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SW06 Human Growth and Development BSW Question Bank :

Name of the University : Vardhman Mahaveer Open University
Degree : BSW
Subject Code/Name : SW-06 – Human Growth and Development
Year : I
Document Type : Question Bank
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Human Growth & Development :

Section – A
i What is the first stage of development-
ii Who is the author of the book ‘Hereditary Genius’-

Related : VMOU SW05 Personality & Behaviour dynamics BSW Question Bank :

iii What is called the germ cell of male-
iv What is conception-
v Who has given the ‘Social learning theory’ –
vi State the four stages of foetus.
vii Which organ controls the emotions-
viii What is genetic counseling-
ix What is Electra Complex-
x What is Emotional development-
xi Define human behavior.
xii State the parts of the cell.
xiii What is Vocational Adjustment-
xiv Define cultural environment.
xv Define Intelligence.
xvi Give two characteristics of intelligence.
xvii Which age is called as “Transition Age”-
xviii Define Socialization.
xix Mention two problems of old age.
xx What is emotional development.
xxi Give an example of inter- generational relation.

Section – B
1. Describe the stages of human development.
2. Mention the relative importance of heredity and environment.
3. Describe the stages of childhood.
4. Write a note on the problems of aging.
5. Describe the theory of personality development as given by Freud.
6. Examine the role of family in Socialization.
7. What is development- List the various stages of human development.
8. Describe the stages of Human growth.
9. Describe the character tics of adolescent stage.
10. Describe the process of socialization in the adolescent stage.
11. Bring out the stage of social maturity.
12. Give the meaning of emotion. Describe its character tics.
13. What do you mean by aging – Describe its causes.
14. Define human behavior. Discuss its bases.
15. Describe muscle board.
16. Describe early adulthood.
17. Mention the laws of inheritance.
18. Explain Family as a major source of behaviour.
19. Show the impact of school on the child.
20. Mention the impact of environment on personality.
21. Explain the nature of intelligence.
22. Describe the types of intelligence.
23. Discuss the problem effecting learning process.
24. Explain the types of Motivation.

Section – C : (Long Answer Questions)
Note : Attempt any two questions from section C. Each question carries 14 marks. Answer of each question should be given in 800 words. 14 X 2 = 28
1. Describe the physical changes and its importance occurred in adolescence.
Describe the characteristics of adolescence in detail.
2. Explain the emotional life of teenager.
Describe the social maturity stage.
3. What are the causes of old age?
Describe the major problems of old age.
4. What do you mean by human behavior ? Describe the basis of human behaviour.
Define inheritance. Describe its impact on personality.
5. Define Environment. Describe the relations which have affected the individual behaviour.
Describe the impact of the environment on the individual.
6. Define Intelligence. Describe its nature and character tics.
What do you mean by motivation? Describe the process of motivation.
7. What do you mean by intelligence. Describe its major theories.
Define motivation. Discuss the types of motivation.
8. What is the meaning of learning? Describe its nature.
Describe the concept of psychological processess.
9. Explain the studies conducted in the impact of inheritance.
Describe social environment. Discuss its types.
10. Discuss the types of environment .
Write an essay on intelligence.
11. Explain the meaning and different stages of human development.
Describe the theory of personality development as given by Freud.
12. Write an essay on adolescence.
Write an essay on old age.

Historical and Professional Development of Social Work :
Section – A :
i. Who is the founder of Arya Samaj-
ii. Which social and political organization was founded by A.O. Hume-
iii. Write any two social laws passed in post independence India.
iv. What was the objective of New York Society –
v. What do you mean by era of religion-
vi. Who is the founder of the Theosophical society in India.
vii. What is Sharda Act-
viii. What do you mean by Business-
ix. Define term social security.
x. Who is the founder of Ramkrishna Mission-

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