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GE2021 Principles of Environmental Science & Engineering B.E Question Bank :

Name of the College : Rajalakshmi Engineering College
Name of the University : Anna University
Degree : B.E
Department : Information Technology
Subject Code/Name : GE2021 Principles of Environmental Science & Engineering
Document Type : Question Bank
Website :

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Rajalakshmi Environmental Science & Engineering Paper

Unit – I

Part – A :
1. Define Environmental studies.
2. What are the principles of environmental education?
3. Mention the scope and importance of Environmental studies.
4. Define Ecology?

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5. Define Eco-System with an example?
6. What are the structural components of an Ecosystem?
7. Bring out the functional features of an Ecosystem?
8. Differentiate between Food Chain and Food Web?
9. What are Ecological Pyramids. Give examples.
10. Pyramid of energy is always upright. Explain.
11. What are Biochemical cycles. Explain their importance?
12. What is the significance of Ecological pyramids?

13. There found to be only 4 to 5 trophic levels in any Ecosystem. Explain.
14. What is Ecological Succession. Mention its types.
15. Discuss about the prime characteristics of
a.Forest Ecosystem
b.Grassland Ecosystem
c.Desert Ecosystem
d.Aquatic Ecosystem
16. Differentiate species and genera. (or) Define genetic diversity.
17. Differentiate between biodiversity and ecosystem biodiversity.
18. What are hotspots of biodiversity?
19. Justify India to be a great spot of biodiversity.
20. Bring out the threats towards biodiversity .How poaching affects biodiversity.
21. Define Endemism with an example.
22. What are endangered species? Give examples.
23. What are the aesthetic values of biodiversity.
24. What are National Parks. Name few parks in India.
25. Explain the necessity to conserve biodiversity.
26. What are GPP and NPP.
27. What is Ecological regulators.
28. Define Food Chain with an example.
29. Define Food Web with an example.
30. Discuss the water cycle.
31. Bring few methods to conserve biodiversity.
32. What is stratification?
33. Bring out the classification of aquatic ecosystem.
34. Explain ecological; pyramids with respect to pond ecosystem.
35. What is ecosystem diversity.
36. Bring out the Bio-geographical classification of India.
37. Comment on local or regional biodiversity.
38. Explain Endemism with respect to India.
39. Bring out the order of distribution of biodiversity through out the world with reasons.
40. What is biodiversity and its significance.
41. Explain biosphere.
42. Explain threatened species.

Part-B :
1. Explain the components, characteristics and biodiversity of Forest ecosystem.
2. Explain the structure and functional features of Aquatic ecosystem.
3. Discuss in detail about Ecological succession stating the various stages.
4. What are trophic levels? Explain the flow of energy and minerals in ecosystem.
5. Explain the two models of energy flow in an ecosystem.
6. Discuss the value of biodiversity.
7. Explain Carbon and Nitrogen cycles.
8. Explain the Sulphur and Phosphorus cycles.
9. What are the threats faced by biodiversity. What are the solutions for the threats.
10. Explain In-situ and Ex-situ conservation of biodiversity.(or) What are the measures recommended for conservation of biodiversity.


Part-A :
1. Define Pollution.
2. What are the types of pollutants.
3. What are the types of Air pollutants.
4. What is suspended particulate matter. Give example.
5. Define photochemical smog.
6. What are types of acid rain.
7. How will you control air pollution.
8. Give the major water pollutants with example.
9. What is meant by point and nonpoint sources.
10. What is chlorosis and necrosis.
11. What is bioaccumulation.
12. Mention the diseases caused by nitrates.
13. Define BOD and COD.
14. Define soil pollution.
15. What are the sources of soil pollution.
16. What are the sources effects of marine pollution.
17. What are the control methods of thermal pollution.
18. Give the sources of radio activity.
19. Classify solid wastes.
20. What are the sources of urban and industrial wastes.
21. Why do earth quake occur.
22. What are the damages caused by io0nic radiations.
23. What are the various types of natural disasters.
24. What are the roles of a citizen in reducing pollution.
25. What are Municipal Solid Wastes(MSW)
26. What is composting.
27. What is incinerators.
28. What are aerosols. Give examples.
29. Explain aerobic and anaerobic oxidation.
30. What are the two main commonly used radio isotopes in nuclear fission reactions?
31. Explain disaster management briefly.
32. What is meant by automobile pollution.
33. What is domestic sewage?
34. What are the sources and effects of air pollutants.
35. Define thermal pollution.

Part- B :
1.Mention the sources and effects of various air pollutants.
2. Describe the method of control of air pollution.
3.Briefly describe the sources effects and control of noise pollution.
4. Enumerate with example the major sources of surface and ground water pollution.
5. Wrtie short notes on a) Minimata disease b) blue baby syndrome c) itai-itai disease.
6. Explain the method of sewage water treatment.
7. What are the major sources of soil pollution?
8. What are the measures to be taken to prevent soil pollution?
9. Explain in detail the Solid waste management techniques.
10. Write notes on (i) Floods (ii) Landslides (iii) Cyclones.
11. Explain any two case studies on Nuclear pollution.
12. What are the sources, effects & control measures of Marine pollution?
13. Explain the various types of Radio-active radiations.
14. Explain the causes,effects & control measures of Water pollution.
15.What are the effects of improper municipal solid waste management? State
the measures recommended for proper management of the solid waste.
16.Explain the methods of disposal of municipal solid waste.
17.Write notes on disposal of radio-active wastes.
18.Compare the nuclear power with coal power.
19.What are the causes of soil erosion and methods of preventing it.
20.Discuss the aspects of prevention & control of noise.

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