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BA1733 Managerial Behaviour & Effectiveness MBA Question Bank :

Name of the College : Noorul Islam College of Engineering
University : Anna University
Degree : MBA
Department : Management Studies
Subject Code/Name : BA 1733 – Managerial Behaviour & Effectiveness
Year : 2nd
Semester : 3rd
Document Type : Question Bank
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NICE Managerial Behaviour & Effectiveness Question Paper


1. Define manager? :
Manager is a person who plans, organises directs & controls the allocation of human, material, financial& information resources in pursuit of the organisation goals.

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2. Define managerial job? :
A managerial job should be based on a task that has to be done to attain the company’s objectives.It should always a real job- one that makes a visible if possible measurable contribution to the success of the organisation.

3. List out the types of managers? :
Functional, General, Administrative, Entrepreneors small business owners, Team leaders.

4. Kinds of effectiveness :
Apparent effectiveness, personal effectiveness, Leadership effectiveness, Team effectiveness, Organisational effectiveness, Managerial effectiveness.

5. Role of manager regarding decision making :
Entrepreneurship role, Disturbance handling role, Resource allocation role, Negotiation role.

6. How to improve decision making? :
1. Brain storming
2. Nominal group technique
3. Electronic meeting

7. Types of control :
** Feed forward control
** Concurrent control
** feed back control

8. Methods of control :
Mechanistic, Organic, Market, Finance of accounting, Automation based control.

9. Managerial part in socialisation :
** To improve competency in job
** To make commitment in organisation
** To make confidence in himself

10. Motivational programmes :
Empowerment, Job design, Pay for performance, Employee stock ownership plan, Lumpsome bonus, payment for knowledge, job organisation approach, Individual difference approach.

11. Job design means to design the characteristics of the job
a) Skill varieties
b) Task identity
c) Task significance
d) Autonomy
e) Feed back

13. List the eight management methods? :
1. Empirical method
2. Managerial role method
3. Contingency or situvational method
4. Interpersonal beharioural method
5. Group behavioural method
6. Decision method
7. Systems method
8. Mekinsey,s frame work method.

14. Equation for effective time management? :
Effective time management = Right motivation+Right frame of mind+right teaching.

15. Define job behaviour? :
Job behaviour means the total set of work related behaviour that the organisation expects the individuals to display.
** Effective job behaviour
** Ineffective job behaviour


1. Classify the talents?
Striving, Thinking, Related talents.

2. Striving talents:
It explains why a personal is motivated to push of pull.
a) Stamina for physical Endure
b) Vision to picturise the future events

3. Thinking talents:
It explains have a manager can think and how he take decisions.
a) Strategic thinking
b) Strategic formulation
c) Creativity

4. Related talents:
It explains whom he is the persons whom he trust, with whom he build relationship, with whom he confront and ignore.

5. Managerial ability:
Supervisor ability, Intelligence , Initative,Interactomg ability, Organisation ability.

6. Managerial traits:
More mature, Less egostical, Less defensive, More willingness to consult experts, self confidence, Impressive, Consistency.

7. Identification of Managerial talents:
Performance appraisal, Job enlargement, Decentralisation & delegation, Participation of consultative management, Based on productivity, Orgn image, Orgn position in business setup, Public relations, Services provided, Product quality, Employees stability

8. Internal sources of recruitment:
Orgn database, Job postings, Promotion, Transfer, Deputation, Current employee references, recruiting.

9. External sources of recruitment:
Campus recruitment, Advertisment, Employment, Professional associates, Modem recruitment.

10. Executive selection:
Application pool, Selection devises, Psychometric testing,.

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