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Name of the Organisation : Sardar Patel Institute of Public Administration
Exam : Civil Services Entrance Exam
Subject : General Studies
Document Type : Model Question Paper
Year : 2016
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SPIPA Civil Services Entrance Exam General Studies Question Paper

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Read the Following Instructions Carefully  :
Total Marks : 200
Time Allowed : 2 Hours
** Please Write Seat No. Question Booklet Number, Question Paper Series Number C and F Wes/NU CI answer sheet
** Each question carries 2 marks, Wrong answer or more than one answer in one question will call 3% (13 Marks) negative marking.

** You have to mark ( ) the right alternative (A or B or C or D) for each question in the answer sheet with Blue/Black ballpoint pen only
** Rough work, if any be done on the last blank page of Question Paper, In case of confusion in Gujarati Question, rely on English Question, English text will be final.

Sample Question

1 Which of the following is an example of in-situ conservation?
(A) Botanical garden
(B) Wildlife sanctuary
(C) Zoological park
(D) Cryopreservation

2 Tropic of Cancer doesn’t pass through –
(A) India
(B) Egypt
(C) Mexico
(D) Iran

3. Which of the countries is and locked?
(A) Turkey
(B) Iran
(C) Ethiopia
(D) Yemen

4 Difference between day and night becomes longer, as one travels from
(A) poles, equator
(B) equator, poles
(C) Tropic of Cancer, Tropic of Capricorn
(D) Tropic of Capricorn, Tropic of Cancer

5 Most of the weather phenomenon takes place in
(?) Ionosphere
(B) Stratosphere
(C) Troposphere
(D) Mesosphere

6 Climate of a place is dependent on several factors, which one of the following is most significant?
(A) Distance from Sea
(B) Direction of winds.
(C) Latitude
(D) Ocean Current

7. Which of the following is not a tropical evergreen forest?
(A) Amazon basin
(B) Zaire basin
(C) South China
(D) All of above are tropical evergreen forest.

8 Which among the following the leading timber exporter?
(A) Sweden
(B) Japan
(C) Malaysia
(D) Canada

9. World’s major commercial fishing grounds are located in
(A) cool waters of northern hemisphere in comparatively higher latitudes
(B) warm waters of the southern hemisphere in comparatively higher latitudes
(C) both (A) and (B)
(D) a widespread area nearer the poles

10. The two oceans joined by Panama Canal are:
(A) Indian Ocean and Atlantic Ocean
(B) Atlantic Ocean and Pacific Ocean
(C) Pacific Ocean and Arctic Ocean
(D) Indian Ocean and Antarctic Ocean

11. Which of the following doesn’t have a common boundary with Bangladesh?
(A), Meghalaya
(B), Mizoram
(C) Tripura
(D) Arunachal Pradesh

12 Which of the following river makes an estuary?
(A) Kaveri
(B) Krishna
(C) Narmada
(D) Ganga

13 Why is Indus Delta smaller than Delta of Ganga?
(A) Indus traverses a shorter distance than Ganga
(B) Indus is not as broad as Ganga,
(C) Path of Indus is through arid area while Ganga collects more water along its path to the sea,
(D) None of the above

14. Which of the following is not recognized as a wetland under Ramsar Convention?
(A) Chilka
(B) Loktak
(C) Kolleru
(D) Ramnad

15. India has 8 coastal states, but more than 50% of sea salt is produced in Gujarat because:
(A) Gandhiji started salt movement in Gujarat.
(B) Low rainfall and relative humidity are ideal for the production of salt through evaporation of sea water. –
(C) Kandla port exports salt,
(D) The salinity of sea water is very high near the Gujarat coast

16. Consider following passage. The climate of this region is continental type Natural vegetation is low grassland, Annual range of temperature is high, The areas produce lot of surplus foodgrain Identify the region based on above statements,
(A) Sawanma
(B) Mediterranean
(C) Prairie
(D) Boreal

17. Which of the following statements is correct l Steeper slopes receive higher insolation (incoming solar radiation) than at area.
2. Amount of solar radiation received, at a place, decreases with height.
Answer choices :
(A) 1 and 2
(B) Only 1
(C) Only 2
(D) Neither l nor 2

18. Which of the following statements are incorrect about Oceanography ?
1. Deepest trench in the world is Sunda trench.
2. Gulf stream is a cold water current.
Answer choices :
(A) Only
(B) Only 2
(C). Both 1 and 2
(D) Neither 1 nor 2

19. Arrange following rivers from south to north :
1. Krishna
2. Kawe Ti
3. Godavari
4. Penganga

Answer choices :
(A) 2, 1, 3, 4
(B) 1, 2, 3, 4
(C) 1, 3, 4, 2
(D) 3, 2, 1, 4

20 Ecotone refer to
(A) Zone of junction between two or more diverse ecosystems
(B) Terrestrial part of the biosphere characterised by climatic vegetation, animal type and soil
(C) Unit of energy flow in any ecosystem
(D) Functional unit in ecosystem

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