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Name of the Organisation : Delhi International School, Dwarka
Exam : Summative Assessment Test
Class : VI
Subject : All Subject
Document Type : Model Question Paper
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DIS Summative Assessment Test Class VI Sample Paper

Download Sample Paper -CLASS VI(All Subjects) from the above PDF links
Subject – Social Science,Mathematics,Science, English,Hindi
Class – VI
Time – 3 Hours

Related : St Joseph’s School ICSE Class X English Language Sample Question Paper :

General Instructions

1. The question paper has three section A,B and C.
2. Read each question carefully before answering.
3. Attach the map inside the answersheet carefully.

Social Science

Section A – History

Ques. 1: Choose the correct options to complete the statements given below.
a)Monuments, coins, artefacts and inscriptions are the examples of——————–study.
a) Literary
b) Oral
c) Archaeological
d) Geographical

b) Burzahom is located in——————————-
(i) Kerala
(ii) Kashmir
(iii) Goa
(iv) Bihar

c) One of the largest Harappan sites in India is—————————-
(i) Ropar
(ii) Lothal
(iii) Mohenjo-Daro
(iv) Mehrgarh

d) The word megalith means——————————-
(i) Big stones
(ii) Big city
(iii) Big bazar
(iv) Big grave

e) The most important source of income of the kings during the period 600 BC to 400 BC was—————
(i) Gifts which people gave (iii) Land revenue
(ii) Octroi duties (iv) forest products

Ques. 2: Fill in the blanks with the correct words
1. A monarchy was ruled by ___________.
2. The word ‘Veda’ means _____________.
3. The most remarkable building of Harappa is the _________.
4. Man becomes the food producer in _____________.
5. When there was no paper to write on, people wrote on _______________.

Ques.3: Answer the following questions in brief.
(1) Name the four Vedas.
(2) Where do we come across rock shelters and natural caves in India?
(3) Name any four centres of Harappan culture.
(4) What were the main source of amusements of the early Aryans?
(5) What led to a war between Kosala and Magdha soon after Ajashatru’s Session to King ship?

Ques. 4: Write the answer in detail for the following question
(1) Write a note on Secular literature.
(2) Compare the tools of Paleolithic and the Neolithic periods.
(3) Write about the social life of the people during Harppan Civilization?
(4) What do you know about the political organization of the Aryans?
(5) What steps were taken by Bimbisara to strengthen his position?

Ques. 5: On the outline map of India mark the following places neatly
1. Harappa
2. Mohenjo- daro
3. Lothal
4. Dholavira
5. Kalibangan

Section B – Geography

Ques 6: Fill the correct word in the given blanks
1. The planet with rings is named as ______________.
2. Collection of Maps bound into a volume is called ____________.
3. The standard meridian of India passes through ______________.
4. Seasons are caused by ___________ of the earth.
5. A relatively narrow neck of land that joins two landmasses is called_____.

Ques. 7: Write the statements currently.
1. Group of stars forming a definite pattern is called galaxy.
2. Political map shows the physical features of a country.
3. The prime meridian divides the Earth into Northern and Southern hemisphere.
4. Days and nights occur due to the rotation on Earth.
5. The focus which is generated within the earth’s interior are called external processes.

Ques. 8: Write the answers of the following questions in short .
1. Why are plains densely populated?
2. “In summers, days are longer than nights” why?
3. How many Times Zones are there in the world?
4. Why are conventional symbols necessary in map ?
5. Name the eight planets and their satellites?

Ques.9: Answers the following questions in detail (any two)
1) How are Blocks Mountains and rift valleys formed?
2) When do the Spring Equines and the Autumn Equines take place? What is the position of the earth with respects to the sun on these days?
3) Explain the different heat zones on the earth.

Section C – Civics

Ques. 10: Answer the following questions briefly .
1. How is India a diverse country?
2. What name did Mahatma Gandhi give to untouchables: what does it mean?
3. What are the different levels of Indian Government?
4. Explain the” Right to Education”.

