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Neurology For Physiotherapist BPT Question Bank :

Name of the University : The Tamilnadu Dr. M.G.R. Medical University
Subject Code/Name : 5182/Neurology For Physiotherapist
Year : IV
Paper : I
Document Type : Question Bank
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2009-2011 :

TN MGRMU Physiotherapist Question Paper

February 2009 :
[KU 987] Sub. Code: 5182

Related / Similar Question Paper : TNMGRMU BPT Physiotherapy For Cardio Respiratory Diseases Question Bank

Non-Semester Regulations and Seventh Semester
(Modified / New Modified Regulations)
Q.P. Code : 745182
Time : Three hours
Maximum : 100 marks
Answer All questions :
Draw suitable diagrams wherever necessary :
I. Essays: (2 x 15 = 30)
1. Describe the clinical features, Aetiological factors and the management of cerebral palsy.
2. Discuss Gullain Barre syndrome its clinical course and management.
II. Short Notes : (10 x 5 = 50)
1. Wrist Drop.
2. Entrapment Neuropathy.
3. Spina Bifida Occulta.
4. Extra Dural Haematoma.
5. Spondylolisthesis.
6. Visual field defects.
7. Tremors.
8. Cervical spondylosis.
9. Meningo myelocoele.
10. Diabetic neuritis.
III. Short Answer: (10 x 2 = 20)
1. Neuro transmitters.
2. Glasgow coma scale.
3. Muscle spindle.
4. Neurogenic Bladder.
5. Aqueduct stenosis.
6. Claw Hand.
7. Froin’s syndrome.
8. Intra cranial tumours.
9. Conus medullaris.
10. Myasthenia Gravis.

August 2009

I. Essays: (2 x 15 = 30)
1. Draw the cross section of spinal cord and describe the functions of spinal cord tracts and discuss the clinical features of a D10 Transverse myelitis.
2. Describe the clinical features of different type of traumatic brain injury and the pathophysiology and first aid to these patients.
II. Short Notes : (10 x 5 = 50)
1. Sensory ataxia.
2. Normal pressure hydrocephalus.
3. CSF in TB meningitis.
4. Radial nerve palsy.
5. Syringomyelia.
6. Circle of willis.
7. Bever’s Sign.
8. Flaccid paraplegia.
9. Poly myositis.
10. Autism.
III. Short Answer: (10 x 2 = 20)
1. Features of lower motor neuron paralysis.
2. Anal reflex.
3. Brain death.
4. Anti epileptic drug.
5. Electromyography.
6. Brachial plexus.
7. Lumbar puncture.
8. Extra ocular muscles of the eye.
9. Gower’s sign.
10. Grades of spasticity.

February 2010

I. Essays: (2 x 15 = 30)
1. Draw the diagram of internal capsule and discuss various causes of lesions in the internal capsule and describe the clinical features of a lesion.
2. Discuss epilepsy under the following headings:
a) Definition b) Pathophysiology and c) Causes.
Describe in detail a typical episode of tonic and clonic seizure.
II. Short Notes : (10 x 5 = 50)
1. CSF in pyogenic meningites.
2. Parkinson’s disease.
3. Waddling gait.
4. Clinical features of brain stem injury.
5. Entrapment neuropathies.
6. Myasthenic crisis.
7. Charcot joints.
8. Bell’s palsy.
9. Brain death.
10. Micturition reflex.
III. Short Answer: (10 x 2 = 20)
1. Dermatomes of upper limb.
2. Neural pathway of knee jerk.
3. Motor supply of median nerve.
4. Moro’s reflex.
5. Clinical features of deep peroneal nerve injury.
6. Poliomyelitis.
7. Traumatic paraplegia.
8. Meralgia paraesthetica.
9. Lower motor neuron lesion.
10. Composition of CSF.

[KX 987] Sub. Code : 5182
I. Essays: (2X15=30)
1. Describe the etiology and classification of Cerebral palsy. Outline the clinical features and management of 2 years old child with Spastic Diplegia.
2. Draw the Cross – section of the Spinal cord and describe the functions of Spinal cord tracts. Discuss the clinical features of D10 Transverse Myelitis.
II. Short Notes : (10X5=50)
1. Foot Drop.
2. Peripheral Nerve Injury.
3. Carpel Tunnel Syndrome.
4. Trigeminal Neuralgia.
5. Circle of Willis.
6. Status Epilepticus.
7. Sensory Ataxia.
8. Waddling Gait.
9. Spina Bifida.
III. Short Answers: (10X2=20)
1. Rheumatic Paraplegia.
2. Poliomyelitis.
3. Grades of Spasticity.
4. Anal Reflex.
5. Scissor Gait.
6. Wrist Drop.
7. Lumbar Puncture.
8. Brain Death.
9. Gower’s Sign.
10.Bever’s Sign.

February 2011

I. Essays : (2X15=30)
1. Describe the definitions pathogenesis, pathophysiology, clinical manifestation, laboratory investigation and treatment of Guillan Barre Syndrome.
2. Describe the pathophysiology, clinical features, diagnosis and treatment of Myasthenia Gravis. (5+3+3+4)

II. Short Notes : (10X5=50)
1. Ataxia.
2. Bell’s palsy.
3. Motor neuron disease.
4. Acute transverse myelitis.
5. Multiple sclerosis – Types.
6. Ulnar neuropathy.
7. Becker muscular dystrophy.
8. Cerebral palsy.
9. Etiopathogenic causes of dementia.
10.Management of stroke.

III. Short Answers : (10X2=20)
1. Tremor.
2. Anterior spinal artery syndrome.
3. CSF picture (Cerebro spinal fluid) in Guillan Barre syndrome.
4. Name some demyelinating diseases.
5. Kernig’s sign.
6. Cerebral diplegia.
7. Gait in Parkinson’s disease.
8. Partial seizure.
9. Myasthenic crisis.
10.Superficial reflexes.

August 2011

I. Long Essays : (2X20=40)
1. Define Neuro Muscular junction. Discuss in detail about the causes, clinical features, Investigation and Treatment of Myasthenia Gravis.
2. Define TONE. Enumerate the difference between Spasticity and Rigidity. Discuss in detail about the assessment, Investigations Management of Spasticity.

II. Short Notes : (8X5=40)
1. Bell’s Palsy.
2. Trigeminal Neuralgia.
3. Theories of PAIN.
4. Subarachinoid Hemorrhage.
5. Tuberculous Meningitis – Sequale.
6. Hydrocephalus.
7. Seddon’s Classification.
8. Tumors of Spinal Cord.

III. Short Answers : (10X2=20)
1. Beever’s Sign.
2. C6 Myotome.
3. Gower Sign.
4. Brocas Aphasia.
5. Cross Hemiplegia.
6. High Stepping Gait.
7. Argyl – Robertson pupil.
8. Ulnar Claw Hand.
9. Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis.
10. Athetosis.

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