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ROBO CHAMPS Olympiad Sample Paper For Class X :

Name of the Organisation : Robochamps
Name of the Exam : ROBO-CHAMPS Olympiad
Applicable State : Maharashtra
Document Type : Sample Question Paper
Category : 6th, 7th , 8th, 9th & 10th
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Robo-Champs Olympiad Paper

** It’s a talent search exam for 7th , 8th, 9th & 10th class students which grills students on basics of mental ability and checks their conceptual clarity as well as their command over current subjects of SA-1/ 1st term syllabus.

Related : ROBO-CHAMPS Olympiad Sample Test Paper For Class IX :


Stage-1 :
** All students studying in class 7th, 8th, 9th & 10th in academic year 2017-18 can participate through their school .

Stage-2 :
** Shortlisted 30 students of Stage-1 from every school (each std) will participate in Stage-2

Sample Paper For Class X

Instructions :
Time duration : 1:00 hours. (Time of OMR filling is included in time duration).
Maximum Marks : 120
** This Paper contains 30 questions divided in two sections
** Section–A Mental Aptitude 6 questions 24 marks
** Section–B Scholastic Aptitude 24 questions 96 marks
** Each Question has a single correct answer. There is NEGATIVE MARKING for wrong answers.

Marking Scheme :
** +4 marks for correct answer;
** –1 mark for incorrect answer

Section – A (MAT)

The following question is based on a dice numbered 1 to 6 in different a s as indicated :
If 1 is opposite to 2 and ad acent to 3 and 4, then hich of the follo ing statements is necessaril true ?
(a) 2 is ad acent to 6
(b) 3 is ad acent to 4
(c) 4 is opposite to 6
(d) 3 is opposite to 5

In each of the following questions, a ord has been coded and its code is ritten against it to the left of the sign . he ord to the right of it has been coded on the same principle and the code is given as one of the four alternatives under it. o find the ans er ou have to consult the matching of the small letters against the capital letters as given belo and arrive at the principle involved in the coding. he coding in each question has not necessaril been done on the same pattern. Find the correct alternative in each case.
HEAR : bklmp : : NERVOUS : ?
(a) intrid
(b) iqovbn
(c) ohvpm
(d) vkmsqhc

NERVOUS : pi qn : : AGHAS : ?
(a) n inmc
(b) zk zom
(c) liblcp
(d) oz ond

In the following figure, the circle stands for emplo ed, the square stands for hard orking, the triangle stands for rural and the rectangle stands for intelligent. Stud the figure carefull and ans er the questions that following Rural emplo ed people ho are neither intelligent nor hard orking are indicated b region
(a) 2
(b) 4
(c) 6
(d) 9

Rural emplo ed people ho are neither intelligent nor hard orking are indicated b region
(a) 10
(b) 9
(c) 6
(d) 4

How many triangles does the following figure have ?
(a) 36
(b) 40
(c) 44
(d) 48

A atch, hich gains uniforml , is 2 minutes slo at noon on monda , and is 4 minutes, 48 seconds fast at 2 P.M. on the follo ing monda . At hat time it as correct.
(a) 2 p.m. on tuesda
(b) 2 p.m. on ednesda
(c) 3 p.m. on thursda
(d) 1 p.m. on frida

Study the following information careful and ans er the questions given below it :
There are si persons A, B, C, D, E and F. C is the sister of F. B is the brother of E’s husband. D is the father of A and grandfather of F. here are t o fathers, three brothers and a mother in the group.
Who is E’s husband?
(a) B
(b) C
(c) A
(d) F

How many male members are there in the group ?
(a) One
(b) o
(c) hree
(d) Four

Which of the follo ing is a group of brothers ?
(a) ABF
(b) ABD
(c) BFC
(d) BDF

In the following question, a matri of certain characters is given. these characters follow a certain trend, ro – ise or column- ise. Find out this trend and choose the missing character accordingly .
If A = 2B, B>C hich of the following is definitely false?
(a) A>B+C
(b) A-B >C
(c) A-2B<C
(d) A = B ÷ C

A man walks 10 km to ards north. From there he walks 6 km towards south. hen he walks 3 km towards east. Ho far and in hich direction is he ith reference to his starting point?
(a) 7 km east
(b) 5 km est
(c) 5 km north-east
(d) 7 km est

In the following question, a series of numbers is given follo ed b a blank space ith a (?) question mark on it. he number to be filled in the blank is given as one of the alternative among the four given under. Find the correct alternative.
55296, ?, 288, 36, 9
(a) 3456
(b) 3436
(c) 4638
(d) 3638

Section – B (SAT)

Scholastic Aptitude Test :
The numerical ratio of displacement to distance for a moving ob ect is
(a) al a s less than 1
(b) al a s more than 1
(c) al a s equal to 1
(d) equal or less than 1

A student is stud ing the motion of an ob ect. he correct representation of uniform motion of the ob ect is sho n b the figure.
(a) A
(c) C

