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IITIAN Tapasya Talent Search Examination Class VIII Model Question Paper :

Name of the Organization : IITIAN Tapasya
Exam : Talent Search Examination 2018
Category : Class VIII
Document Type : Model Question Paper
Year : 2018
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Iitian’s Tapasya Talent Search Exam Question Paper

** Iitian’S Tapasya Talent Search Exam is an endeavor to identify the talented student and nurture them to reach the peak of their potential.

Related : EDKUL Regional Scholarship Test Class VIII Sample Question Paper :


Time : 2 Hours
Maximum Marks : 180


A. General :
1. Attempt ALL the questions. Answer have to be marked on the OMR sheets
2. This question paper contains 45 questions. 3. The question paper consists of FIVE Parts Physics (Q.No. 1 to 5), Chemistry (Q.No.6 to 10), Biology (Q.No. 11 to 15), Mathematics (Q.No. 16 to 30), & Mental Ability (Q.No. 31 to 45)

4. Blank spaces are provided at the bottom of each page for rough work. No additional sheets will be provided for rough work.
5. Balnk paper, clipboard, log tabes, silde rules, calculators, cellular phones, pagers and electronic gadgets in any form are NOT allowed.
6. Do not Tamper / multilate the OMR sheet or this booklet.

7. Do not break the seals of the question-paper booklet before instructed to do so by the invigilator.
8. SUBMIT the OMR sheet to the invigilator after completing the test & take away the test paper with you.

[b] Filling of OMR Sheet :
9. In all the parts, each question will have 4 choices out of which only one choice is correct
10. Use only Black/Blue ball point pen for filling the OMR sheet.
11. On the OMR sheet, darken the appropriate bubble for each character of your name, Registration No., Phone No. etc.

[C] Marking Scheme :
12. For each correct response you will awarded 4 marks and zero marks in all other cases
13. There is no negative marking in STAGE-1 exam.

Part I – Physics

** This section contains (1-5) multiple choice questions.
** Each questions has four choices (A), (B), (C) and (D) out of which ONLY ONE is correct.

Q.1 A car accelerates on a horizontal road due to the force exerted by
(A) the engine of the car
(B) the driver of the car
(C) the earth
(D) the road

Q.2 While walking on ice, one should take small steps to avoid slipping. This is because smaller steps ensure
(A) larger friction
(B) smaller friction
(C) larger normal force
(D) smaller normal force

Q.3 Two cars of unequal masses use similar tyres. If they are moving at the same initial speed, the minimum stopping distance
(A) is smaller for the heavier car
(B) is smaller for the lighter car
(C) is same for both cars
(D) depends on the volume of the car

Q.5 In a tug-of-war contest, two men pull on a horizontal rope from opposite sides. The winner will be the man who
(A) Exerts greater force on the rope
(B) Exerts greater force on the ground
(C) Exerts a force on the rope which is greater than the tension in the rope
(D) Makes a smaller angle with the vertical

Part II – Chemistry

** This section contains (6-10) multiple choice questions.
** Each questions has four choices (A), (B), (C) and (D) out of which ONLY ONE is correct.
Q.6 The reaction, Zinc + Copper sulphate solution ?? Zinc sulphate solution + Copper, idicates that the metal which appear lower in the reactivity series is,
(A) Zn
(B) Cu
(C) Zn2+
(D) Cu2+

Q.7 Iron is galvonized by coating it with,
(A) nickel
(B) chromium
(C) manganese
(D) zinc

Q.8 The essential condition required for rusting of iron is the pressure of
(A) Oxygenated air
(B) Moisture
(C) Nitrogen
(D) Moist oxygenated air

Q.9 Coal gas is a mixture of
(A) CO + H2
(B) CO + N2
(C) CH4 + CO + H2
(D) CH4 + C2H6

Q.10 Which one is an ideal fuel
(A) Natural gas
(B) Coal
(C) Kerosene
(D) Wood

Part III – Biology

** This section contains (11-15) multiple choice questions.
** Each questions has four choices (A), (B), (C) and (D) out of which ONLY ONE is correct.
Q.11 The brain and spinal cord are made up of
(A) Nervous tissue
(B) Epithelial tissue
(C) Muscular tissue
(D)Connective tissue

Q.12 Genes are located on the:
(A) Nuclear membrane
(B) Chromosomes
(C) Lysosomes
(D) Cell membrane

Q.13 The production and managment of fish is called
(A) aquaculture
(B) breeding
(C) pisciculture
(D) insemination

Q.14 Which of the following is true for viruses ?
(A) They multiply only in the host cell
(B) They invaribly contain DNA
(C) They occur only inside bacteria
(D) Their genetic material is RNA and not DNA

Q.15 Which of the following is a bacterial diseases
(A) Tuberculosis
(B) Measles
(C) Small pox
(D) Rabies

Part IV – Mathematics

** This section contains (16-30) multiple choice questions.
** Each questions has four choices (A), (B), (C) and (D) out of which ONLY ONE is correct

Q.16 If a = 2 3 2 3 +- , b = 2 32 3 – + , then the value of a + b is –
(A) 14
(B) – 14
(C) 8 3
(D) – 3

