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All posts from DPS VIII STD Model Test Paper 2017-18 : Delhi Public School Gwalior

Organisation : Delhi Public School, Gwalior
Class : VIII Std
Year : 2017-18
Document Type : Model Test Paper
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DPS Gwalior VIII Std Model Test Paper

Subject : Computer
Time : 1Hr 30 Mins
MM : 80.

Related : DPS VII STD Model Test Paper 2017-18 Delhi Public School :


I. Answer the following questions : [10 X 4=40]
a. Define Intranet.
b. Write a short note on the term Security.
c. Write a short note on the term Web Designing.
d. Solve using the concept of BODMAS 12+ (5*10/2-4+1).
e. What do you mean by Marquee Tag?
f. Write a short note on the term HTML.
g. What is HUB?
h. Write a short note on Network.
i. What is Asynchronous Transmission Mode?
j. What is Cell Referencing?

II. Write the steps to do the following : [5 X 2=10]
a. Hide a sheet in MS Excel.
b. To create a chart using chart wizard. in MS Excel.

III. Fill in the blanks : [10 X 1=10]
1. ____________________ is used to go from one webpage to other.
2. ____________________ and ____________________ are the two tags used in HTML.
3. ____________________ and ____________________ are the names of any two search engines.
4. Secondary memory is a ____________________ memory.
5. ____________________ is the extension for HTML page.
6. ____________________ and ____________________ are the two auto built functions in MS Excel.
7. A cell group of adjacent cells is called ____________________.
8. ___________________ and ____________________ are the names of any two Social Networking Sites.
9. ___________________ is the tag used for giving heading in a web page.
10. ____________________ is the tag for inserting a line break.

IV True or False : [10 X 1=10]
1. Only small networks use routers.
2. If a server breaks down it does not affect a number of computers.
3. A group of spreadsheets which are related are stored together in a Group.
4. Mathematical equations which are written manually are called mathematical operators.

5. Ctrl+X is used to copy a cell.
6. The computer sends data over the Internet in the form of packets of data.
7. A Peer –to-Peer network is easy to install, cheap and fast.

8. Printer is an example of output device.
9. Computer stores all kinds of information.
10. The Internet connects to your computer via phone line.

V. Write full forms for the following : [5 X 1=5]
a) HUB
c) WWW
d) TCP
e) LAN.


Time : 03 hrs.
M.M : 80
The question paper is divided into four sections
Section A : Reading 15 Marks
Section B : Writing 20 Marks
Section C : Grammar 20 Marks
Section D : Literature 25 Marks

General Instructions :
1. All questions are compulsory.
2. An additional 15 minutes time has been allotted to read this question paper.

Section A

Q1. Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow :
Though there are various methods of disciplining the mind, to think primarily for the benefit of others is immensely important. Benevolent thought for others will bring happiness to both the self and others, but if one only thinks of one‟s own selfish comfort and happiness there can rise nothing but suffering.

As the great Indian Pandit Shanta Deva has said, “The cause of suffering in this world is all due to the egoistic desire of selfish comfort and happiness. The cause for all happiness is the fruit of selfless desire for comfort and happiness for others”.

Complete the following statements : [5]
(i) One of the important methods of ………………………………
(ii) According to Shanta Deva, the cause of suffering in the world is due to ………..
(iii) We can get happiness by ………………………………………..
(iv) We should try to avoid anything that ……………………………
(v) We feel discomforted when we …………………………………

Section B

Q4. Chitra called Mrs. Sharma, a furniture shop owner. Since she was not available, her assistant, Ganga answered. The following is a conversation between Chitra and Ganga. As Ganga was going out immediately afterwards, she left a message for Mrs. Sharma.

Read the conversation and write the message in not more than 50 words. Put the message in box. [4]
Chitra : Is that „Royal Furniture‟?
Ganga : Yes, it is
Chitra : Could I speak to Mrs. Sharma?
Ganga : Sorry, she is not here at the moment.
Chitra : When will she be back?
Ganga : Not before six in the evening. Can I take a message for her?

: Yes, please. Could you tell her that she has to deliver the furniture ordered by me for my new house only on the 25th of October and not on 20th? Ask her to keep them ready by 9:00 am. I will send a pick-up van and so she does not have to arrange for the same.
Ganga : Yes, I will inform her. Chitra : Thank you.

Q5. You are Suresh/Jaya, living in the hostel of ABC Sr. Secondary School, Kanpur. Write a diary entry about your studies, hostel discipline and food you get and how you feel about the hostel life. Your entry should not exceed 80-100 words. [5]

Q6. Write a letter to the editor of the local daily highlighting the problem of throwing garbage on roads and its repercussions. Your letter should not exceed 80-100 words. [5]

Q7. Junk food has become a craze among the young children. They don‟t like homemade things and waste money on purchasing junk foods, which is not at all healthy. Write a speech in about 120 words on the topic „Bad Effects of Junk Food‟ to be delivered in the morning assembly.

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