Ques. 11: Write the answer of the following questions in detail.
1) What are the three main economic activities in which people of India are engaged in?
2) What problems do Indian women generally face in the society?
3) What is the main distinction between Monarchy and Democracy?
4) What are the various ways in which people participate in the process of a Government?


General Instructions :
4. This question paper has four sections-A,B, C and D.
5. All the questions are compulsory.
6. Read each question carefully before answering.
7. Do rough work on the right hand side of your answer sheet on each page.

Section – A

1 How many millions make a crore?
2 What fraction of an hour is 40 minutes ? .
3 Find 12 × 35 using distributivity .
4 Write two negative Integers greater than –3 .
5 Draw a polygon with equal opposite sides .

Section – B

6 Estimate the sum by rounding of the numbers to the nearest hundred : 2497 + 16003
7 Find the product by suitable rearrangement : 4 x 32 x 25

8 Fill in the blanks :
(i) The opposite of ‘ loss of Rs. 500’ is …………………….
(ii) The successor of – 103 is ……………….. .

9 Which direction will you face if you start facing east and make ½ of a revolution clockwise?
10 Compare …… and …..

Section – C

11 The town newspaper is published every day. One copy has 12 pages. Everyday 11,980 copies are printed. How many total pages are printed everyday ?
12 Find the least number which when divided by 24,16 and 12 leave a remainder 5 in each Case .

13 Write True (T) or False (F) for the following statements.
i) –3 is to the right of –5 on a number line .
ii) 6 is to the left of –6 on a number line.
iii) –1 is the smallest negative integer

Section – D

16 i) Check the divisibility of 6483 by 3
ii) Write a pair of co-prime numbers .
i) Which is only even prime number ?
ii) Complete it : …….. numbers are having only two factors .
iii) Encircle the multiple of 8 : 27 , 43 , 56 , 62

17 Match the following :
i) Acute angle a) Longest Chord
ii) 3 sides of unequal length b) Trapezium
iv) Diameter c) Octagon
v) One pair of parallel sides d) Less than one-fourth of a revolution
vi) Polygon of 8 sides e) Scalene Triangle


Time : 3Hour

General Instructions :
1. The question paper consists of two sections A and section B.
2. Diagram should be neat, clean and well labeled.
3. Read the questions carefully before answering

Section – A

Q-1 Define the following: (any five)
(a) Ingredients
(b) Balanced diet
(c) Natural fibres
(d) Transparency
(e) decantation
(f) Reversible change

Q-2 Write One word answer for the following questions: (any nine)
i) Name any two products obtained from animals.
ii) Name two sources of roughage.
iii) Name two mixed fibers.
iv) On what basis do we classify the objects?
v) What is filterate?
vi) What kind of change is burning of paper?
vii) Name two agents of pollination.
viii) Name the movable bone of skull in Human body.
ix) How many legs does a cockroach have?
x) What is a stamen?

Section – B

Q-2 Fill in the blanks with correct words: (any ten)
i) We get sugar from _______________.
ii) Cotton crop is grown in ___________ soil.
iii) _______ and fats provide us energy.
iv) Vinegar is ___________ in water.
v) Salt is obtained from sea water by the process of_____ .
vi) ___________ causes water to change in to steam.
vii) Bleaching removes _______ from the leaves.
viii) Joints of the bones help in the ________ of the body.
ix) Birds have ______ bodies that cut through air easily.
x) The total number of vertebrae in the backbone are____________.
xi) Male reproductive part of the flower is called_________.

