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All posts from Class VI Entrance Examination Sample Papers : Lawrence School

Name of the Organization : The Lawrence School , Sanawar
Examination Name : Entrance Examination
Announcement : Class VI Entrance Examination
Subject: Mathematics,General Science,Hindi,English
Type : Sample Question Paper
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Sanawar Class VI Entrance Examination Sample Papers

Time: 01 Hour
Max. Marks: 100

Related : Lawrence School Class V Entrance Examination Sample Question Paper :

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1 Mark Question :

Section – A

1. Write the number :19, 23, 43, 650 in International system ……………………
2.Write the number 75, 56, 063 in expanded form ……………………..…………….
3. Write Roman number for 108:………………………
4. 58 × 40= ……..……..………………
5. ………………is the smallest composite number.
6. Fill in appropriate sign between: 49/……..6/18
7. Decimal representation for 63/1000 is……………………
8. 56.5÷ 100= ………………
9.0.55 = ………………. as percent.
10. Write next two numbers of the pattern: 5, 8, 11, 14, ………., ………..

5 Marks Questions :

Section – B

16. Find L. C. M. of56, 60 and 42
18. Divide 4358 by 82 and verify : Dividend = Divisor × Quotient + Remainder.
19. Find the sum of “sum of 2 2/3& 32/3” and the difference of 3 2/5& 3 2/3
21. Rajesh solved 10 problems of a book in 225minutes. Find the time taken to to solve 4 such problems.

22. Raghav scored 15 out of 40 and Madhav scored 42 out of 50 in a Math test. Whose Score is better and by how much ?

10 Marks Questions :

Section – C

25.Find area of the shaded region:
26. A floor of length 35m and breadth 20 m has to be paved by the tiles measuring 14 cm × 5 cm. Find the number of tiles required and cost of doing the same if one tile costs Rs. 2.

27. The cost of 25 computers is Rs. 6,20,000. How many such computers canbe bought for Rs. 14,16,800 if the price is increased by Rs 500, further ?

28. Draw a Column graphfor the following data:
Name of a student: AnuKabir JoeKrish Nina
Marks scored : 5570 408090


Time: 01 Hour
Max. Marks: 100
Q1. Short Answer Questions: (2 * 25 = 50)
(a) Differentiate between the two ways in which plants reproduce?
(b) What is seed dispersal? How do animals help in seed dispersal?
(c) What are aerial animals? Name two flightless birds.
(d) What is the difference between ligaments and tendons?
(e) What are voluntary muscles? Why voluntary muscles are also called striped muscles?
(f) Differentiate between sensory nerves and motor nerves.
(g) What are reflex actions? How are they controlled?
(h) What is a food pyramid? What does it tell us?
(i) What is a balanced diet? What is the need for it?
(j) Differentiate between a sprain and a fracture.
(k) What is atmosphere? Name the layer of the atmosphere where we live in.
(l) What is humidity? Name the device that measures the relative humidity.

Q2. Fill in the blanks: (1* 20 = 20)
(a) The __________________________ fruit is spongy and floats easily in water.
(b) Birds and reptiles breathe through their _______________________________.
(c) Spiracles in insects lead into a network of tubes called ___________________________.
(d) We should never put out fires caused due to electric short circuit with _______________.
(e) All weather changes take place in the ___________________________.
(f) ______________________________ is the most abundant gas in the atmosphere.
(g) The moon is the only __________________________ of the earth.
(h) When we see a thin portion of the moon. It is called the _____________________ moon.
(i) A _______________________________ is a tropical storm in the southern USA.
(j) ______________________________ in cars changes harmful gases into harmless ones.
(k) ___________________________ is used to make chalks.
(l) In deserts and open lands, ______________________________ causes soil erosion.

Q3. State TRUE or FALSE. (1 * 20 = 20)
(a) Hemp is an oil producing crop. ______________________________
(b) Bread mould reproduces by spores. ______________________________
(c) An earthworm breathes through it spiracles. _________________________
(d) Dolphins have blowhole for breathing. _________________________
(e) Small mammals with sharp front teeth are called rodents. _______________________
(f) Oysters have scales on their bodies for protection. _________________________
(g) Mosquitoes have proboscis for sucking blood. _______________________
(h) The second full moon of the month is called blue moon. __________________


Time: 01Hour
Max. Marks: 100
Q.1 Read the given passage carefully and answer the questions that follow: 70 Marks
In the tradition of her family, my mother was a doctor, a pathologist: she worked in a large hospital half the week, and in a research laboratory the other half. After my father went to war, she sometimes took me with her to the hospital, with its disinfectant smell and its rows of sad cow-eyed patients in white shrouds overflowing the cramped wards, corpses before they were dead.

a. Gandhi says to young Dom, ‘Till he comes back, she is your responsibility.’ In what ways do you think a young child can look after his parent and take their responsibility? 20

b. Imagine / recall a meeting with someone you admire greatly. Write how that meeting influenced you under the heading ‘People Who Influenced Me’. 20

c. Answer the following questions briefly: 6×3=18
1. How did young Moraes get an opportunity to meet Gandhi?
2. What does the scene at Juhu remind Moraes of later? What did he feel at that time?
3. ‘I don’t eat much these days, so you will need it more than I will.’ What did Gandhi mean by this?
4. Suggest a suitable title for the passage
5. What qualities did the policemen show? Whom did they seem to respect more than their officers?
6. How does Moraes describe Gandhi?
7. Briefly describe the camp in your own words.

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