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CS1211 Data Structure & Algorithms B.E Question Bank :

Name of the College : Noorul Islam College of Engineering
University : Anna University
Degree : B.E
Department : Computer Science and Engineering
Subject Code/Name : CS 1211 – Data Structure & Algorithms
Year : II
Semester : III
Document Type : Question Bank
Website :

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NICE Data Structure & Algorithms Question Paper

Unit-I – Introduction To Datastructures :
Part -A :

Related : Noorul Islam College of Engineering CS1401 Internet Programming B.E Question Bank :

1.Write down the definition of data structures? :
A data structure is a mathematical or logical way of organizing data in the memory that consider not only the items stored but also the relationship to each other and also it is characterized by accessing functions.

2. Give few examples for data structures? :
Stacks, Queue, Linked list, Trees, graphs

3. Define Algorithm? :
Algorithm is a solution to a problem independent of programming language. It consist of set of finite steps which, when carried out for a given set of inputs, produce the corresponding output and terminate in a finite time.

4. What are the features of an efficient algorithm? :
Free of ambiguity
Efficient in execution time
Concise and compact

5. List down any four applications of data structures? :
Compiler design
Operating System
Database Management system
Network analysis

6. What is meant by an abstract data type(ADT)? :
An ADT is a set of operation.A useful tool for specifying the logical properties of a datatype is the abstract data type.ADT refers to the basic mathematical concept that defines the datatype. Eg.Objects such as list, set and graph along their operations can be viewed as ADT’s.

7.What are the operations of ADT? :
Union, Intersection, size, complement and find are the various operations of ADT.

8.What is meant by list ADT? :
List ADT is a sequential storage structure. General list of the form a1, a2, a3.…., an and the size of the list is ‘n’. Any element in the list at the position I is defined to be ai, ai+1 the successor of ai and ai-1 is the predecessor of ai.

9. What are the various operations done under list ADT? :
Print list
Make empty
Find kth

10.What is a Rational number? :
A Rational number is a number that can be expressed as the quotient of two integers.

Operations on Rational number :
Creation of rational number from two integers.
Testing for equality.

11.What are the two parts of ADT? :
Value definition
Operator definition

12.What is a Sequence? :
A sequence is simply an ordered set of elements.A sequence S is sometimes written as the enumeration of its elements,such as
S = <s0,s1,………>
If S contains n elements,then length of S is n.

13.Define len(S),first(S),last(S),nilseq ? :
len(S) is the length of the sequence S.
first(S) returns the value of the first element of S
last(S) returns the value of the last element of S
nilseq :Sequence of length 0 is nilseq .ie., contains no element.

14.What are the four basic data types? :
int,float,char and double

15.What are the two things specified in declaration of variables in C? :
It specifies the amount of storage that must be set aside for objects declared with that type.
How data represented by strings of bits are to be interpreted.

16. What is a pointer? :
Pointer is a variable, which stores the address of the next element in the list. Pointer is basically a number.

17.What is an array ? :
Array may be defined abstractly as a finite ordered set of homogenous elements.Finite means there is a specific number of elements in the array.

18.What are the two basic operations that access an array? :
Extraction :
Extraction operation is a function that accepts an array, a ,an index,i,and returns an element of the array.

Storing :
Storing operation accepts an array , a ,an index i , and an element x.

19.Define Structure? :
A Structure is a group of items in which each item is identified by its own identifier ,each of which is known as a member of the structure.

20.Define Union ? :
Union is collection of Structures ,which permits a variable to be interpreted in several different ways.

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