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Data Base Management Systems B.Tech Question Bank :

Name of the College : Turbomachinery Institute of Technology &Sciences (TITS)
University : JNTU Hyderabad
Department : Computer Science Engineering
Subject Name : Data Base Management Systems
Degree : B.Tech
Year/Sem : II/II
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Document Type : Question Bank

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TITS Data Base Management Systems Question Bank


1) Diff b/w data base System VS file System
2) What are the database Applications
3) What are the Advantages of a DBMS

Related : Turbomachinery Institute of Technology & Sciences Environmental Science B.Tech Question Bank :

4) What is the Data Abstracations?Explain each of level
5) What are the Data models?
6) What are the Database languages
7) Explain Procedure the database Access for applications Programs
8) Describe the Structure of DBMS
9) Explain the Query Processor


1) Explain the History of Data base Systems?
2) Explain the Data base design?
3) Discuss about the ER-Diagrams?
4) What the features of the ER-Models?
5) What are the Class Hierarchies?
6) Diff b/w Relationships and Relationship sets?
7) Discuss about the Concept Design with the ER Model?
8) Explain the Conceptual Design for Large enterprises?


1) How distinct tuples are in a relation instance with cardinality?
2) Does the relational model, as seen bysql query writer provide physical and logical data independence?
3) What is a relation? Differentiate between relation schema and relational instance .Define the terms arity
and degree of s relation? What are domain constraints?
4) What SQL construct enables the definition of a relational? What constraints allow modifications of relation instances?
5) What are the integrity constraints? Define the terms primary key constraints and foreign key constraints. How are these constraints expressed in sql?
6) What are other kind of constraints can we express in SQL?
7) What is relational database query?
8) What is the input to a relational query? What is the result of evaluating a query?
9) Explain why algebra is suitable foe this purpose?
10) Describe the selection operator
11) describe the set operations of relational algebra,
12) What is the difference between tuple relational calculus and domain relational calculus?


1) What are the parts of basic SQL query? Are input result tables of Sql query sets or multisets? How can obtain aset of tuples as the result of a query?
2) What are the variables in SQL? How can you give names to output columns in a query that are defined by arithmetic or string expressions? what support does Sql offer for string pattern matching
3) What Are operations does SQL provide over (multi)sets of tuples ,and how whould you use the in writing queries ?
4) What are nested queries? What is correlation in nested queries?
5) What are aggregate operators does SQl support?
6) What is grouping ?what are null values
7) What types of SQl constraints can be specified using the query language
8) How would you use these operators IN, EXISTS, UNIQUE, ANY, and ALL in writing nested queries?


Schema refinement – Problems Caused by redundancy – Decompositions – Problem related to decomposition – reasoning about FDS – FIRST, SECOND, THIRD Normal forms – BCNF – Lossless join Decomposition – Dependency preserving Decomposition – Schema refinement in Data base Design – Multi valued Dependencies – FORTH Normal Form.
1) IIIustrate redundancy and the problem that it can cause. Give examples of intsert, delete, and update anomalies? Are they a complete solution?
2) What is decomposition and how does it address redundancy? What problem may be caused by the use of decompositions?
3) Define functional dependencies. how are primary keys related to FD’s?
4) Define 1NF, 2NF, 3NF, and 3NF and BCNF .what is the motivation for putting a relation in BCNF? What is the motivation for 3NF?
5) When is a decomposin said to be dependency-preserving? Why is this property?
6) Discuss how schema refinement through dependency analysis and normalization can improve schemas obtained through ER design?
7) Why are some functional dependencies called trivial ?


Transaction Concept- Transaction State- Implementation of Atomicity and Durability – Concurrent – Executions – Serializability- Recoverability – Implementation of Isolation – Testing for serializability- Lock –Based Protocols – Timestamp Based Protocols- Validation- Based Protocols – Multiple Granularity.
1) What are the ACID properties? Define atomicity, Conistency, isolation, and durability and illustrate them through examples?
2) Define terms trasactions, schedule, complete schedule and serial schedule?
3) Why does a DBMS interleave concurrent tractions?
4) What is a serializable schedule? What is a recoverable schedule?
5) What is a locking protocol ?Describe the Strict Two-Phase locking
6) How are transactions created and terminated is SQL?
7) What transaction characteristics can programmer control in SQL?
8) What are save points? What are chained Transactions?
9) Discuss the different access modes and isolation levels in particular?
10) Explain why save points and chained transactions are useful?
11) What recovery-related steps are taken during normal execution?
12) What can a DBA control to reduce the time to recover from a crash?
13) How is the log used in transaction rollback and crash recovery?


Recovery and Atomicity – Log – Based Recovery – Recovery with Concurrent Transactions – Buffer Management – Failure with loss of nonvolatile storage-Advance Recovery systems- Remote Backup systems.
1) Compare the deferred and immediate modification versions of the log-based recovery scheme in terms of ease of implementation and overhead cost?
2) When the system recovers from a crash, it constructs an undo-list and a redo-list?
3) Explain why log records for transactions on the undo-list must be processed in reverse order, while those log records for transactions on the redo-list are processed in a forward direction?
4) Explain the reasons why recovery of interactive transactions is more difficult to deal with than is recovery of batch transactions?
5) Explain the different between the three storage types-volatile, nonvolatile, and stable interms of I/ O cost?
6) Stable storage cannot be implemented. Explain why it cannot be?
7) Explain the purpose of the checkpoint mechanism? How often should check points be performed?
8) Explain the difference between a system crash and a “Disaster”?
9) Explain the benefits of logical logging? Give an example?
10) Explain how the buffer manager may cause the database to become inconsistent if some log records pertaining to a block are not output to stable storage before the block is output to disk?

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