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MP101 Management and Organizational Behaviour MBA Question Bank :

Name of the University : Vardhman Mahaveer Open University
Degree : MBA
Subject Code/Name : MP-101 – Management and Organizational Behaviour
Year : I
Semester :
Document Type : Question Bank
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VMOU Management & Organizational Behaviour Question Paper

Time: 3 Hours
Max. Marks: 80
Note: The question paper is divided into three sections A, B & C. Write Answers as per the given instructions.

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Section A

1. Define Management.
2. Explain Scientific Management.
3. Mention Different Types of Decisions.
4. Write note on Committee Organization.
5. What do you mean by Operational Control.
6. Define Positive Reinforcement.
7. Explain different Types of Needs.
8. Define O.D.
9. Examine informational roles of Manager.
10. Define Scalar Chain of Command.
11. Who are major proponents of Classical Theory.
12. Define Programmed Decision.
13. Define Group Norms.
14. Describe factors affecting choice of Leadership Style.
15. Mention functions of Organisational Culture.
16. Mention different Levels of Conflicts.
17. Explain the Managerial Functions.
18. Distinguish between Principles of Unity of Command and Direction.
19. Define Planning.
20. What are the Features of Control.
21. Define Perception.
22. What do you mean by Motives-
23. Explain stress.
24. Define Group Cohesiveness.

Section B

1. Management is an Art and Science. How-
2. Explain main features of Management as a Profession
3. Describe characteristics of Organisation.
4. Explain Classical Conditioning Theory of Learning in brief.
5. What are the differences between Group Norms and Group Rules-
6. Define Laissez faire Leadership Style with its disadvantages.
7. What do you understand by “Influence – Power – Leadership Relationship”-
8. Describe the impact of Organisational culture on performance
9. What do you understand by the Normality –Abnormality Continuum- Explain.
10. What is Contingency Theory of Management-
11. Describe the factors affecting Organisational Structure.
12. What are causes and remedies of Social Loafing-
13. Explain the differences between Leadership and Management.
14. Give the Double Loop Theory of Experiential Learning in brief.
15. Describe Values.
16. What are the benefits of O.D-
17. Why do different people react differently to stress-
18. Write a note on Hawthorne Studies.
19. Describe Line and Staff Organization with its merits.
20. Discuss methods of Control in brief.
21. Which are the different factors influencing Perception? Explain in brief.
22. Define Autocrative Leadership and mention its advantages.
23. What are the different needs of Maslow’s Hierarchy Theory? Explain them.
24. Distinguish American and Japanese Organisational Cultures.
25. What do you mean by Work Group? Explain.

Section C

(Long Answer Type Questions)
Answer any 2 questions. Each answer should not exceed 800 words. Each question carries 16 marks. (Marks 2×16=32)
1. “Management is an all pervasive activity.” Explain and describe the scope of management.
2. Define Human relations and Behavioural theories of Management in detail.
3. What do you understand by Attribution Theory of Perception? What are its implications in explaining organizational behaviour?
4. What do you understand by Personality and its determinants? Discuss Psycho Analytical Theory of Personality.
5. Discuss Mc Clelland’s Theory of Motivation and its role in managerial success in the workplace.
6. Compare and contrast different styles of Leadership. Which style would you recommend for a manager of a Private sector unit?
7. What are the major sources of Stress? Mention different strategies for managing stress in detail.
8. Describe O.D Interventions. Discuss in detail any four O.D. Interventions focusing upon people.
9. ‘Management contains elements, those of a Science and those of an Art.’ Describe the nature and scope of Management in the light of given statement.
10. Contrast the Cognitive and Affective Components of an Attitude. Discuss Work Attitudes in India.
11. ‘Decentralisation is – where the centres of decision making are dispersed throughout the organisation.’ In the Light of this statement, discuss Decentralisation and give its merits and demerits.
12. Define Planning and its process. Explain various dimensions and types of Plans.
13. Describe the Trait and Social Learning Theories of Personality.
14. What are the four elements in the learning cycle suggested by Kolb? Illustrate them with an example of your own experience.
15. What are different types of conflicts? What separate strategy should be used by managers to resolve these conflicts?
16. ‘The role of culture in influencing employee behaviour appears to be increasingly important in today’s workplace.’ Explain the importance of culture and how it can be created and sustained in an organisation.
17. Describe various roles performed by a manager in an organization. Also mention different skills which are essential for an effective manager.
18. What do you understand by Planning through MBO? Discuss merits and demerits of MBO.
19. Define “Delegation of Authority”. What are the trouble spots of “Delegation of Authority”. Suggest the guidelines for effective delegation.
20. Describe the types of Organizations on the basis of Organization Structures.
21. Define Personality. Discuss the Self Concept Theory of Personality in detail.
22. Compare and contrast Classical Conditioning, Operant Conditioning and Social Learning theories.
23. What is stress and what is not stress? Explain how stress and productivity are related to each other.
24. ‘A supportive-democratic leader promotes job satisfaction among his group members.’ Comment

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