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Midwifery/Psychiatric Nursing/Orthopeadic Surgery/ Operating Room Technique B.Sc Question Bank :

Name of the University : The Tamilnadu Dr. M.G.R. Medical University
Degree : B.Sc., (Nursing)
Subject Code/Name : 4791/Midwifery/Psychiatric Nursing/Orthopeadic Surgery/ Operating Room Technique
Year/Sem : Fourth Year /Seventh Semester
Document Type : Question Bank
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2009-2014 :

February 2009 :
[KU 817] Sub. Code: 4791
(Revised/Modified Regulations)
Fourth Year /Eighth Semester
Q.P. Code : 664791
Time : Three hours
Maximum : 150 marks
Answer ALL questions. :
I. Essays: (50)
1. a) Define multiple pregnancy. (1)
b) Describe the types of twins. (3)
c) Discuss the complications associated with multiple pregnancy. (6)
d) Explain the care of the mother and the preterm twins during the postnatal period. (10)
2. Define normal labour. Explain the nursing management during the first stage of labour. (15)
3. List the indications for caesarean section and explain the pre and post operative management of patient undergoing caesarean section. (15)
II. Write Short Notes on : (4 x 10 = 40)
1. RCH programme.
2. Postpartum Haemorrhage.
3. Genetic counselling.
4. Role of nurse midwife in preventing anaemias.
III. Write Short Notes on : (6 x 5 = 30)
1. Maternal mortality.
2. Indicators of foetal well being.
3. Amniocentesis.
4. Foetal distress.
5. Phototherapy.
6. Functions of placenta.
III. Short Answer Questions: (15 x 2 = 30)
1. Name the bones of pelvis.
2. What are the positive signs of pregnancy.
3. Name four malpresentations.
4. What are the signs of third stage of labour?
5. What is Hegar’s sign?.
6. Define maternal mortality rate.
7. Types of lochia.
8. Define ectopic pregnancy.
9. Mention four effects of diabetes on pregnancy.
10. Mention two clinical manifestations of hemolytic diseases of newborn.
11. Placenta previa.
12. Name the types of episiotomy.
13. Name any two drugs used for medical induction of labour.
14. Name any two absolute contraindications for oral contra captives.
15. What are the four nerve injuries of newborn at birth?

August 2009 :
I. Essays: (50)
1. a) What is breech presentation? (2)
b) Enumerate the causes and its clinical types. (6)
c) Explain the management of labour in breech delivery. (12)
2. a) What is physiological anemia? (2)
b) Mention the causes for anemia in pregnancy. (5)
c) What is the management of anemia in pregnancy? (8)
3. List the conditions of obstetrical emergencies and explain any two conditions in detail. (15)
II. Write Short Notes on : (4 x 10 = 40)
1. Development of placenta.
2. Ectopic pregnancy.
3. Fertilization.
4. Induction of labour.
III. Write Short Notes on : (6 x 5 = 30)
1. Amniocentesis.
2. Lochial assessment.
3. Birth injuries of newborn.
4. IUGR.
5. Nutrition in pregnancy.
6. Family welfare programme.
III. Short Answer Questions: (15 x 2 = 30)
1. List two functions of placenta.
2. What is meant by eccentric insertion of umbilical cord?
3. Mention the two changes of fetal circulation at birth.
4. Reason for increased femoral venous pressure during III trimester.
5. What are the two formulae used to estimate weight of the fetus.
6. Define moulding.
7. What is cardif ‘Count 10’ formula?
8. Define oblique posterior arrest.
9. What is macrosomia?
10. Meaning of pre term labour.
11. Reason for cold stress in newborn.
12. Define intrauterine growth restriction.
13. Define Naegele’s pelvis.
14. Define fetus papyraceous.
15. Define omphalopagus fetuses.

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