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Environmental Science B.Tech Question Bank :

Name of the College : Turbomachinery Institute of Technology &Sciences (TITS)
University : JNTU Hyderabad
Department : Computer Science Engineering
Subject Name : Environmental Science
Degree : B.Tech
Year/Sem : II/II
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Document Type : Question Bank

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TITS Environmental Science Question Paper


1. Define ecosystem and list the components of an ecosystem.
2. What do you understand by biotic and abiotic parts of nature?
3. What do you understand by Energy flow in an ecosystem?
4. How does a complex food web protect the ecosystem from degradation?
5. Describe the structure and functions of an ecosystem.
6. Describe the biogeochemical cycles.
7. What is a grassland ecosystem and what are the activities in grasslands?
8. Write a detailed notes on the forest ecosystem and bring out its functions.
9. Discuss about the elements in an aquatic ecosystem
10. Write short notes on i) Biomagnification ii) Homeostasis / Cybernetics
11. What do you understand by food chain in an ecosystem.
12. Explain the scope and importance of ecosystem and discuss the values and service of ecosystem.


1. What do you understand by non-renewable & renewable resources?
2. What are the different types of fresh water resources? Discuss the consequences of overdrawing of ground water?
3. Write a brief note on floods as a serious environmental hazard?
4. Explain the causes and effects of drought?
5. Discuss the benefits and problems associated with dams.
6. What are the environmental effects of mineral extraction and usage?
7. Discuss renewable and non-renewable energy resources.
8. Discuss about land degradation and man induced land slides.
9. What are the uses of alternate energy source?
10. Discuss types of natural resources and their associated problems.


1. What do you understand by the term biodiversity? Explain about ecosystem diversity.
2. Discuss any two
i) Productive value of nature
ii) Aesthetic value
iii) Ethical value
3. Write briefly about poaching of wildlife.
4. Discuss major Hot spot of biodiversity.
5. Write briefly about food resources.
6. How are timber and non-timber forest products are useful?
7. Explain about In – Situ and Ex – Situ conservation.
8. Explain various threats of Indian biodiversity.
9. What are the different values of nature for mankind? Explain each of them briefly.
10. Discuss various strategies of conservation of biodiversity.


1. Explain about the environment pollutant and write about the major classes of pollutants?
2. Define air pollution and classify major sources of air pollution.
3. What are the control measure and effects of air pollution on living beings.
4. Write briefly about automobile and industrial pollution.
5. Write briefly about sewage treatment plant (STP)
6. Explain how soil is acting as sink for pollutant.
7. Explain following terms i) Degradation of soil ii) Source and major pollutant of water.
8. Oceans are ultimate sink for most of the waste we produce. Explain.
9. List the common sources and effects of noise. Briefly.
10. What is thermal pollution? What are the sources and effects of thermal pollution.
11. Explain the inherent danger of nuclear energy.
12. Write characteristic of e – waste and its management.


1. Write short notes on global warming?
2. Explain briefly about Greenhouse gases and Greenhouse effect?
3. Explain the impact of climatic change over human environment?
4. Explain what are Ozone depleting substances and Discuss Ozone depletion
5. What are effects caused by sea level rise and climate change on Environment?
6. Explain the following terms
a . Deforestation
b. Desertification
7. Write briefly about International protocols ?


1. List the classification of Impacts and explain
2. Explain the following terms briefly
a. Method of baseline data acquisition
b. Environmental impact statement
3 . How the environmental impact assessment influence the different components of environmental?
4. Write an account on Management plan on environment?
5. write about the prediction of impacts and impact assessment methodologies?
6. Define Impact and write about Reversible and Irreversible Impact?
7.Discuss Remote sensing and GIS Method briefly?
8. Explain following technologies
a. Green –belt development
b. Rain water harvesting
9. Briefly Discuss about Control technologies& Treatment technologies

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