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TNSCERT XII Standard Microbiology Model Question Paper 2019 : Educational Research & Training Tamilnadu

Organisation : State Council of Educational Research and Training Tamilnadu
Exam : Higher Secondary Second Year
Document Type : XII Standard – Model Question Paper Download
Category or Subject : Microbiology
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TNSCERT XII Standard Microbiology Model Question Paper

The Government of Tamil Nadu has taken a policy decision on reducing the maximum marks for Higher Secondary Board Examination from 1200 to 600 in order to reduce the examination stress of students besides reducing the number of papers for Language subjects from two to one.

Related : TNSCERT XII Standard Biology Model Question Paper 2019 :

Note :
** These are only model questions. Teachers and students need to focus only on the Pattern of the questions.


Time : 2.30Hrs
Marks : 70
Answer all the questions : 15 x 1 =15

Section – I

Choose the most suitable answer from the given four alternatives and write the option code and corresponding answer
1 The system of antiseptic surgery was developed by
a. John Tyndall
b. Joseph Listen
c. Louispasteur
d. Robert Koch

2 Fluorescent microscope is used in medical microbiology to observe pathogens such as
a. Treponema pallidum
b. Mycobacterium tuberculosis
c. Staphylo coccus aureus
d. E coil

3 Air-borne infections are transmitted mainly by
a. areosols from person to person
b. inhaling spores or hyphae fragment from oil
c. drinking contaminated water
d. objeccts such as handkerciefs that are containated with respiratory secretions

4 Which of the following biofertilizers is most suitable for paddy crop!
a. Rhizobium
b. Acetobacten
c. Azoto bacterial
d. Azolla

5 Hyaluronidare is an enzyme which acts on
a. cell surface
b.inter cellular cement substance
c. cyteplasm
d. nucleic acid

Download Question Paper :
Model – 1 :
Model – 2 :
Model – 3 :

6 Rice – walis stool is the symptom of
a. amuebic dysentery
b.bacillary dysentery
c. cholera
d. Tetanus

7 ___________ are cell wals less bacteria
b. clostridium
c. mycoplasma

8 L.donovani was first discovered in the year

9 Which bacteria appear cluslers
a. staphylococci
b.sterpto cocci
c. both a and b
d. none of these

10 candida stains
a. Gram positive
b. Gram negative
c. Gram variable
d. Acid F art

11 Brucellosis is a________________ diseare
a. Sexual transmitted
b. Zoonific
c. Central nerves disease
d. Gastro intestinal disease

12 Thymus is located in which parts of the body
a. Respiratory tract
b. Thoracic cavity
c. abdomen
d. Intestinal tract

13 Which antibody is raised during allergic responses
c. IgG

14 64 codons are called as______________
a.Stop codom
b.sense codons
c.genetic code
d. all the above

15 Which of the following is involved in pyrimidine dimer repain
a.mismatch repain
b. Photo reactivation
c. Excision repain
d. All the above

Section – II

Answer any six questions : 6 x 2 = 12
Question No 16 is compulsory
16 Define fermentation. Give example.
17 What is meant by Aerosol?
18 Define partial clearing heamolysis.
19 Define cycsticercosis
20 Write about the Delta Agent
21 Draw the structure of bilobed lymphotic organ and label the parts
22 What are the clinical manifestation of phanyngeal diphtheria
23 List out the fluorochromes used in immunoglobulins
24 Write any four important products produced from animals cell cultures

Section – III

Answer any six questions : 6 x 3 = 18
No. 32 is compulsory
25 Write about a short note on Eutrophication
26 Define Biofertilizer with example and write their Role.
27 What are the infections due to salmonella
28 Chaga’s disease is which type of disease.Write the casetive agent and/their Epidemiology
29 Write the raw materials for penicillin production
30 What is antiseptic agent? Give example.
31 What are the mode of transmission of HIV
32 Write about the short notes on circular DNA molecule with example.
33 Explain the structure of Ti plasmid

Section – IV

Answer the following questions : 5 x 5 = 25
34 Define Glycolysis? Explain Embden-Meycerh pathway
Describe the characteristic of curved shape bacteria and write the symptoms of cholerae

35 Write the composition of Biogas? Describe the production of Biogas.
Explain the life cycle of Liver Flukes

36 Write a short notes on TEM
Describe the laboratory diagnosis of lyme disease

37 Write the difference between immediate hypersensitivity and delayed hypersensitivity
Describe the conjugation bacteria and write the siginificance.

38 Prevention and control measurment of c.tatani
Explain the development of T cell.

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