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Organisation : Centre for Development Studies
Exam : MA Entrance Exam
Document Type : Sample Question Paper
Category or Subject : MA. Applied Economics
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CDS MA Entrance Exam Question Paper

** a two year M.A. Programme in Applied Economics
** a two year M.Phil. Programme in Applied Economics

Related : University of Mumbai Commerce Entrance Test Question Paper :

** a four year Ph.D. Programme in Economics.
** It is easily accessible by road, rail and air. The sprawling 10 acre campus is designed and delivered by late Laurie Baker, whose love for nature has few parallels in history.


Read the instructions carefully before answering the questions :
** This booklet consists of two parts. Part one contains 25 objective questions with multiple choices in answers. Part two contains five passages/tables and a set of questions below each passage/table. Questions are to be answered on the basis of the information given in the respective passage/table. The allowed time is two hours.

** Each correct answer for the objective questions in part one carries two marks and for each wrong answer one mark will be deducted. Non-attempted questions carry zero mark.

** In part one, answer the questions by writing the alphabet (A,B,C, or D in capital letters), corresponding to your answer, on the answer line given below right side of each question. If you mistakenly write a wrong choice, you can strike it out using “multiplicative sign” (x), and then write the correct choice in the remaining space.

** In part two, answer to a question should not exceed the given space provided below the question. Write your answers legibly. Maximum marks that a question carries is given on its right side in parenthesis.

** Write your Register Number in the space given in the bottom of this page.
** Please do not make any stray marks on this booklet.
** Return this booklet to the invigilator at the end of the examination.
** Last page of this booklet can be used for doing rough work.

Sample Question Paper

Part One :
lim, sº is
A. 0
B. 1
C. -1
D. Nonexistent

If the slope of the function f(X) = 4X* – 24X +32, is 0 at X = 3, then it follows that X = 3 is a
A. Local maximum
B. Local minimum
C. Global maximum
D. Saddle point

An asset initially costs Rs. 100,000/-. It is expected to last for 5 years and it will be worthless at the end of this time. Depreciation is charged on a straight line basis over the asset’s useful life. Given the following profits from the investment what is its net present value assuming a discount rate of 10%2
Year 1:7500, Year 2: 12500, Year 3: 16000, Year 4: 14000, Year 5: 12500
A. Rs. 53500
B. R.S. 37509
C. Rs. 22284
D. Rs. 162479

What is a, if A = |. . is a singular matrix
A. 5
B. 3
C. 4
D. 7

Which of the following functions is homogeneous of degree 1
A. Q = 100K1/*L3/4
B. Q = 20K&L
C. Q = (K2 + 2KL + L2)
D. Q = (K2 + 2KL + L2)1/2

Which measure of central tendency takes into account the magnitude of scores?
A. Mean
B. Median
C. Mode
D. Range

Which of the following statements sounds like a null hypothesis?
A. The coin is not fair
B. There is a correlation in the population
C. There is no difference between male and female incomes in the population
D. The defendant is guilty

What would happen (other things equal) to a confidence interval if you calculated a 99 percent confidence interval rather than a 95 percent confidence interval?
A. It will be narrower
B. It will not change
C. The sample size will increase
D. It will become wider

Which one of these statistics is unaffected by outliers?
A. Mean
B. Interquartile range
C. Standard deviation
D. Range

The value of a correlation is reported by a researcher to be r = -0.5. Which of the following statements is correct?
A. The x-variable explains 25% of the variability in the y-variable.
B. The x-variable explains-25% of the variability in the y-variable.
C. The x-variable explains 50% of the variability in the y-variable.
D. The x-variable explains-50% of the variability in the y-variable

Assume that the market for computers begins in equilibrium. Then, there is a decrease in price of Pentium processors used in the production of computers, When the new equilibrium is reached
A. The price and quantity of computers will both have risen
B. The price and quantity of computers will both have fallen
C. The price of computers will have risen and the quantity will have fallen
D. The price of computers will have fallen and the quantity will have risen

During the 1990s, the price of VCRs fell by about 30 percent, and quantity changed by the same amount. The demand for VCRs must
A. be inelastic
B. be elastic
C. be unit elastic
D. have shifted to the right

Which of the following is true about a firm that sells its output in a perfectly competitive market?
A. The demand for its product is downward sloping
B. The firm will earn zero economic profits in the long run
C. Advertising is the most important tool
D. The firm will increase its profit by charging a price lower than the prevailing market price

Which of the following is NOT a characteristic feature of a monopolistically competitive firm
A. Long run profits
B. Differentiated products
C. Substantive product advertising
D. Large number of buyers and sellers

The demand curve represents,
A. The minimum amount consumers are willing to pay for particular units of a good
B. The maximum amount consumers are willing to pay for particular number of units of a good
C. The average amount consumers are willing to pay for particular unit of a good
D. That consumers want to pay the lowest price possible

India had a current account surplus after the 1973-74 oil price rise because
A. India is a net exporter of oil
B. inflation in India forced producers to export more
C. real income declined leading to an increase in savings
D. India was able to borrow from special facilities at the IMF and World Bank

India has been accumulating foreign exchange reserves over time. This has led
impossibility of a foreign exchange crisis
increase in domestic money supply
current account surplus
appreciation of Indian rupee

Which five year plan was put up in the spirit of the Harrod Domar model of growth?
A. Second five year plan
B. First five year plan
C. Third five year plan
D. None of the above

The second five year plan stressed investment in basic industries because
A. India did not have the foreign exchange to import these goods
B. such investment would maximize the rate of growth of the economy
C. it would provide employment
D. it would generate technical progress

India was not affected by the 1997 Asian financial crisis because
A. trade’s share in GDP was very small
B. India got large amounts of foreign aid
C. India’s short term foreign debt was very small
D. India was growing at a very fast rate

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  1. Thank you so much for this :)

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