Akshil bu s 5 gram of gold at the poles. he eight of the gold at the equator ill be
(a) 5g
(b) less than 5 g
(c) greater than 5 g
(d) 5.5 g

If the density of the ob ect placed in a liquid is equal to the density of the liquid, the ob ect ill
(a) float holly immersed
(b) sink
(c) float half immersed
(d) float completely above the liquid

Work done is zero, hen
(a) force and displacement of the bod are in the same direction
(b) force and displacement of the bod are in the opposite direction
(c) force acting on the bod is perpendicular to the direction of the displacement of the bod
(d) none of these

A deuteron and an a-particle are placed in an electric field. he forces acting on them are F and F , and their accelerations are a and a2 respectively .
(a) F = F
(b) F – F
c) a = a
(d) None of these

The distance bet been t o point charges is increased b 10%. he force of interaction
(a) increases b 10%
(b) decreases b 10%
(c) decreases b 17%
(d) decreases b 21%

In India, the frequency of A.C. current is c cles per second.
(a) 50
(b) 100
(c) 60
(d) None

The refractive inde depends upon the of propagation of light in different media.
(a) relative speed
(b) density of medium
(c) amplitude
(d) frequency

What ill happen to the current passing through a resistance, if potential difference across is doubled and the resistance is halved it ?
(a) remains unchanged
(b) becomes double
(c) becomes half
(d) becomes four times

Which of the following is correct statement ?
(a) Na2S is Sodium sulphide, Na2SO3 is Sodium sulphite and Na2SO4 is Sodium sulphate
(b) Na2S is Sodium sulphite, Na2SO3 is Sodium sulphide and Na2SO4 is Sodium sulphate
(c) Na2S is Sodium sulphite, Na2SO3 is Sodium sulphate and Na2SO4 is Sodium sulphide
(d) Na2S is Sodium sulphide, Na2SO3 is Sodium sulphate and Na2SO4 is Sodium thiosulphate

An element has 3 valence electrons in its outermost 3rd shell, the name of element is
(a) B
(b) Al
(c) Ga
(d) In

What is the formula of ethanoic acid ?
(c) C H COOH
(d) C H COOH

Iron is
(a) more reactive than zinc
(b) more reactive than aluminium
(c) less reactive than copper
(d) less reactive than aluminium

When the gases sulphur dio ide and h drogen sulphide mi in the presence of ater, the reaction is SO + 2H S ? 2H O + 3S. Here h drogen sulphide is acting as –
(a) an o idising agent
(b) a reducing agent
(c) a deh drating agent
(d) a catal st

In the reaction PbO + C ? Pb + CO.
(a) PbO is o idised
(b) C acts as o idising agent
(c) C acts as a reducing agent
(d) his reaction does not represent a redo reaction.

Which of the follo ing reaction is/are a double displacement reaction (s) ?
(i) AgNO + NaBr ? NaNO + AgBr
(ii) BaCl + H SO ? BaSO + 2HCl
(iii) As O + 3H S ? As S + 3H O
(iv) NaOH + HCl ? NaCl + H O
(a) (i) & (ii)
(b) Onl (iii)
(c) Onl (iv)
(d) (i) to (iv) all

A redo reaction is one in hich –
(a) both the substances are reduced.
(b) both the substances are o idised.
(c) an acid is neutralised b the base.
(d) one substance is o idised, hile the other is reduced.

The reaction in hich t o compounds e change their ions to form t o ne compounds is –
(a) a displacement reaction
(b) a decomposition reaction
(c) an addition reaction
(d) a double displacement reaction

On oining mid-points of a quadrilateral a parallelogram is formed, then quadrilateral ma be
(a) Parallelogram
(b) Rhombus
(c) C clic quadrilateral
(d) All of the above

A horse is tied to a verte of a field having the shape of an equilateral triangle ith a rope, the length of hich is half of the length of a side of the triangle. he percentage of the total area of the field over hich the horse can graze is appro imatel
(a) 20 to 22%
(b) 25 to 27%
(c) 30 to 32%
(d) 48 to 50%

The chemical substance ith aterproof qualit on the leaves of some desert plants is:
(a) Keratin
(b) Cuticle
(c) Cutin
(d) Lignin

What is true for Echinodermata?
(a) hese are e clusivel free-living marine animals
(b) hese are scal skinned organisms
(c) he are diploblastic and have a coelomic cavit
(d) Both a and c are true

Coloured bodies called plastids are found in:
(a) animal cells onl
(b) plant cells onl
(c) fungi onl
(d) animal and plant cells

The region of megadiversit is:
(a) tundra regions
(b) equatorial regions
(c) tropical regions
(d) both b and c

Information for inheritance of features from parents to ne t generation occurs in the form of:
(a) Chromosomes
(b) RNA
(c) Nucleosomes
(d) DNA

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