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ST7013 Design of Steel Concrete Composite Structures M.E Question Bank :

Name of the College : Valliammai Engineering College
University : Anna University
Department : Civil Engineering
Subject Code/Name : ST7013-Design of Steel Concrete Composite Structures
Degree : M.E Structural Engineering
Year : II
Semester : III
Document Type : Question Bank
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Valliammai Design of Steel Question Paper

Part A :

Unit I

1) Write the two important limit states?

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2) Define transformed sections?
3) What is slip strain?
4) Draw the graphical representation of the interaction between the moments in the design of continuous beams?
5) List the various limit states in limit state approach?
6) What is sectional classification?

7) List the various considered in IS : 11384 code of practice for composite construction?
8) Write any one application of steel concrete steel sandwich construction?
9) Write any two role of profiled metal decking
10) Write the advantages of steel concrete composite construction

11) Draw the curves for slip strain and slip
12) Explain the role of steel decking in composite deck slab
13) Explain the composite beam stage
14) Explain the composite slab stage
15) Write the failure modes of composite beams
16) State the principal advantages of composite construction for civil engineering structures.
17) What do you understand by shored and unshored methods of construction?
18) What is the essential difference between RCC and steel concrete composite structures?
19) Define a) Modular ratio b) Transformed section
20) What are the means through which the composite action between steel and concrete is ensured?

Part B  :
2) i) Explain with neat sketches the various types of steel concrete composite members.
ii) How do you go about the proportioning of composite members?
3) Discuss about the determination of ultimate moment capacity of a composite section with profile sheeting
4) Explain the failure mode of the steel concrete steel sandwich elements
5) a)What is a steel concrete composite structure? b) Write the advantages of steel concrete composite connection
6) Design a simple supported composite beam with 8m span spaced at 3m c/c. thickness of slab = 100mm. The floor has to carry an imposed load of 2kN/m2, a construction load of 0.75kN/m2 and a floor finish load of 0.5kN/m2. Floor will not be propped during Construction. Check the adequacy of section at construction stage and composite stage. Calculate deflection and stresses. Use M30 grade concrete.
7) A composite floor slab is supported on three span continuous composite beams spaced at 4m c/c. The effective length of each span is 7.5m. Thickness of composite slab is 150mm. The floor has to carry an imposed load of 4kN/m2 And dead load of 1.5kN/m2. .Design the continuous beam. Use M30 grade concrete.
8) a)Explain the composite beam stage and composite slab stage
b)Explain the role of steel decking in composite deck slab
9)A two span continuous beam composite beam with 6m span each and are spaced at distance of about 3m.The thickness of slab is 125mm.The floor has to carry an imposed load of 2.5kN/m2 partial load1.5 kN/m2 and floor finish load of 0.75 kN/m2.Assume the construction load as 1kN/m2. Use M30 concrete and yield stress of steel 250 N/mm2. Design the continuous beam
10) Explain the behavior of steel and concrete under uniaxial stress and also explain the behavior of composite material.
11)a)What is transformed section?
b)Discuss the determination of ultimate moment capacity of a composite section.

Unit II

Part A :
1) List the main functions of shear connectors?
2) How the load transfer taken place in fixed shear connections?
3) Define effective flexural stiffness
4) What are the different types of shear connectors
5) Write the empirical formula for design resistance of shear studs
6) Draw the load slip curve
7) Write the assumptions made for the analysis of ultimate moment capacity of the section
8) What is partial shear connection
9) What are the functions of connectors?
10) What is full shear connection
11) What is the moment of resistance of the composite steel concrete section as per IS 11384-1985
12) What is the purpose of shear connectors
13) What is the load bearing mechanism of shear connectors
14) What is the principle of design of shear connectors?
15) Distinguish between flexible and rigid type shear connectors?
16) Differentiate vertical and longitudinal shear?
17) What is the limiting stud diameter required for a composite construction?
18) What is shear lag effect?
19) What is the maximum spacing of shear studs in SCS sandwich construction?
20)Define strength of connectors.

Part B :
1 i) Discuss the load carrying mechanisms of shear connectors.
ii)Discuss in detail about the various types of shear connections along with the need sketch
2)i)Describe the load carrying behavior of the stud connector
ii) How shear connecters are designed?
iii)Describe about the push out test?
3) A composite beam of 8 m span is spaced at 3m c/thickness of RC slab is 125 mm. The floor has to carry an imposed load of 3 kN/m2, partition load of 1.5 kN/m2 and a floor finish load of 0.5 kN/m2. The floor will not be propped during construction. Check the adequacy of the section at preconstruction stage and also design the shear connection
4) i)Define shear connectors and explain its types with neat sketches
ii)Explain the characteristic strength of shear connectors
5) a)Elaborate the step by step procedure of connection in composite structures.
b) Discuss partial shear connection.
6) What are shear connectors? Mention different types of shear connections.
7) Explain beam and column connections in composite structures.
8) Design the shear connection at the interface of a composite RC slab and steel beam for the following data :
Span of the beam =9m
Spacing of the beam = 3m
Thickness of slab= 100mm
Steel beam section = ISHB 400
Concrete strength = 25MPa
9) An ISMB 250 is supporting a slab of thickness 120mm.the steel beam of 5.5m span are spaced at 4m interval. The slab is subjected to a super imposed load of 2 kN/m2. Design the suitable connectors between steel beam and RC Slab to ensure full interaction.
10) A simply supported composite beam of span 10m is subjected to an imposed load of 3 kN/m2, partion load of 1.5 kN/m2 and floor finishes of 0.5 kN/m2 .The beams are spaced at 3m centers. The adequate section in composite stage under above loading is given in fig. design the shear connectors for the beam. Take the grade of concrete as M30 and the 100mm headed shear connected.

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  1. Where is the question paper for steel concrete composite structure?

  2. Question paper for ST 7013

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