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MAEC03 Public Economics MA Question Bank :

Name of the University : Vardhman Mahaveer Open University
Degree : MA
Department : Economics
Subject Code/Name : MAEC-03 – Public Economics
Year : II
Document Type : Question Bank
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VMOU Public Economics Question Paper

Time: 3 Hours
Max. Marks: 80
Note: The question paper is divided into three sections A, B & C. Write Answers as per the given instructions.

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Section – A

1 Define Public Finance.
2 Explain about Public Sector.
3 What is the meaning of Merit Wants-
4 What do you mean by Social Security-
5 Define Tax.
6 Explain the meaning of Budget.

7 What do you understand by Infrastructural Activities-
8 Explain the Principle of Maximum Social Welfare.
9 What is the meaning of Market Mechanism-
10 Define Tax- Evasion.

11 Explain about Degressive Tax.
12 What do you mean by Direct Tax-
13 What is the meaning of Fical Incidence-
14 Explain about Disposable Income.
15 Define Poverty-Line.
16 What is the meaning of Resource Mobilization-
17 Explain about Value –Added Tax.
18 Define Public Debt.
19 Explain the meaning of Budget Deficit.
20 Define Income.
21 What is the meaning of A closed Economy-
22 What do you mean by Basic Industries –
23 Define Mixed Economy.
24 Explain the Laissez Faire.

Section –B

1 Explain the production system in a Central Planned Economy.
2 Discuss the causes of increase in Public Expenditure.
3 Explain the characteristics of a good Tax System.
4 What do you understand by Progressive Tax- Explain.
5 Discuss the Modern Theory of Incidence and Shifting of Taxs.
6 Write a note on General Equilibrium in Incidence of Tax.
7 Discuss about Single and Multiple Tax Systems.
8 Explain the following (i) Impact of tax (ii) Incidence of tax.
9 Describe the theory of Social Marginal Utility.
10 Explain about Wiseman and Peacock hypothesis
11 Discuss the Profit Oriented Pricing Principle of Public Enterprises.
12 Describe the meaning, need and importance of public debt.
13 What is the meaning of Budget Deficit in Public Finance- Explain.
14 Describe the merits and demerits of Indirect Tax.
15 Explain the objectives of Fiscal Policy.
16 What do you know about Zero Based Budgeting- Explain.
17 Write a note on Corporate Income Tax.
18 Explain the Regressive and Degressive Tax.
19 Describe the Concentration Theory of Incidence of Tax.
20 Discuss the Incidence of Expenditure.

21 Explain the merits and demerits of Direct Tax.
22 Describe the Propotional Tax.
23 Discuss the Progressivity of Personal Taxes.
24 Classified the companies according to Indian Income Tax Act 1961.

Section – C

Section C will contain four (4) long answer type questions. Each question will be of sixteen (16) marks. Examinees will have to answer any two questions. They have to delimit each answer in maximum 800 words. 16 x 2 = 32
1 Discuss the causes of increasing economic activities of the State.
Describe the main sources of finance of the Government.

2 Write an essay on the role of public enterprises in mixed economy.
Explain the Benefit Theory of taxation.

3 Define the Income according to Indian Income Tax Act 1961.
Discuss the relationship between direct and indirect taxes.

4 Describe the Marginal Cost Pricing Principle of Public Enterprises.
Explain the Impossibility Approach of Arrow in Social Preference Theory.

5 Write an essay on process of optimum allocation of resources between public and private sectors.
Discuss the price determination of public goods under Samuelson Mode.

6 What is depreciation? Explain the various types of depreciation.
Describe the impact of public debt on an economy.

7 Explain the impact of fiscal policy on economic development.
Discuss the development of Public Sector Industries in India.

8 Write an essay on process of price determination of private and public goods.
Explain the Lindhal Model of voluntary exchange theory.

9 Discuss the structure and concepts of Budget.
Explain the special features of Corporate Taxation in India.

10 Describe the causes of failure of market mechanism in public goods .
Discuss the various types of indirect taxes.

11 Explain the characteristics of Social Goods.
Describe the Ability to Pay Theory in taxation.

12 Discuss the different objectives of Public Finance.
Explain the different factors of Musgrave’s Budgetary Policy.

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