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MVN AHL005 Effective Communication Diploma Previous Year Question Papers

Name of the College : MVN University
Subject Code/Name :AHL-005-Effective Communication-1
Year : Jan.2014
Degree : Diploma
Sem : I
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Document Type : Previous Year Question Paper

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MVN Communication Previous Year Question Papers

Time Allowed: 03 hours.
Maximum Marks: 100

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Before answering the question paper the candidate should ensure that they have been supplied the correct question paper. Complaints in this regard, if any, shall not be entertained after the examination.
Note: Question No. 1 is Compulsory and attempt two questions from each section. All questions carry equal marks.

Effective Communication – I

1. Do as directed. (10*2=20 marks)
i. What do you mean by articles in English language explain with examples.
ii. What are speech sounds?
iii. Write phonetic symbol of any 4 diphthongs with examples.
iv. Write the synonyms of the following words: Ultimate, Suitable.
v. Provide antonyms of the following words: Friend, Leisure .
vi. Make the sentence with the following idioms: A bone of contention, Crocodile’s tears.
vii. Define formal letter. How is it different from informal letter?

viii. Form the words as directed:
Prefix: mono, super
Suffix: wise, tion
ix. Define Précis Writing.
x. Who is the Writer of Mushroom of Death.

2. (a) Provide synonyms of the following words: 5*4=20
Welcome, Large, Favourite , Urgent, Teach
(b) Provide antonyms of the following words:
Pleasure, justified, Organize, Closed, Successful
(c) Make sentences with the following idioms:
i. An apple of discord
ii. Catch someone red-handed
iii. Once in a blue moon
iv. An apple of one’s eyes
v. Keep an eye on something/somebody
(d) Make one word with the following prefixes and suffixes:
i) Pre- ii) Ultra- iii) –ful iv) –worthy v) –tion
3. Write the correct form of verb given in the bracket in the following sentences: (10)
i. The sun (rise) in the east.
ii. I (go) to my friend’s home today.
iii. It (rain) since morning.
iv. Sweta (come) to my home yesterday.
v. The patient (died) before the doctor (come).
vi. I thing India (win) the match tomorrow.
vii. We (go) to Agara tomorrow.
viii. I (stay ) here till Sunday.
ix. He (wait) for you at the college gate.
x. I (leave) for Kolkata tomorrow.

5. (a) Write a paragraph on your favorite historical place (300 words). (10)
(b) (10)
(i) Fill in an article (THE, A, AN) where necessary – or leave blank!
1. ______ Teachers are like ______ weather, one minute they’re good, ______ other they’re bad.
2. Jake took out ______ beer opened it and drank ______ cold beer from ______ bottle. ______ beer always tasted better from ______ bottle.
3. She is on ______ diet, so she ordered ______ calorie-free dinner.
4. We’d like to have ______ wedding in ______ early fall, in early October if possible.
5. Emma’s eyes rested on ______ letter. Here was ______ opportunity she had been waiting for.
(ii) Fill in the blanks with correct Prepositions:
a) I know that you suffer _____a serious cold, take this medicine.
b) Please, wait_____ me.
c) I am not accustomed_____ such behavior.
d) I forgot to thank you _____your assistance.
e) Children should not talk______ each other during the lesson.

Effective Communication – II

Subject Code: AHL-006
Time Allowed: 03 hours.
Maximum Marks: 100
Before answering the question paper the candidate should ensure that they have been supplied the correct question paper. Complaints in this regard, if any, shall not be entertained after the examination.

Question no. 1 is compulsory. Attempt any two questions from each section.
Q. 1. Answer the following questions
1) Give any two monosyllabic vowels with example of one word with each.
2) Define the following: (a)verb (b) noun
3) Who is the author of ‘The Mushroom of Death’, chapter prescribed in your syllabus.
4) Give some examples of written communication.
5) Make nouns from the words: Originate, Govern.

Section-A :
Q. 2 (A) Differentiate between the pairs of words by using in sentences. (any 5)
1) Check- Cheque
2) Principal- Principle
3) Beside- Besides
4) Old-Ancient
5) Between- Among
6)Stationary- Stationery
7) Medal- Meddle

(B) Give one word substitute of any five of the following
1) One who is present everywhere
2) Killer of Father
3) A person suffering from nervous breakdown
4) One who believes in God
5) The study of animals
6) That which lives in water
7) That happens every year

(C) Do as directed (any 5)
1) Operation (make verb) 2) Happy (make noun)
3) Friend (make noun) 4) Intend (Make noun)
5) Soft (make verb) 6) Magic (make noun)
7) Simple (make verb)

(D) Correct any 10 of the misspelt words given below:
Accomodate, acheive, accross, Cemetary, apperant, fourty, goverment, grammer, garantee, experiement, acquir.

Q.3 ( A) Write down 5 monosyllabic vowels. Give two words for each vowel.

(B) Write down 5 consonants. Give two examples.
Q. 4(A) Correct the following sentences: (Any 5)
1) There are many sheeps in the field.
2) Give me a scissor.
3) What is your book’s price.
4) Ram and Shyam goes to play.
5) Either he or she are responsible.
6) She is junior than me.
7) Dog is the faithful animal.

(B) Change the following sentences from Active voice to the passive voice. (Any 5)
1) The cat killed the mouse.
2) She loves Savitri.
3) They made him king.
4) Who did this?
5) We will finish this work.
6) All his friends are laughing at him.
7) He beats Ram.

(C) Turn the following into Indirect speech. (Any 5)
1) Ram said, “I am very busy now.”
2) He said to Arjun “Go away.”
3) Radha said, “ She is unwell.”
4) She said to me, “What are you doing?”
5) I said to him, “I don’t believe you.”
6) The teacher said, “The earth goes round the sun.”
7) The police man said to us, “Where are you going.”

Section-B :
Q.5 (A) Write a paragraph on any of the instrument or equipment used in your college laboratories.
(B) Write down a report on a ‘Blood Donation Camp’ held in your college before some days.

Q.6 Read the passage given bellow and answer the following questions that follow:
The great advantage of early rising is the good start it gives us in our day’s work. The early riser has done a large amount of work before other men get out of bed. In the early morning, the mind is fresh andthere are few sounds and other distractions. So the work done at that time is generally well done. The early riser also finds time to take some exercise in the fresh morning air, and this exercise supplies him with a fund of energy that will last until the evening. By beginning early, he knows that he has plenty of time to do thoroughly. All his work is finished in good time and he goes to bed early. He gets several hours of sleep before midnight when sleep is most refreshing. After a sound night’s rest he rises early next morning in good health and spirit for the labour of a new day.

1) How does early rising give us a good star?
2) Why is the work done in the early morning generally better?
3) What is the advantage of exercise?
4) Why does the early riser not have to hurry up?
5) Give the meanings of: Labour, Plenty.

Q. 7 Answer the following questions:
(A) Access the effects of a global exchange of stock piled nuclear war heads?
(B) Differentiate clearly between experimenting and experiencing.

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