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Name of the University : SGT University
Degree : BA
Document Type : Model Question Paper
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SGT University B.A Journalism Question Paper

Download B.A. (Journalism & Mass Communication) – 1St Sem. Examinations; November/December 2016 from the above PDF links

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Sub.: Introduction To Mass communication;
Paper Code: 10010101)
Time: 03:00Hrs.
Max. Marks: 80


I. Write your Roll no. on the Question paper.
2. Candidate should ensure that they have been provided with the correct question paper. Complaints in this regards, If any, should be made within 15 minutes of the commencement of the exam. No complaint(s) will be entertained thereafter.
3. Attempt all questions. Parts of a question should be attempted in sequential order. Marks are indicated against each question.
4. Draw Diagram wherever required.

Sample Question

Introduction To Masscommunication

Part – A : (10xl=10)
Q.l. a) Attempt All Questions:
(i) What is group communication?
(ii) What is feedback?
(iii) Name any 2 models of mass communication
(iv) Draw diagram of communicationprocess.
(v) What is puppetry?
(vi) Write any 2 features of communication.
(vii) Explain verbal form of communication.
(viii) What is paralanguage?
(ix) Explain the term INS.
(x) What is ‘NOISE’ in communication?

b) Short note on: DAVP (10)
7C’s of communication

Part-B :
Q.2. Attempt any four questions from the following: (4×5=20)
a) Explain traditional media and its different forms
b) What is the role of mass communication in society?
c) Briefly explain any 2 models of communication with examples.
d) What is Press council of India?
e) Differentiate between interpersonal and intrapersonal communication.

Q.3. Attempt any four questions from the following: (4×10=40)
a) Briefly discuss various barriers in the communication.
b) Do you think that these days electronic media is replacing the folk media? Explain.
c) What do you mean by mass communication? Explain its various tools.
d) Discuss any 2 theories of mass communication.
e) Discuss any 5 forms of non verbal communication with suitable examples.

Introduction To Print Media

Time: 03:00Hrs
Max. Marks: 40

Part-A :
Q1. Write a short note on (30 words):- (10xl=10)
a) Bengal Gazette
b) UNJ
c) Soft News
d) Magazines
e) ABC
f) News Value
g) Parliamentary Reporting
h) James Augustus Hickey
i) Column
j) Editorial page

Part-B : (5×2=10)
Q2. Attempt any five questions from the following (100 words):-
a) Discuss the main objectives ofjoumalistic practices.
b) Write a note of the importance of revision and re-writing the news story copy.
c) Give a brief note on interpretative reporting.
d) What are the various styles of writing a headline?
e) What are the various news sources for contributing for writing a news story?
f) Discuss the significance of reporting in a news story.

Part-C : (4×5=20)
Q3. Attempt any four questions from the following (200 words):-
a) Define headline. What are the different types of headlines?
b) Explain the various problems and pitfalls a reporter may encounter while reporting a news story.
c) How would you calculate the newsworthiness of an event? Illustrate with suitable examples.
d) We all read newspaper everyday and magazines every day. What do you understand by letter to editor describe its importance in any newspaper or in magazines.
e) Discuss the setup of Indian News agencies and changes in their function after the advent of internet.

Creative Writing

Paper Code: 10010104)
Time: 03:00Hrs.
Max. Marks: 40
Part-A : (5×2=10)
Q.l. Attempt any FIVE Questions:
a) Story writing
b) Language as tool
c) Personality based Articles
d) Inverted Pyramid
e) fashion Writing
f) Follow ups
g) Column Writing
h) Investigative Writing

Part-B :
Q.2. Attempt any TWO questions from the following: (2×5=10)
a) What do you understand by article writing describe the qualities of a good article write-up.
b) Differentiate between Creative and Factual style of writing.
c) Define the concept of essay writing with few examples.
d) Fashion writing is a new trend in newspaper writing style discusses its various components.

Part-C :
Q.3. Attempt any TWO questions from the following: (2×10=20)
a) Differentiate between travel writing and Life style writing.
b) What do you understand by Blog writing in detail also discuss new trends of blog writing in detaiL
c) Define the term “review” in detail. Also discuss the concept of film critique in detail.
d) Differentiate between op-ed articles and middle article in detail.

General Knowledge & Current Affairs

Paper Code : 10010105)
Time : 03:00 Hrs.
Max. Marks: 40
Part-A : (l0x1=10)
Q.l. Attempt ALL Questions:
a) Who was the first speaker of Lok Sabha?
b) What is meant by “Equal Protection of Law?”
c) What do you understand by Rolling Plan?
d) Define National Income?
e) What is Inflation?
1) What is Base Rate Price?
g) Which Indian state has lowest sex ratio?
h) Who is the cabinet minister for Road Transport, Highways and shipping?
i) Who was crowned Mr. World 2016.
j) When the Earth reaches its perihelion then it is nearest to?

Part-B :
Q.2. Attempt any FIVE questions from the following: (5×2=10)
a) What is the importance of the Right to constitutional Remedy?
b) What are Fundamental Rights and why they are fundamental in nature?
c) What are the basic objectives of Five year planning in India?
d) What are the different Religion of India and write about their origin.
e) Wright a short note on natural calamity.
1) Describe the phrase “Unity in Diversity”

Part-C :
Q.3. Attempt any FOUR questions from the following: (4×5=20)
a) Describe operation ‘Sankat Mochan’.
b) Why Indian Culture has that much diversity, is it a strength or Weakness
c) Distinguish between
i. Flora and Fauna
ii. Tropical Evergreen and Deciduous forests
d) What are the functions of Planning Commission and write about its structure also.
e) What do you understand by CAG, How CAG can be appointed and what is the procedure of CAG removal.

Computer Application – I

Paper Code : IOOIOI06
Time: 03:00Hrs
Max. Marks: 40

Part-A :
Write a short note on (30 words):- (lOxl=10)
a) What is the purpose of an operating system?
b) What are the different characteristics of computers?
c) What is the use of PDF document?
d) What do you mean by system software and applicationsoftware?
e) What is YOU?
f) What is TCPIIPprotocol?
g) What is the difference between Complier and Interpreter?
h) Why are modemsused in data communication system?
i) What is Electronicmail?
j) What is WorldWide Web?

Part-B :
Attempt any five questions from the following (100 words):- (5×2=lO)
a) Write a brief note on Social Media.
b) How is the informationtechnology helpful for the daily life applications of human beings?
c) Write down the advantages and disadvantages of internet.
d) What points to be kept in mind while writing news stories for web?
e) Name one newswebsite, you frequently visit and do the analysis of it.

Part-C :
Attempt any five questions from the following (200 words):- (5×4=20)
a) What are the different types of formatting tools available in Adobe Indesign?
b) Expand the terms DVD and USB.
c) Write names of any two websites where information about latest viruses, anti-virus software etc can be found. Explain.
d) What is YouTube?How video sharing is important for social media?
e) Explain the types of operating system.
f) Compare Social Media with Television Media.

Event Management

Paper Code : 10010107)
TIME: 03:00 Hrs.
Max. Marks: 40
Part-A :
Q.1. Write short notes on any FOUR of the followings: (4×5=20)
a) Creative Visualization
b) Sponsorship
c) Publicity
d) Monitoring
e) Recruitment & Training
f) Event Promotion

Part-B :
Q.2. Attempt any TWO questions from the following: (2xlO=20)
a) What is Event Management? Describe the concept and objectives of event management?
b) What is Publicity? How Publicity is different from Public Relations? Describe the role of media in event promotion?
c) Sponsorship is valuable component for any event. Describe this statement and write a note on Post-Event Sponsorship Maintenance.

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