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Basics Electronics Previous Question Paper :

Name of the College : Vasavi College of Engineering
Department : Computer Science & Engineering
Subject : Basics Electronics
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Document Type : Previous Question Paper

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VCE Basics Electronics Previous Question Paper

Part – A :(25 Marks)
1. Intrinsic and extrinsic semiconductors. (2)
2. Diffusion and Drift currents. (3)
3. BJT and FET (3)

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4. Positive feedback and negative feedback. (2)
5. Differentiator and integrator. (2)
6. Circuits of HWR and FWR (3)
7. Photodiode and LED (2)
8. Draw the frequency versus gain characteristics of an amplifier with and without negative feedback. (3)
9. Why is SCR known as negative resistance device? (2)
10.What are the effects of negative feedback on amplifiers? (3)

Part – B : (5×10=50 Marks)
11.(a) Explain what is meant by forward and reverse biasing a pn-junction diode. Draw the VI characteristics of the diode showing the same with the help of the diode equation. (5)
(b) A 230V, 50Hz voltage is applied to the primary of a 5 :1 step down, center tapped transformer in a full wave circuit having a load of 900 ? .

Determine :
(i) DC voltage across the load
(ii) Idc
(iii) DC power delivered to the load and
(iv) PIV across each diode (5)

12.(a) What are the three basic amplifier connections using BJTs compare voltage gain, current gain and input resistance of these three configurations? (5)
(b) Draw the VI characteristics of a zener diode and explain how it can be used as a voltage regulator. (5)

13.(a) What are the LC type of oscillators? Explain the principle of operation of any of those with a neat diagram. (5)
(b) Explain the different properties of negative feedback amplifiers. (5)

14.(a) What is a half subtractor? Realize a full subtractor using NAND gate only. (5)
(b) What are the different parameters of an op-amp? Sketch the circuit of a summer using op-amp 741 to get Vo= – (-V1 + 2V2 – 3V3). (5)

15.(a) What are the different types of transducers used for the measurement of temperature? Explain the principle of any of these. (5)
(b) Draw the symbol of a SCR and VI characteristics, explain its principle of operation. (5)

16.(a) Draw the circuit diagram of a Bridge rectifier and explain its operation with output waveforms. (5)
(b) What is meant by sensitivity in a CRO and explain the necessity of a sawtooth generation in a CRO. (5)

17. Write short notes on any three : (10)
(a) Inverter circuits (b)Slew rate in op-amp
(b) Photo diode (d) Basic logic gates.


Time : 3 Hours
Max. Marks : 70
Note: Answer All questions. All questions carry equal marks.
1.(a) Write short notes on the following:
(i) Importance of communication.
(ii) What are preliminary preparations to organizes a seminar?
(iii) How does one express gratitude?
(b)(i)How do you deliver a good lecture?
(ii) How do you thank someone?
(iii) How do you answer some one who thanks you?

2.(a) Draft a letter to the editor of a newspaper on reckless driving.
(b)(i)Write to the postmaster of your town, complaining that the registered parcel sent
by you has not reached the addressee.
(ii) Write a letter to your grandfather on his 75th birthday.

3.(a)(i)Write an essay on “some wonders of modern science”.
(ii) Correct the following:
(A) He has married with his classmate
(B) He is an union member
(C) The term begins from January 1st.
(D) The price of the gold is going up
(b)(i)Write an essay on “Electricity in the service of man”?
(ii)Correct the following:
(A) She requested for my help
(B) He speaks the English fluently
(C) He is suffering with typhoid
(D) Two sheeps are lost.

4.(a)(i)”Every word you know is the translation of an idea”. Explain.
(ii)Write antonyms of
(A) urbane (B) Transparent (C) Sympathy (D) Surplus
(E) Savage (F) Simple
(b)(i)”How do you understand the meaning of words and their usage by using the dictionary”. Explain.
(ii) Write Synonyms of
(A) Annihilate (B) Diligent (C) Fugitive (D) Meteoric
(E) Lethal (F) Admonish

5.(a)(i)Give the detailed description about Joad’s views on ‘our own civilization’.
(ii) How does Benjamin spock analyse. ‘The Generation Gap’?
(iii) Write a notes on ‘Andrew Carnegie’.
(b)(i)How does Swami Vivekananda explain ‘The Secret of Work”?
(ii) Write a note on Benjamin Spock’s ‘The Generation Gap’.
(iii) Write a note on ‘Our own civilization’.

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