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IIMB TEST Sample Question Paper : Indian Institute of Management Bangalore

Name of the University : IIMB Indian Institute of Management Bangalore
Exam : IIMB Test
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IIMB TEST Sample Question Paper

** The IIMB Test consists of questions that evaluate a candidates quantitative, verbal, logical and data interpretive abilities. Duration of the test will be 120 mins.

** A set of sample questions that illustrate the nature of the test is provided along with these guidelines. (Please note that actual questions may or may not be of the same pattern)


a. You should be in your assigned seat at the test center latest by 9 a.m. Latecomers will not be admitted.

b. You should bring the following to the Test Centre :
i Your Test Admit Card, without which you will not be allowed to take the test.
ii HB pencils, erasers, and sharpeners. (Calculator/watch calculator/ cell phones etc. will not be allowed in the examination hall. You are advised not to bring these to the center, as they may be lost/stolen if they are left outside the room. IIMB bears no responsibility for any such loss.)

c. The test begins with the distribution of OMR Answer sheet. You will be required to complete the application portion of the form (including signature in pencil) before the test using HB pencil only.
d. Next, a SEALED Test Booklet will be distributed.

e. DO NOT TEAR OPEN THE SEAL .The Test Supervisor will announce the beginning of the test. After the announcement, you may tear the seals of the test paper and begin the test. The paper will consist of several sections. Each section will contain several items/questions. You should read the directions for each section of the test carefully. If you skip the directions, you may miss the main idea and lose credit for some questions in that section.

f. Wrong answers carry negative marks.

g. You should remain seated after completing the test. The invigilator will collect the Test Booklet and the OMR Answer sheet. You will be allowed to leave the hall only after the Test Booklets and OMR Answer sheets from all candidates in your hall have been collected and accounted for. Candidates found violating the instructions of the Test Supervisor will be disqualified. Any candidate giving assistance or seeking/receiving help from any source in answering questions or using unfair means in any manner in the test will forfeit his/her chance of being considered for admission. In all matters concerning the Admission, the IIMBs decision will be final and binding on the applicant.

Section I

Number of Questions: 25
Directions for questions 1 to 10: In the following passage, there are blanks, each of which has been numbered. These numbers are printed below the passage and against each, five words are suggested, one of which fits the blank appropriately. Identify the appropriate word in each case.

For half a century, Peter G Drucker has been teacher and adviser to senior managers in business, human service organizations, and government. Sometimes called the godfather of modern management, he (1) an acute understanding of socio-economic (2) with practical insights into how leaders can turn _(3) into opportunity. With a rare (4) for synthesis, Drucker nourishes his (5) mind on a full range of intellectual disciplines, from Japanese art to network theory in higher mathematics. Yet he learns most from in-depth conversation with clients and students: a global network of men and women who (6) their ideas from action and act on ideas.

Since 1946, when his book Concept of the Corporation redefined employees as a resource rather than a cost, Druckers works have become an ever-growing (7) for leaders in every major culture, particularly among Japans top decision makers in the critical stages of their
(8) to world business leadership. A (9) share of productive organizations world-wide are led by men and women who consider Drucker their intellectual guide, if not their personal (10) .

1.(1) co-exists (2) combines (3) cooperates (4) coordinates
2. (1) steps (2) layers (3) stratas (4) forces
3. (1) turbulence (2) power (3) advocacy (4) authority
4. (1) view (2) feeling (3) position (4) gift
5. (1) perplex (2) doubling (3) insatiable (4) forceful
6. (1) draw (2) establish (3) comment (4) provoke
7. (1) strength (2) contribution (3) resource (4) discussion
8. (1) fate (2) destiny (3) future (4) rise
9. (1) possessive (2) goodly (3) lamentable (4) projective
10. (1) manager (2) philosopher (3) co-worker (4) mentor

Directions for questions 11 to14 :
Read each sentence to detect whether there is any error in it. Each sentence is divided into three parts, namely 1, 2 or 3. The error, if any, will be in one part of the sentence. The number of that part is the answer. If there is no error, the answer is ‘4’. (Ignore errors of punctuation, if any).

