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Name of the Organisation : Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning
Exam : SSSIHL Admissions Test Question Paper
Degree : Undergraduate Programme
Subject : Botany
Document Type : Model Question Paper
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SSSIHL Admissions Test Botany Question Paper

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Important Instructions

** SHADE the correct Response viz., A, B, C, D or E in the RESPONSE SHEET. Each Question carry ONE mark.
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Sample Questions

Questions: 40
Time : 40 Minutes
Max. Marks: 40 x 1 = 40
1) Thallophyta includes
A) Fungi and bacteria only
B) Monera only
C) Algae, fungi and Lichens only
D) Algae and fungi only
E) Algae, fungi,bacteria and Lichens

2) Study of fungi called
A) Phycology
B) Mycology
C) Dermatology
D) Phytology
E) Phenology

3) Plant that produces both spores and embryo but lack vascular tissue are:
A) Bryophytes
B) Pteridophytes
C) Gymmpsperms
D) Phaeophyte
E) Angiosperms

4) Root branches emanate from
A) Epidermis
B) Endodermis
C) Pericycle
D) Pith
E) Xylem parenchyma

5) Rhizomes are
A) Underground stems with buds
B) Stems running above and along the ground
C) Roots storing food materials
D) Woody underground stems
E) Shoots going into soil store food materials

6) In Divot stem Xylem is
A) Polyarch
B) Monarch
C) Exarch
D) Endarch
E) Mesarch

7) Casparian bands are found in
A) Endodermis
B) Pericycle
C) Cork cambium
D) Xylem ray parenchyma
E) Pith parenchyma

8) In monocotyledonous plants, roots have
A) Endarch xylem
B) Diarch radial xylem
C) Polyarch, exarch condition
D) Conjoint collateral bundles
E) Dispersed xylem elements

9) Male gametophyte of angiosperm is
A) Microsporangium
B) Nucellus
C) Microspore
D) Megaspore
E) Synergids

10) Endosperm is formed from
A) Antipodals
B) Synergids
C) Oosphere
D) Entire egg apparatus
E) Secondary nucleus

11) How many pollen mother cells are required to form 1000 pollen grains?
A) 200
B) 100
C) 250
D) 50
E) 500

12) Variations occurring during tissue culture of some plants are known as:
A) Clonal variation
B) Somaclonal variation
C) Somatic variation
D) Extra chrosomal variation
E) Non-somatic variations

13) A typical embryosac possesses
A) Egg and synergids
B) Eggs, synergids and secondary cells
C) Egg and secondary cells
D) Eggs,synergids, polar nuclei and antipodals
E) Eggs and antipodals

14) Quantasomes occur in
A) Chloroplasts
B) Mitochondria
C) Lysosomes
D) Nucleus
E) Golgi apparatus

15) Dark reaction of photosynthesis is
A) Hill’s reaction
B) Photophosphorylation
C) Non-cyclic photophosphorylation
D) Calvin cycle
E) Kreb’s cycle


Plant Kingdom :
Five kingdom classification major groups and their salient features. Bacteria, Fungi, Bryophytes, Pteridophytes, Gymnosperm.

Morphology :
Structural organization of stem, leaf and root and their modifications (Stem-climber, Rhizome, tuber, bulb, corm); leaf – foliage, scale and bract; root – tap and adventitious roots in dicot and monocot plants.

Anatomy :
Tissues – Parenchyma, collenchymas, sclerenchyma, xylem, phloem. Anatomy of root, stem and leaf of monocot and dicot plants.

Embryology :
Structure and function of flower, Infloroscence, (Cymose, Racemose and special types) Androecium (Anther structure, microsporangium, microsporogenesis and male gametophyte), Entomophilies, Hydrophily, Zoophily, Fertilization, Fruits (Simple, aggregate and multiple fruits).

Physiology :
Basic account on water absorption, Ascent of sap, Transpiration (Exchange of gases, stomatal mechanism), Respiration (Glycolysis, Krebs cycle, electron transport system), Photosynthesis {Light and dark reaction – Calvin cycle), factors affecting photosynthesis – light, temperature and Carbon dioxide}, Growth (Plant hormones and growth regulation) and movements (Turgor and growth movements), Mineral nutrition (essential and non-essential elements) in plants.

Applied Botany :
Plant concept of Plant breeding – mutation, hybridization, polyploidy. Use of fertilizers and pesticides (advantages and hazards).

Cell Biology :
Introcution on Cell theory, Prokaryotic, Eukaryotic cell, Cell wall, cell membrane and cell organelles, Plastids, mitochondria, endoplasmic reticulam, golgi bodies, ribosome, lysosome, nucleus and chromosomes, Mitosis, Meiosis.

Ecology :
Concept of Organism and population, Ecological adaptation, Ecosystem: Components, types, energy flow, nutrient cycling.

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