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MVN CEL205 Engineering Geology MBA Previous Year Question Paper

Name of the College : MVN University
Department : Management Studies
Subject Code/Name : CEL-205-Engineering Geology
Year : Jan.2014
Degree : MBA
Sem : III
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Document Type : Previous Year Question Paper

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MVN Engineering Geology Previous Question Paper

Time Allowed: 03 hours.
Maximum Marks: 100

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** Before answering the question paper the candidate should ensure that they have been supplied the correct question paper.
** Complaints in this regard, if any, shall not be entertained after the examination.

January 2014

Note: Question No. 1 is Compulsory and attempt two questions from each section. All questions carry equal marks.
1. Answer All of the following:
i. What are differences between Weathering and Erosion.
ii. Briefly explain the internal structure of Earth.
iii. What are the different types of rock? How are they formed?
iv. Explain different types of Aquifers?
v. What are folds and Faults?

2(a) What are the different forces that cause erosion?
(b) Explain in detail how water, ice and Wind help in the formation of soil from rocks?
3. What are the different mechanisms of classification of rocks? How igneous rocks are different from that of metamorphic rocks? How sedimentary rocks are formed?
4. What are faults? How are they formed? What are different basis for the classification of faults? Explain their types as well?

5(a) What do you understand by geological investigations? How are they important in terms of civil Engineering?
(b) What are the different types of Aquifers? How aquifers are recharged? What is the mechanism of flow of water inside our earth?
6. What do you understand by an Earthquake? What are its causes? How folds and faults effects the occurrence of an earthquake?

7. Attempt Both:
(a) What are Dams? What are its different types? What are the different forces that act in it?
(b) What are geological considerations for the construction of Dams? What are the different points that we look before selecting a site for a dam?

June 2014

Consumer Behaviour
Subject Code: MSL- 613
Time Allowed: 03 hours.
Maximum Marks: 100
Before answering the question paper the candidate should ensure that they have been supplied the correct question paper.
Complaints in this regard, if any, shall not be entertained after the examination.
Question No. 1 is Compulsory and attempt two questions from each section. All questions carry equal marks.
1. a) Explain consumer’s sensory thresholds?
b) What is dissonance?
c) How is personality important in consumer behavior?
d) What do you mean by diffusion of innovation
e) What is difference between need and goals?

2. What are the consumption differences you can observe with reference to durable and non-durable products based on social factors.
3. Elaborate the impact of involvement towards purchase. Also state the possible results of involvement based on marketing factors such as advertisement, product features etc.
4. What is the methodology used to study consumer behavior? Also explain the steps involved in it?

5. Discuss briefly the Howard Sheth and Nicosia models of consumer decision making. Also discuss its importance in marketing.
6. Define culture. Explain briefly:
a.) The characteristics of culture and factors influencing culture.
b.) The norms, values and behavior of the sub-culture’s members.
7. “The marketing concept laid the ground work for the application of consumer behavior principles to marketing strategy?” Explain.

June 2013

International Financial Management (IB)
Subject Code: MSL- 625
Time Allowed: 03 hours.
Maximum Marks: 100
** Before answering the question paper the candidate should ensure that they have been supplied the correct question paper.
** Complaints in this regard, if any, shall not be entertained after the examination.
** Question No. 1 is Compulsory and attempt two questions from each section. All questions carry equal marks.

1. Write short notes on:- (4*5- 20)
A) External Commercial Borrowings
B) Euro Currency Market
C) Economic Exposure
D) Interest Rate Parity
E) NPV method

2. What do you mean by Exchange Rate? Explain different Exchange Rate regimes. (20)

3. Your company has to make aUs $ 1 million payment in three months’time. The dollars are available now. You decide to invest for 3 months, and you have following information, Annual Int rate in US = 8%, annual Int rate in Sterling= 10%, spot Exchange Rate= $1.80/pound,
3 month forward rate= $1.78/pound. Where should company invest for better results? (20)

4. What do you mean by ADR? What are its advantages. Discuss the process of issuing a ADR/ GDR? (20)

5. Elucidate the various techniques to optimize cash inflows? Explain with examples (20)
6. What is Transaction Exposure? How it is managed? (20)
7. What do you mean by Double Taxation? What are relief provisions against it? (20)

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