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AHL117 Communication Skills & Personality Development BBA Question Paper :

Name of the College : MVN University
Subject Code/Name : AHL-117-Communication Skills and Personality Development
Year : Jan.2014
Degree : BBA
Sem : I
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Document Type : Model Question Paper

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MVN Communication Skills Question Paper

Time Allowed: 03 hours.
Maximum Marks: 100

Related : MVN University AHL108 Environmental Studies MBA Question Paper :

Before answering the question paper the candidate should ensure that they have been supplied the correct question paper. Complaints in this regard, if any, shall not be entertained after the examination.
Note: All questions carry equal marks. Ques. No. 1 is Compulsory and attempt two questions from each section.
1. Do as directed. [10*2=20]
a. Use the words, Contrast & dawn in your own sentences as verb as well as noun.
b. Correct the sentence ‘i. Govind is reading for 2 hours. ii. My brother has come yesterday from Mathura.’

c. Punctuate the following:
yes raghu but if i let you go my mind will never be at peace i know you were the best cosmonaut of the annual space meet but to go to the moon and mars by yourself and to take vimala and manu and preeti i think that’s too much.
d. Define Communication.
e. What are main elements of communication?
f. What do you mean by body languages
g. What are the main things to keep in mind while preparing for a job interview?
h. Write the layout of a business letter.
i. What difference between business and personal letter?
j. Define sale letter.


2. (a) Correct the following sentences: [10]
i. Every one of the applicants were selected.
ii. Neither he nor his wife are willing to leave this house.
iii. A lot of money have been spent on this project
iv. The ruler and warrior have arrived.
v. It is ten in my watch.
vi. The news is very good to be true.
vii. Bread and butter are his daily breakfast.
viii. We discussed about the matter.
ix. I, who is your friend, will never cheat you.
x. I and Harry want to study.
(b) Change the following words as directed and use each in your own sentences: [10]
Verb to Noun: know, tell, Apply, admit
Adjective to Noun: true, adverse, happy, solid
3. (a) Write a note on process of communication. What are the points to keep in mind to make communication effective? [10]
(b) Explain “Communication is the life blood of business”. Why is Communication considered an important responsibility of Managers? [10]
4 (a) Write a GD among candidates A, B, C, D & E on the topic, ‘Causes and remedy of unemployment’. [10]
(b) Write a speech on ‘Indian Economy’. [10]


5. What are various purposes of writing business letters? Give specific examples. [20]
6. Write letter based on following details: Your firm had ordered for 100 water coolers for Alpha electrical appliances Ltd., New Delhi. Out of 100, 20 water coolers were found in damaged condition on their arrival. As the manager of your firm write a letter to place the order and a complaint letter seeking replacement or adjustments. [20]
7. Explain the elements of communication with the help of a diagram. Also write a note on communication networks? [20]

Professional Communication – I

2(a) Write a ‘Self Introduction’ which you have prepared for appearing in an interview for a job? [10]
(b) Write two free speeches one on the occasion of Fresher’s Party and another on Farewell Party’. [10]
3. (a) Write the symbol of all diphthongs with at least on example. [10]

(ii). Fill in the blank with correct forms of the word (any five) :
i. Mira said that her father………(go) to Agra next week.
ii. Fire and water do not………(agrees)
iii. No news………( are) good news
iv. It …………(seem) to be a nice and pleasant day.
v. The earth…………(moves) round the sun
vi. Are you ………(come) with us?
(b) (i) Fill suitable preposition in the blank [10]
i. Ram is standing ……the tree.
ii. The book is…….the table.
iii. He looked….him.
iv. The hunter shot the tiger…….gun.
v. I saw a snake…… tree.

(ii) Fill in the blanks with the appropriate tense forms :
i. I ……….. my work tomorrow. (do)
ii. It…………since morning. (rain)
iii. They…….a cricket match now. (watch)
iv. Rita…… to the market yesterday. (go)
v. Neha…….at the concert tomorrow. (sing)
7. What makes the author believe that by 2050 AD there will be adequate increase in food production? [20]

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