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All posts from ICSE Class X English Language Sample Question Paper : St Joseph’s School

Name of the Organization: St Joseph’s School Khorabar, Gorakhpur
Name of the Exam : Preminary Examination
Document Type : ICSE Sample Papers for Class 10
Website : English Language
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Joseph’s School ICSE Class X Sample Question Paper

** ICSE Sample papers of some of the top icse schools of India can be downloaded from here.
** These sample papers are for Class 10 ICSE 2017 board examinations.

Related : GPAT Graduate Pharmacy Aptitude Test Model Question Paper :

** Also called as specimen papers or pre-selection papers conducted in several good icse schools in India.


** You will not be allowed to write during the first 15 minutes.
** This time is to be spent reading the question paper.
** The time given of the head of this paper is the time allowed for writing the answers.
** Attempt all four questions.
** The intended marks for questions or parts of questions are given in brackets ().
** You are advised to spend no more than 35 minutes in answering Question 1 and 20 minutes in answering

Question 1

Write a composition (350-400 words) on any one of the following:
a) Indian culture has always laid emphasis on the value of a family. Discuss the changes, both good and bad that have resulted from the breakup of the traditional joint family.

b) Narrate an incident when you were woken up in the middle of the night by a loud know on the door, only to open the door and find an alien at your doorstep.
c) Describe a construction site next to your school and its impact on the school activities.
d) Write an original story based on the proverb, ‘No man is an island’.

e) Study the picture given below. Write a story or a description or an account of what it suggests to you. Your compositions may be about the subject of the picture or you may take suggestions from it; however, there must be a clear connection between the picture and your composition.

Question 2

Select one of the following:
(a) You are in charge if a group, which is to go camping next month. Your friend, who is unwell at present, will join later. Write a letter to the same friend informing him/her when and where all the members have to meet, how you will travel to your destination, what things you should carry with you and how you will return home. (b) Write letter to the manager of New Creations, a leading fashion house in New Delhi, applying for the post of an Assistant Sales Executive.

Question 3

Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow : (25)
It is exciting to stand on a railways platform beside the great Trans-Siberian express and to know that it is about to take you on eight days of solid travel. The trades reach out into the distance those eight days will carry you only to the borders of China.

You will have travelled across one mighty continent to another, from West to East. It is a very different journey from the comparatively short-timed, swift leaps across continents that airplanes make. The airplane lets you see little of the world around you as it speeds high above the earth. On board the train you can settle back in your seat while the desert plains sweep past your window or are replaced by great forests that come crowding into the edge of the track. Each day passes in a lazy examination of the land outside. Indeed, you cannot escape from it.

(a) Give the meanings of the following words as used in the passage. (3) One word answer or short phrases will be accepted. (i) solid (ii) chaotic (iii) snorting (b) How has the narrator described the journey by an airplane? (2)

(c) What familiar details did the narrator notice upon entering the carriage? (2)
(d) Why does the author use sign-language to order his meal? How do we know that the author order was been badly misunderstood? (2)
(e) What does the author mean when he says ‘Time can hang heavily on your hands? What do the experienced travelers do?

Question 4

(a) Fill in each of the numbered blanks with the correct form of the word given in brackets. Do not copy the passage, but write in the correct serial order the word or phrase appropriate to the blank space. (4) Example: (0) came
From the dense jungle, the man-eater ____ 0 ____ (come) forth, a huge male in his prime, but with a limp,the legacy of a porcupine whose quills ____ 1 ____ (still double) into his flesh and ____2 ____ (turn) him man-eater. For years he ____ 3 ____ (hunt) men by day, because they ____ 4 _____ (be) more plentiful then than at night, but human being ___ 5 ____ (become) scarce in the jungle now. Now the tiger ____ 6 ___ (swing) his great head round towards the far village of Chauk. He ____ 7 ____ (kill) there once before. Yes, that ____ 8 _____ (be) the place.

(b) Fill in the blanks with an appropriate word :(4)
(i) A dispute arose ____________ the landlord and the tenant.
(ii) He is a Brahmin ___________ caste
(iii) Nehru was born __________ rich parents
(iv) I was enlisted _________ the army in 2006.
(v) We must guard ourselves _________ vices.
(vi) Hard work is indispensable ________ success.
(vii) The social workers labour ________ a just cause.
(viii) Let us not meddle ___________ the affairs of others.

(c) Join the following sentences without using and, but or so. (4)
(i) The telephone rang often. Each time my brother answered it.
(ii) The police arrived. The thief had fled by then.
(iii) I will come on Saturday. If not, I will come in Sunday.
(iv) She cannot win a prize. She may work day and night.

(d) Re-write the following sentences according to the instructions given after each. Make other changes
chat may be necessary, but do not change the meaning of each sentence. (3)
(i) We reached the house but could not find what we were looking for. (End……house)
(ii) “Are you sure this man in the green shirt is our new teacher?” lack asked Ben. (Begin Jack…)

(iii) You can stay in this room until someone wants to use it … (Begin As long as ….) (iv) Both the answers are wrong (Begin Neither…) (v) He is too young to travel alone. (Remove too) (vi) you need patience to learn how to spea a new language. (Begins: In order…) (vii) She will never learn to be polite. (Change into interrogative) (viii) He said, “I was writing a letter.” (Write in reported speech) ICSE Sample Papers for 2018 Board Exams Buy

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  1. give answers please

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