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KUHS lmmunohaematology, lmmunogenetics & Applied Serology MD Previous Question Paper

Name of the University : Kerala University of Health Sciences
Degree : PG Degree Examinations in Transfusion Medicine (MD)
Subject Name : lmmunohaematology, lmmunogenetics and Applied Serology
Paper : I,II,III & IV
Year : May 2013
Document Type : Previous Question Paper
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KUHS Transfusion Medicine Previous Question Paper

PG Degree Examinations in Transfusion Medicine (MD) – May 2013
lmmunohaematology, lmmunogenetics & Applied Serology
Time: 3 hrs
Max marks:100
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Related : KUHS Basic Sciences as Applied to Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation MD Model Question Paper :

May 2012

Paper I

Essays: (20)
1. Describe the requisite elements of pre transfusion testing and explain how the pre transfusion test differs between conventional cross matched blood and units released by electronic cross match.
Short essays: (8×10=80)
2. Ii antigen system.
3. Poly agglutination.
4. Elution procedures and its application.
5. Discuss about “Levey-Jenning chart” and its application in transfusion medicine.
6. What is meant by “Window Period” and “Residual Risk” in relation to the microbial screening of the blood supply.
7. Weak D and partial D antigens.
8. Chimerism
9. Mechanisms of drug induced haemolytic anemia.

Paper II

Applied Aspects of Basic Sciences in Relation to Transfusion Medicine
Time: 3 hrs
Max marks:100
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Essays: (20)
1. Explain in detail about the structure, function and metabolism of platelets. Add a note on platelet preservatives.
Short essays: (10×8=80)
2. Types of lymphocytes and its function.
3. Red cell glucose metabolism and the importance of G6PD enzyme.
4. Pathophysiology and laboratory features of intravascular and extravascular haemolysis.
5. Mendelian law of inheritance
6. Pathophysiology of disseminated intravascular coagulation.
7. Discuss the complement system and its applied importance in transfusion medicine.
8. Secretor status and its application.
9. High titre low avidity antibody .

Paper III

Blood Donor Organization, Technology of Components, Clinical Hemotherapy
Time: 3 hrs
Max marks:100
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Essays: (20)
1. Discuss the various transfusion regimens for thalassemia major patients. How will you organize transfusion support in these patients based on their special needs.
Short essays: (8×10=80)
2. Strategies to improve voluntary blood donation in India
3. Leucoreduction
4. Prophylactic platelet transfusion
5. Red cell additive solutions
6. Therapeutic plasma exchange
7. Cryopreservation of red cells
8. Transfusion related acute lung Injury
9. Quality control for ELISA testing for transfusion transmissible viral infections

Paper IV

Recent Advances & Technology
Time: 3 hrs
Max marks:100
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Essays: (20)
1. Discuss the viral inactivation techniques for various blood components and mention their current status for use in transfusion services.
Short essays: (8×10=80)
2. Recombinant coagulation factors
3. Prion disease
4. Platelet substitutes
5. Computer cross-match
6. Cord blood banking
7. Universal red cells
8. Molecular epidemiology of HGV and its significance
9. Principles of flow cytometry and applications in transfusion medicine

November 2013

Paper II

Immunohaematology, Immunogenetics and Applied Serology
Time: 3 hrs
Max marks:100
• Answer all questions
• Draw diagrams wherever necessary
Essays: (20)
1. Describe various elements of compatibility testing. How will you resolve a case of incompatible cross match and provide appropriate unit of red cells.

Short essays: (8×10=80)
2. Describe role of various neutralising substances in red cell antibody identification
3. High titre low avidity (HTLA) antibody
4. Discuss the role of blood groups in paternity testing
5. Describe various types of anti sera used for typing RhD with its uses
6. DAT negative auto immune haemolytic anaemia
7. Immunohematological monitoring in ABO mismatched BMT
8. Quality standards for blood grouping anti sera
9. Quantification of foeto-maternal haemorrhage

Paper III

Blood Donor Organization, Technology of Components, Clinical Hemotherapy
Time: 3 hrs
Max marks:100
Answer all questions
Draw diagrams wherever necessary
Essays: (20)
1. Define massive haemorrhage. Draft a protocol for the management of life threatening haemorrhage in both elective (surgical/obstetrics) and emergency situations.

Short essays: (8×10=80)
2. Use of Rh D negative RBC (mandatory and acceptable) indications.
3. What is maximum blood ordering schedule (MSBOS). Why it is relevant for preoperative autologous donation.
4. Blood transfusion practices in neonates.
5. Hemovigilance.
6. Leukoreduction of blood products
7. National blood policy.
8. Root cause analysis of failed test runs.
9. Harvesting and preservation of peripheral blood stem cells.

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