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MAGE06 Geography of India MA Question Bank :

Name of the University : Vardhman Mahaveer Open University
Degree : MA
Department : Geography
Subject Code/Name : MAGE-06 – Geography of India
Year : II
Document Type : Question Bank
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Geography of India :


1) Where the Dolvi steel plant is established-
2) Mention the states from where the green revolution was initiated-

3) In how many divisions the Indian railways is divided-
4) Mention the institute responsible for national highways-
5) Give the name of the longest gas pipeline of India.
6) When was Doordarshan (DD) started in India-
7) In how many major geographical regions India is divided according
8) Which states are known as “BIMARU”-
9) Which place is the largest producer of crude oil in India-
Section –B
10) Write a short note on golden Quadrilateral project-
11) Make a note on inlandwater transportation in India.
12) Define Regional planning.
13) What are the indicators of Regional development.
14) Mention the extension of Aravali geographical region-
15) Differentiate between Hazards and disasters.
16) Explain the Environmental Impact Assessment-
17) Mention the causes of desertification in Rajasthan-
Section –C
18) Explain the development and distribution of iron-steel industry in India.
19) What is Industrial region- Write a geographical essay
20) Critically examine the foreign trade and balance between export-import in India.
21) What is regional planning- Expalin the planning regions of India.
22) Explain the origin of federalism in India and its geographical base-


1) Which Iron-ore is known as a Black Iron-
2) Baboodan Hills are known for which mineral-
3) Which coal contains the maximum quantity of carbon-
4) Mention the areas of India where tertiary coal is found-
5) What are the Mangla, Bhagyam, Eshwarya-
6) Mention the name of potential areas for geothermal energy-
Section –B
7) Mention the uses of Manganese-
8) Write a short note on mineral resources conservation-
9) Mention the types of coal.
10) Describe the factors affecting population density-
11) Mention atomic Energy centers of India.
12) Define tidal Energy.
13) Mention the problems of Urbanisation in India.
14) What is land utilization pattern-

Section –C :
(Long answer questions)
Note : Answer any two questions. You have to delimit your each answer maximum 800 words. Each question carries 20 marks. 2X20=40
10. Explain the production and distribution pattern of petroleum in india?
What is Energy crisis? Suggest some measures to over come energy crisi.
11. “Settlement patterns reflect themselves in local geographical conditions.” Explain it.
Explain in detial the urbanization pattern and its problems in India.
12. “Production of the rice follows the rainfall and population distribution in India.” Explain the statement.
Write short note on any two of the following
1. Green Revolution
2. Dry Framing
3. Food Security

13. “In India, cotton textile industry is the pride of past base of present and hope for the future.” Examine the statement.
Examine the causes and affects of transferring the sugar industry from north India to south India.

Note: The question paper is divided into three sections A, B and C. Write answer as per the given instructions.
(Very short answer type questions)
Note : Answer all questions. As per the nature of the question delimit your answer in one word, one sentence or maximum up to 30 words. Each question carries 2 marks. 10X2=20
(i) Mention the geographical location of India?
(ii) Give the name of islands situatd out of the main land of India.
(iii) Give the name of the boundaries between India-Pakistan and India-China.
(iv) Which longitude is the base for calculating Indian Standard Time?
(v) Negritos are found in Which Island of India?
(vi) The formation of Himalaya is related to which geological period.
(vii) Geographically India is situated in which part of Asia?
(viii) Mention the name of extremet Northern and Southern Points of India?
(ix) Give the name of most recently formed physical division of India.
(x) Mention the name of the ocean situated in the south of India.

Section –B :
(Short answer questions)
Note : Answer any 4 questions. Each answer should not exceed 100 words. Each question carries 10 marks. 4X10=40
2. Describe the location and extent of India?
3. Describe political boundaries of India?
4. Mention the territorial diversities of India?
5. Give the geolitical significance of India’s location.
6. Mention the introduction of India’s geological structure?
7. Indian culturl diversity has been affected by history. Describe it.
8. Give a short note on Indo-Gangatic plain?
9. Mention the major Rock groups of India.

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