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BA1722 Service Marketing MBA Question Bank :

Name of the College : Noorul Islam College of Engineering
University : Anna University
Degree : MBA
Department : Management Studies
Subject Code/Name : BA 1722 – Service Marketing
Year : 2nd
Semester : 3rd
Document Type : Question Bank
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NICE Service Marketing Question Paper

1. Define services from a marketing view -point :
A service is any activity or benefit that one party can offer to another that is intangible and does not result in the ownership of anything. Its production may or may not tied to a physical product.

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2. List the factors, which are responsible for the growth of services industry :
Increasing affluence, more leisure time, greater life expectancy, higher percentage of working women in the labour force, increasing complexity of life, greater complexity of products, greater concern for resource scarcity and ecology, increasing number of new products.

3. What are the characteristics of services? :
** Intangibility
** Inseparability
** Heterogeneity
** Perishability
** Lack of ownership.

4. Explain intangibility :
Intangibility means that unlike goods, service cannot be seen, touched and felt or smelled or even heard before they are purchased. In case of products, for example soap, you can see, feel, touch, smell, and use to check its effectiveness in cleaning. However, services, for example education service , you are paying for the benefit of deriving knowledge and education, which is delivered to you by teachers. In contrast to the soap where you can immediately check its benefits, there is no way you can do in case of teachers who are providing you the benefits. Teaching is an intangible service.

5. What are intangible features of services? :
** A service cannot be touched
** Precise standardization is not possible
** A service cannot be patented, displayed

6. What are the problems in marketing due to intangibility? :
** No samples, no display
** Production and consumption are inseparable
** There are no inventories of service
** Intermediary’s roles are different
** Consumption is a part of the delivery system

7. What is inseparability? :
Inseparability suggests that services are produced, distributed, and consumed simultaneously. In most cases, service cannot be separated from the person or firm providing it. A plumber has to be physically present to provide the service.

8. What is heterogeneity? :
Heterogeneity means that services delivered generally vary in quality time consumed in delivery, and the extent of service provided. Since people deliver most services, they are variable.

9. What is perishability? :
Perishability means that the services cannot be stored. Its production and consumption takes place simultaneously. Examples, a car mechanic who has no cars to repair today, or spare berths on a train, unsold seats in a cinema hall represent service capacity, which is lost forever.

10. What are problems in service marketing due to intangibility characteristics? :
Cannot be stored, no patents, no samples, no display, communication problem, pricing difficulties

11. What are the strategies to overcome difficulties due to intangibility? :
Focus on providing tangible clues, personal sources, word of mouth, organizational image, cost accounting for prices, post purchase communication

12. What are the problems due to inseparability? :
** Consumer involved in production
** No mass production
** Supply- demand mismatch
** Inventorying not possible

13. How do you overcome the problems due to inseparability? :
** Learn to work in larger groups
** Train more service performers.
** Multi-site location
** Develop reputation
** Manage consumer

14. What are the problems due to heterogeneity? :
** Standardisation difficult
** Quality control difficult

15. How do you overcome difficulties due to heterogeneity? :
** Mechanize and automate the activities
** Careful selection and training of more contact person
** Define behaviour norms

16. What are the problems due to perishability? :
** Cannot be stored
** Problems of demand fluctuation

17. How do you overcome the difficulty due to perishability? :
** Better match between supply and demand by pricing strategies,
** Market positioning and targeting

18. Illustrate goods service continuum :
1. Tangible goods- salt, soft drinks
2. Tangible goods with some service- Computer, car
3. Tangible goods and services in equal measure- fast food
4. Service with some tangible good- Airlines
5. Pure service- education, management consultancy

19. What are the myths about services? :
** A service economy produces services at the expense of other sectors
** Service jobs are low paying and menial
** Service production is labour intensive and low in productivity

20. What is innovation diffusion? :
When a service is innovative, it spreads to other personnel also, depending consumer’s perception about innovation.

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