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CE1204 Construction Techniques Equipments B.E Question Bank :

Name of the College : Noorul Islam College of Engineering
University : Anna University
Degree : B.E
Department : Civil Engineering
Subject Code/Name : CE 1204 – Construction Techniques Equipments
Document Type : Question Bank
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NICE Construction Techniques Equipment Question Paper

Unit 1 :
1. What do you understand by shoring? : The temporary support provided to an unsafe structure or to a structure undergoing alteration is called a shore and the method of construction is called shoring.

Related : Noorul Islam College of Engineering CE1304 Environmental Engineering B.E Question Bank :

i. When a wall shows signs of building out due to bad workmanship.
ii. When a wall cracks due to unequal settlement of foundation and the cracked wall needs repairs.
iii. When openings are to be made or enlarged in the wall.

2. What are the types of shores? :
1) Raking shore
2) Flying shore
3) Dead shore

3. What do you understand by SCAFFOLDINGS? :
These are temporary erections constructed to support a number of platforms at different heights raised for the convenience of workers so as to enable them to work easily and raise the needed materials.

4. Give the materials of formwork? :
Formwork can be made out of timber, plywood, steel, precast concrete, fibre glass, used separately or combination.

5. What are the classifications of piles? :
1. Load bearing piles
i. Based on the load bearing
a) Bearing pile
b) Friction pile
ii. Based on the pile materials
a) Cast-iron
b) Cement concrete
c) Sand
d) Steel
e) Timber
f) Wrought-iron
2. Non-load bearing piles

6. What are the classifications of stone masonry? :
1) Rubble Masonry :
i. Coursed Rubble Masonry
ii. Uncoursed Rubble Masonry
iii. Random Rubble Masonry

2) Ashlar Masonry :
i. Ashlar fine Masonry
ii. Ashlar chamfered
iii. Ashlar block-in-course

7. Define BONDING? :
The interlocking arrangement of bricks,so as to avoid the occurrence of continuous vertical joints is known as bond.

8. What are the different types of bonds? :
i. Header bond
ii. Stretcher bond
iii. English bond
iv. Flemish bond
v. Raking bond
A. Diamond bond
B. Zig-Zag bond
ix. Garden wall bond

9. Distinguish between English and Flemish bond? :
English bond :
1.It consist of headers and stretchers in alternate course.
2.A queen closer is placed next to the Quion header in each header course to the full thickness of the wall to create bond.
3.Each alternate header lies centrally over a stretcher of the stretcher course.

Flemish bond :
1.It consist of headers and stretchers placed alternate in every course.
2.A queen closer is placed next to the Quion header in alternate course to create bond.
3.A large number of the 5cm lap joints occur in the bond.

10. What are the advantages of hollow concrete block masonry? :
1) Concrete block are regular in size,requiring no dressing work.Hence construction is very rapid.
2) Blocks are light and therefore easy to handle.
3) There is great saving in the material.
4) Hollow blocks are structurally stronger than brick.
5) Thinner wall can be easily constructed,resulting in increase in the floor area.

11. Point out the stepwise manufacture of hollow blocks? :
** The cement-aggregate ratio should not be leaner than 1 :6.2.
** The aggregate should have a mixture of fine aggregate 60% and coarse aggregate (6 to 12 mm size) 40%.The finess modulus as the mixed aggregate should be between 2.9 to 3.63.
** Block should be taken out from the moulds only when concrete has sufficiently set.
** Concrete should not have very lean consistency.If hand moulding is done,the hollows should be vertical.Proper compaction should be obtained.
** Machine casting is preferable to hand casting,to obtain better finish.
** After taking the blocks out the mould,they should be kept under shade for atleast one weak.After that, the blocks may be stacked with cells horizontal.
** Block should be used only after about 3 to 4 weeks of their taking out of the curing tank.
** The compressive strength of blocks should not be less than 30 kg/cm2 (N/mm2) after 28 days curing.

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