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MVN CAL209 Computer Application in Management BBA Previous Year Question Paper

Name of the College : MVN University
Subject Code/Name : CAL-209-Computer Application in Management
Year : Jan.2014
Degree : BBA
Sem : III
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Document Type : Previous Year Question Paper

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MVN Computer Application Management Previous Paper

Time Allowed: 03 hours.
Maximum Marks: 100

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Before answering the question paper the candidate should ensure that they have been supplied the correct question paper. Complaints in this regard, if any, shall not be entertained after the examination.

January 2014

Note: Question No. 1 is Compulsory and attempt two questions from each section. All questions carry equal marks.
1 (a) What do you mean by RAM? Write down the difference between RAM and ROM. (5)
(b)What is MS Word? Explain all the elements in Ms Word. (5)
(c)What are search engine? Write name of some popular search engines. (5)
(d)What do you mean by data integrity? How data integrity can be implemented in database? (5)

2(a) Explain High level languages. What are its merits and demerits? Name any two HLL. (10)
(b). What are the various applications of computer in business? How does it improve the business? Explain in detail. (10)
3 (a) What is the purpose of Mail- merge? How to Mail-Merge in MSWord?. (10)
(b) What is MS Excel? What are the important features of Ms Excel? Also discuss the various types of function available in MS- Excel to perform calculation. (10)
4(a) What is a network? Discuss the various network topologies along with their advantages and disadvantages. Which topology need maximum amount of cabling? (10)
(b) What do you mean by term long term communication? Explain the different kind of techniques used for long term communication. (10)

5(a) What are the uses of computers in medical science? How it has changed the medical science? (10)
(b)Describe the use, advantages, disadvantages and working of Internet. (10)
6(a) What do you mean by an attribute? What are the different types of attributes possible in database? Explain in brief. (5)
(b) What is Data Redundancy? How it can be minimized with the help of database? Explain. (5)
(c) What do you mean by database? What are the merits and demerits of database? (10)
7. Write a short note on
(i) “Business may highly benefit from the application of multimedia” Discuss. (5)
(ii) What is the most important feature of web-based multimedia? Explain in brief (5)
(iii) What do you understand by multimedia? What are the applications of multimedia in various fields? Explain in brief. (10)

July 2013

Basics Of Computer
Subject Code: CAL-107
Time Allowed: 03 hours.
Maximum Marks: 100
Note :
Before answering the question paper the candidate should ensure that they have been supplied the correct question paper.
Complaints in this regard, if any, shall not be entertained after the examination.
Attempt any five questions and all questions carry equal marks.

Section – A :
1 i) What is a Computer? Explain the basic structure of Computer and its working? (10)
ii) What do you mean by Machine language? Write down the feature of High Level Language over Assembly language? (10)

2 Explain the following (20)
i) Hard Disk
ii) Joystick
iii) ROM & its types
iv) CD-ROM

3 i) Why is Binary Number System used by Computers? (5)
ii) Convert the Decimal Number (0.125)10 into Octal equivalent? (5)
iii) Convert the Octal number (5043)8 into Binary equivalent?(5)
iv) Convert the Hexadecimal Number (5D.8F)16 into binary Equivalent. (5)

Section – B :
4 i) What is an Operating System? Explain the Types of Operating System? (10)
ii) Briefly define Booting process? (5)
iii) Explain Start Up Sequence in Operating System (5)

5 i) What is Wide Area Network (WAN)? Write down difference between LAN and WAN? (10)
ii) Analog and Digital Transmission (5)
iii) Synchronous and Asynchronous Transmission (5)

6 a) Write down the Syntax for following (15)
i) Creation of Files
ii) How to create Subdirectory
iii) Renaming files in Directory
iv) Deleting files from Directory
v) Concept of Path and Pathnames
b) Flash Memory (5)

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