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CE1201 Applied Geology BE Question Bank :

Name of the College : Ganesh College of Engineering
University : Anna University
Subject Code/Name : CE 1201 –Applied Geology
Dept : Civil Engineering
Degree : BE
Sem: III
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Document Type : Question Bank

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Ganesh College Applied Geology Question Paper

UNIT – I :

General Geology

1. Write short notes on Marcalli Scale.
The intensity of earthquake can be measured with the help of Mercali scale. Their measurements are expressed for degree of vibration.

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2. Define Plate Tectonics.
Plate Tectonics is based primarily due to seismic and geomagnetic activities. In this concept, the upper part of the earth up to a depth of 100 km is actually divided into seven to ten major blocks called plates.

3. Write notes on Fluvial Glacial drift.
This is also called Stratified Drift. In this accumulation, Melts water plays a prominent part in their deposition. These deposition exhibit a definite sorting according to grain size of the particles like stream deposits.

4. Define weathering. Name the different types of weathering.
The term weathering means, the process of physical is breaking up (ie, Disintegration) and chemical rolling up (ie, Decomposition) of rock occurring simultaneously.
5. Define Continental Drift.
Accumulation of glacial debris directly from glacial melt waters are collectively called continental drift.
6. Write short notes on Moraines.
Moraines may be defined as accumulation of glacial debris (fragments of rocks, sand) that are found either on the base of an existing glacier or at various places along a glacial valley. These material are mostly unasserted and forms a till types deposit.
7. Define Physical Geology.
It deals with various process of physical agent, such as Wind, Running water, Glaciers and Sea water.
8. Define Structural Geology.
It deals with arrangement or architecture of rocks. It also includes the factors like folds, faults and joints.
9. Define Field Geology.
It deals with study of rocks along with their structural behaviour and mineralogical composition in the field.
10. What is meant by physical weathering?
Disintegration of physical breaking up of the rocks is called physical weathering. The main agents involved of wind, Running water and glaciers .It is most active in cold, Dry and higher area of earth surface.
11. Explain deflection in erosion in wind.
In this process, lose particles are removed by flowing winds. The blowing wind lift up the loose, Dry and incoherent rock particles, except hard and compact masses, which remains in their original position.
12. What are the factors depends on the intensity of running water.
Velocity of the water, Nature of the soil over with the water runs , Load conditions of the rainy water.
13. Define divergent movement.
The boundaries of two adjoining large plates move away from each other there by creating a gap through this gap the hot lava comes out.
14. Define convergent movement.
The boundaries of two large plates move towards each other plate and push the latter upwards in from of the mountain.
15. What are the factors depends on the intensity of wind erosion.
Nature of region over which the wind flow, Velocity of the wind.
16. Define till.
It is also called unstratified drift and its most common from of glacial deposit. The dense deposited till thoroughly compacted is known as tillite.
17. What are the types of moraines.
Lateral moraines, Mediam moraines,end moraines,Grand moraines,Drammlins.
18. Explain kames.
These are low stratified or layered hills occurring in isolated pactcher in deserts. Kames are characterized with rounded outlines and steep slopes on sides.
19. Define eskers.
These are narrow long ridges of poorly stratified drift with steeply sloping sides and zigzag out line.
20. Define aquifier.
It is defined as a rock mats, a layer or formation which is saturated with ground water and yielding the stored water at economical costs when tapped. The quality is depend on the amount of water bearing capacity rate of yield gravels etc.

UNIT- 2 :


1. What is mean by faces?
A crystal may be defined as a solid regular, polyhedral from bounded by smooth geometrical surfaces called faces.
2. Define crystallography.
Crystallography is that branch of science which deals with all the aspects of crystals that is their formation from the melts their internal structure and their external shape or morphology.

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