Q.17 If x = 0.16 , then 3x is –
(A) 0.48
(B) 1/6
(C) 0.5
(D) 0.5

Q.18 2 2 2 2 2 is equal to –
(A) 42
(B) 2
(C) 15 216
(D) 31 232

Q.19 Find area of Quadrilateral with sides 17, 25, 30 and 28 cm and one of its diagonal is 26 cm
(A) 450 cm2
(B) 360 cm2
(C) 540 cm2
(D) 720 cm2

Q.20 Which of the following statements are correct ?
1. x + 3 is a factor of x3 + 2×2 + 3x + 18 2. x + 2 is a factor of x3 + 2×2 – x – 2
3. x + 1 is a factor of x3 + x2 – 4x – 4 4. x – 2 is a factor of 2×3 – 3x + 4
(A) 2, 3, 4
(B) 1, 3, 4
(C) 1, 2, 4
(D) 1, 2, 3

Q.21 The ratio between the present ages of A and B is 5 : 3 respectively. The ratio between A’s age 4 years ago and B’s age 4 years hence 1 : 1. What is the ratio between A’s age 4 years henceand B’s age 4 years ago?
(A) 1 : 3
(B) 2 : 1
(C) 3 : 1
(D) 4 : 1

Q.22 The sale price of an article including the sales tax is Rs. 616. The rate of sales tax is 10%. If the shopkeeper has made a profit of 12%, then the cost price of the article is :
(A) Rs. 500
(B) Rs. 515
(C) Rs 550
(D) Rs. 600

Q.23 Area of Quadrilateral ACDE is 36 cm2, B is the mid-point of AC. Find area of ?ABE. If AC ||ED and BE || CD .
(A) 24 cm2
(B) 9 cm2
(C) 12 cm2
(D) 18 cm2

Q.24 Three coins are tossed simultaneously. Find probability of getting at most 2 heads
(A) 3/8
(B) 1/2
(C) 3/4
(D) 7/8

Q.25 Two dice are thrown simultaneously. What is the probability of getting two numbers whose product is even ?
(A) 1/2
(B) 3/4
(C) 3/8
(D) 5/16

Q.26 A person bought 20 litres of milk at the rate of Rs. 8 per litre. He got it churned after spending s. 10 and 5 kg of cream and 20 litres of toned milk were obtained. If he sold the cream at Rs. 30 per kg and toned milk at Rs. 4 per litre, his profit in the transition is:
(A) 25%
(B) 35.3%
(C) 37.5%
(D) 42.5%

Q.27 The sum of three numbers is 264. If the first number be twice the second and third number be one-third of the first, then the second number is :
(A) 144
(B) 48
(C) 72
(D) 84

Q.29 A two digit number ab is added to another number ba, which is obtained by reversing the digits then we get a three digit number. Thus a + b equals to
(A) at least 18
(B) 2ab
(C) 2 (a + b)
(D) a + b = 10

Q.30 If one of interior angles of a regular polygon is equal to 5/6 times of one of the inerior angles of a regular pentagon, then number of sides of the polygon is
(A) 3
(B) 4
(C) 6
(D) 8

Part V – Mental Ability

** This section contains (31-45) multiple choice questions.
** Each questions has four choices (A), (B), (C) and (D) out of which ONLY ONE is correct.

Q.31 Count the number of squares in the following figure ? x
(A) 16
(B) 17
(C) 30
(D) 55

Q.32 A man walks 1 km towards East and then he turns to South and walks 5 km. Again he turns to East and walks 2 km, after this he turns to North and walks 9 km. Now, how far is he from his starting point ?
(A) 3 km
(B) 4 km
(C) 5 km
(D) 7 km

Q.33 If ‘when’ means ‘x’, ‘you’ means ‘ ÷ ‘, ‘come’ means ‘ – ‘ and ‘will’ means ‘ + ‘, then what will be the value of ”8 when 12 will 16 you 2 come 10” ?
(A) 45
(B) 94
(C) 96
(D) 112

Q.34 A man has Rs. 480 in the denominations of one-rupee notes, five-rupee notes and ten-rupee notes. The number of notes of each denomination is equal. What is the total number of notes that he has ?
(A) 45
(B) 60
(C) 75
(D) 90

35. It being given that × denotes ‘greater than’, f denotes ‘equal to’, < denotes ‘not less than’, Space for rough work ^ denotes ‘not equal to’, D denotes ‘less than’ and + denotes ‘not greater than’, choose the best possible answer from the given options : If a × b D c, it follows that
(A) a f c D b
(B) b < a × c
(C) a < b + c
(D) b < a f c

VIII Syllabus

Physics :
** Motion, Force and Law of Motion, Work and Energy, Gravitation, Sound, Friction, Light, Chemical Effects of Current.

Chemistry :
** Acids base and Salts, Physical and Chemical Changes, Materials, Metals and Non-Mentals.

Biology :
** Nutrition in Plants, Nutrition in Animals, Respiration in Organism, Reproduction in Plants, Micro-organism, Friends and For, Cell-Structure and Functions, Reproduction in Animals, Pollution of Air and Water.

Maths :
** Integers, Lines and Angles, The triangle and its properties, Perimeter and Areas, Rational Numbers, Linear Educations in one Variables Understanding Quadrilaterals, Data Handling, Pollution of Air and Water.

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