11. If he would have prepared/ his lecture well in advance (1) (2) it would have been/ the best lecture in the entire conference. No error (3) (4)

12. While going to the office yesterday I suddenly realized that/ (1) I have forgotten the key /to my office room at home. No error (2) (3) (4)

13. No other library in town has so many books/which belong to different disciplines/ as this library. No error (2) (3) (4)

14. People pay tribute to him on account of his/dedicated and selfless service/for the nation and its people. No error (2) (3) (4)

Directions for questions 15 to 19: Choose the word which is most nearly the same in meaning to the word given in bold letters.
15. Dormant:
(1) Harmful (2) Prosperous (3) Quiescent (4) Gentle
16. Germane:
(1) Pertinent (2) Accustomed (3) Prejudiced (4) Attractive
17. Laconic:
(1) Expansive (2) Operational (3) Realistic (4) Terse
18. Prodigious:
(1) Outstanding (2) Dramatic (3) Wasteful (4) Phenomenal
19. Melancholic:
(1) Possessive (2) Gloomy (3) Refreshed (4) Derogatory

Directions for questions 20 to 23: Choose the word which is MOST OPPOSITE in meaning to the word given in bold letters.
20. Assiduous:
(1) Timid (2) Precarious (3) Indolent (4) Inelegant
21. Rampant:
(1) Dubious (2) Restrained (3) Critical (4) Derogatory
22. Salubrious:
(1) Unfavourable (2) Unjustified (3) Unthinkable (4) Unscrupulous
23. Perilous:
(1) Cheerless (2) Grimy (3) Advantageous (4) Safe

Section II

Number of Questions: 50
Directions for questions 26 to 42: The questions below are independent of each other. Answer each independently.
26. Free note books were to be distributed equally among 60 children of a class. Since 15 children were absent on the day of distribution each child got 5 notebooks extra. What was the total number of notebooks available for distribution?
(1) 750 (2) 1200 (3) 900 (4) None of these

27. Three of the following four parts numbered (1), (2), (3) & (4) are exactly equal. The number of the part which is not equal to the remaining three parts is the answer.
145 x 6 + 15 x 3 = 146 x 5 + 85 x 2 = 65×11+37×5 = 84 x 5 + 32 x 15
(1) (2) (3) (4)

28. The area of a rectangular garden is 375 sq. metres and the length and the breadth are in the ratio of 5:3 respectively. What will be the cost of making a 80 cm broad pathway around boundary on all sides of the garden if cost of making the pathway is Rs.50/- per square metre?
(1) Rs.3200/-
(2) Rs.3328/-
(3) Rs.3228/-
(4) None of these

29. In how many different ways can the letters of the word ’ORANGE’ be arranged so that the three vowels never come together?
(1) 144
(2) 720
(3) 360
(4) 576

30 . Compound interest accrued on an amount of Rs.10,000/- in two years was Rs.3,225/- . What was the rate of interest p.c.p.a?
(1) 15
(2) 12
(3) 11.5
(4) None of these

31. Which of the following values of x will satisfy the inequality x2 – 2x – 3 < 0 ?
(1) x < -1 & x < 3
(2) -1 < x < 3
(3) -1 > x or x > 3
(4) None of these

Section III

Number of Questions: 25
Directions for questions 76 to 100: Read the following passages carefully and answer the
questions given below each. Certain words are underlined to help you to locate them while answering some of the questions
Passage 1 :
For more than a century, the Industrial Gases Division of BC, a huge British conglomerate, had joined the march of industrial progress across the British Empire. Its 35,000 people worked in fifteen countries around the globe to produce and deliver oxygen, nitrogen helium, and a wide variety of industrial gases to manufacturers of products ranging from steel and food to microchips.

76. What did Chow realize after taking over the top post at Industrial Gases ?
1. The organization was open to new ideas.
2. It served its customers well.
3. It was focused on internal concerns.
4. It faced great crisis.

77. Which of the following statements about C K Chow is NOT correct ?
1. He was an aggressive entrepreneur.
2. He believed that industrial gases was not in touch with ground realities.
3. He belonged to the Australian subsidiary.
4. He was stationed at the corporate headquarters.

78. What was Chow’s diagnosis about the Company’s poor performance ?
1. Basic problems related to organization structure and processes.
2. Constantly changing markets and technology.
3. Better performance of its competitors.
4. None of these

79. What was decided by Chow and his colleagues at Runnymede ?
1. Make the company as productive as possible.
2. Give a strong push to performance.
3. Make the operations of Company more competitive.
4. Lay maximum focus on customer needs and expectations.

80. Which of the following problems was considered to be critical by Chow ?
1. Underperformance of Industrial Gases.
2. Smooth adoption of technology.
3. Resistance to new ideas.
4. Strong local nature of business.

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