Q-3 : Choose the correct option in each of the following (any ten)
i) A lizard eats———————–
a) Grass
b) Grains
c) insects
d) milk

ii) Iron is an example of———————–
a) minera
l b) carbohydrates
c) vitamins
d) proteins

iii) Jute plant is also called————————-
a) patsun
b) paat
c) both of these
d) none of these

iv)Sugar in water is————————-
a) soluble
b) insoluble
c) miscible
d) immiscible

v)———— is not a mixture.
a )milk
b) salt
c) sea water
d) crude oil

vi) State of matter can be changed by————–
a ) heating
b) cooling
c) both
d) none of these

vii) The flat green portion of the leaf is called——————-
b) stalk
c) midrib
d) vein

viii) ————————–has a ball and a socket joint.
a) shoulder
b) hips
c) both
d) none

Ix) The number of skeletal muscles in human body is ———————
b) 656
c) 650
d) 800

x) The thick woody stem of trees is called————————.
b) internode
c) scale
d) trunk

xi) ——————— of the following is not a nutrient.
b) vitamins
c) roughage
d) proteins


Time : 3 Hours
General Instructions :
8. This question paper has three sections A,B,C andD .
9. All the questions are compulsory.
10. Read each question carefully before answering.

Section A – Reading

Q.1 Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow:
People moan about poverty as a great evil and it seems to be an accepted belief that if people had plenty of money, they would be happy, and get more out of life. As a rule there is more genuine satisfaction in life and more is obtained from life in the humble cottage of the poor man than in the palace of rich men, who are attended by servants and governesses at a later stage. At the same time I am glad to think they do not know what they have missed. It is because I know how sweet and happy and pure the home of honest poverty is, how free from perplexing care and social envies and jealousies, how loving and united the members are in the common interest of supporting the family that I sympathize with the rich man’s boy and congratulate the poor man’s son. It is for these reasons that from the ranks of the poor so many strong eminent self-reliant men have always sprung. If you read the list of the “Immortals who were not born to die” you will find that most of them have been poor.

Questions :
1. What is the accepted belief about poverty?
2. Where can one get more genuine satisfaction in life ?
3. Why does the author pity the rich man’s boy?
4. How has the author have compared rich with the poor?
5. Find the words from the passage for the following
i) Domestic help ii) applaud

Section B – Writing

Q.3 Write a letter to your friend congratulating him on his selection as the captain of the school cricket team.
Q.4 Your school is planning to hold a ‘Tree Planting’ day where the Municipal Commissioner of your area will be the Chief Guest. As a member of the ‘Environment Club’ you have been asked to put up a notice informing students about the event. Write the notice in about 50 words.
Q.5 You are Parthasarthy Mishra, the Head Boy of St John’s High School, Dalhousie. You have been asked to write a notice regarding a sports kit bag found on the school playground. Write the notice in not more than 50 words. Invent necessary details

Section C – Grammar

Q.6.Fill each of the blank with correct form of tense:
a. Janet _____ karate class every Sunday. (attend)
b. The breadman ______ to our housing estate every evening. (come)
c. You are late. The bus _____ already. (leave)
d. Jessie is not in. She _______ a seminar in Kansas city. (attend)
e. The athletes ________ for Canada tomorrow. (left)

Q.7 Add an interrogative pronoun to complete each question sentence
Which / who/ whom /what /whose/Where
1. _________________ is your favorite book?
2. To __________________ should I address the letter?
3. ____________________ shoes are kept outside the front door?
4. __________________ would you like to do tomorrow?
5.____________________ is the new student in the band?

Section D – Literature

Q.9 Read the poem carefully:
Some questions always bother him
How seasons come and go
The way the seasons to and fro
He doesn’t know who’s getting in-

i) On the basis of the reading the above lines answer the questions below:-
A) Name the poem and the poet
B) In the above lines which question bothers the scarecrow ?
C) What happens to the scarecrow during winters and summers?
D) Where does the scarecrow think season come from?
E) Is the scarecrow able to find answers to the questions that bother him?

ii) Make sentences from the word given below:
a) Shiver
(b) brother
(c) dribble

Q.9 Answer the following questions briefly
(a) What happened to the boys on the rhododendrons hilltop in ‘Cross Country?’
(b) Why did Naren and Mahesh make fun of Tapan in ‘The Special Prize?’
(c) Describe the exchange between the king and the shepherd.
(d) How did Tapan help the old woman?

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