the synthesis of metoprolol.
6. Write the chemical classification of local anaesthetics giving example. Describe their mode of action.
7. Brief the SAR of H1 – receptor antagonist. Give the synthesis of any one drug.
8. Classify non- steroidal anti-inflammatory agents on the basis of chemistry with one each example. Explain its mode of action.
9. Write the structure and clinical use of
i) Morphine, ii) Phenytoin, iii) aspirin, iv) phenobarbitone, v) Benzocaine
10. Explain what is ISO- sterism?
III. Short Answers: Answer any FIVE questions (5 x 2 = 10)
1. Enumerate the physiochemical properties in relation to biological action.
2. Define drug metabolism. Mention the types of biotransformation pathways.
3. What are Hydantoins? Write the chemistry of Hydantoins.
4. Enumerate the biosynthesis of noradrenaline.
5. Write the name and structure of H1 – receptor antagonist possessing pyridine and piperidine moieties.
6. What are anti-tussive agents? Give the structure and use of Benzotartate.
7. What are prostaglandins? Mention the biosynthetic pathways for ecosanoids.

August 2009

I. Essay Questions :
Answer any TWO questions (2 x 20 = 40)
1. a) What is phase 1 reaction? Explain briefly with example. Quote with examples the factors affecting drug metabolism.
b) Define Prodrug. Explain the methods of development of a prodrug.
2. a) Classify H1, H2 receptor anti histaminics with examples. Write a suitable methods for the synthesis of any one compound for each classification.
b) Explain the mechanism and structure activity relationship of the following drugs. i) Doxylamine succinate. ii) Cyproheptadine Hydrochloride.
3. a) Outline the biosynthetic pathway of Dopamine.
b) What are Sympathomimitic agents? Classify the sympathomimetic drugs with examples.
c) Give the synthesis and metabolism of the following drugs.
i) Salbutamol ii) Phenylephrine.
II. Write Short Notes : Answer any EIGHT questions (8 x 5 = 40)
1. Outline the synthesis and metabolism of imipramine Hydrochloride.
2. What are the neuromuscular blockers? Write the synthesis of any one drug you have studied.
3. Classify Diuretics. Write the structure and mechanism of action of Frusemide.
4. What are Non steroidal anti inflammatory agents? Write the structure and the structural activity relationship of Methadone hydrochloride.
5. Write synthesis of the following: a) Ibuprofen. b) Piroxicam
6. Briefly explain the biosynthesis of Eiosanoids.
7. What are Hypnotics and Sedatives? Discuss the structure activity relationship of diazepam.
8. Classify Antipsychotic drugs with examples. Give the structure of prochlorpherazine and Chlorpromazine hydrochloride.
9. Write the synthesis of Phenytoin.
10. Write a note on Cholinergic receptor.
III. Short Answers: Answer any FIVE questions (5 x 2 = 10)
1. Define steric effect.
2. Adrenergic antagonist.
3. Define antitussive and local anesthetics.
4. Give the mechanism of Banzocaine.
5. Neuro muscular blockers.
6. Prostagelandins.
7. Mechanism of action of Indomethacin.

[KW 746] Sub. Code: 4237
I. Essay Questions : (2 X 20 = 40)
Answer any TWO questions.
1. Describe the physiochemical properties of a drug for its biological action with suitable examples.
2. a) What are the applications of pro drug in drug design? (6)
b) Outline the biosynthetic pathway of acetyl choline. (8)
c) Write the synthesis and metabolism of Dicyclomine HCL. (6)
3. a) What are Anxiolytics sedative and Hypnotics? Classify with examples. (5)
b) Explain the mechanism of action, structure activity relationship and (15) synthetic method for the followings:
i) Ketamin HCL. ii) Barbital iii) Diazepam.
II. Write Short Notes : Answer any EIGHT questions. (8X 5 = 40)
1. Write the synthesis of Carbamazipine.
2. Proton pump inhibitors.
3. H2 receptor antagonists.
4. Discuss the structure activity relationship of diphenhydramine.
5. What are ganglionic blocking agents? Give the structure of
i) Mecamylamine HCL. ii) Galamine triethiodide.
6. Explain the structure activity relationship of morphine.
7. Define anti convulsants and anti inflammatory agents. Give the structure for each group.
8. Write the synthesis and metabolism of phenylon.
9. Adrenergic neurotransmitters.
10. Write the synthesis and mechanism of action of Acetazolamide.
III. Short Answers: Answer any FIVE questions. (5X2 = 10)
1. PKa values.
2. Define the term protein binding with example.
3. General mechanism of local anaesthetic and general anaesthetics.
4. Adrenergic antagonist.
5. Sympathomimetic drugs.
6. Prostaglandin.
7. Redox potential.

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