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CS2411 Operating System B.E Question Bank :

Name of the College : DMI College OF Engineering
Department : Electrical And Electronics Engineering
Subject Code/ Name : CS2411-Operating System
Degree : B.E
Website :
Document Type : Question Bank

Operating System :

DMI Operating System Question Paper

Unit I

Processes and Threads :
** What are the main purposes of OS?
** Define operating system. Give any two OS you worked.
** Compare tightly coupled and loosely coupled system.
** Define context switch.

Related : DMI College OF Engineering EE2401 Power System Operation & Control B.E Question Bank :

** Show the different states in which a process may be with a neat diagram..
** What are the benefits of multithreaded program.?
** Write short notes on task control block.
** What is mean by time sharing system?
** Write the advantages of multiprocessor system.
** Differentiate symmetric and asymmetric multiprocessor systems.
** How hard real time system differ from soft real time system.?
** What are the five major categories of system calls?

Define :
(i)SYSGEN (ii) bootstrap program
** Name the different types of sockets used in java.
** Under what circumstances would a user be better off using time sharing system, rather than a PC or single user work station
** Why the command interpreter is usually separate from the kernel.?
** When a thread is created what resources are used ?
** Give the usage of fork and exec system calls.
** Differentiate long term scheduler from short term scheduler
what is mean by spooling.?

PART B (16 MARK) :
** Describe the essential properties of the different types of operating system
** What are the system components of an OS and explain them.?
** Write about the various system calls in detail.
** What are the various process scheduling concepts.?
** Give an overview about threading model and Threading issues.
** Explain briefly about IPC and the principle of IPC in Linux.
** How communication takes place in client- server systems.?
** How the components of OS interconnected and melded into kernel.?
** Summarize the concept of virtual machine.
Describe the following :
Process and their states
Cooperating process.

Unit II

2 MARK :
** Define deadlock.
** What is critical section problem.
** List out the four necessary conditions that are needed for deadlock can occur.
** Compare preemptive and non preemptive scheduling.
** State the two parameters of semaphore.
** Is it possible to have deadlock involving only one process ? State your answer.
** What is busy waiting? Is it preferable over blocking wait? Give reason.
** How ensure that the circular wait condition never holds to prevent the deadlock?
** State the two algorithms used to implement bankers algorithm.
** why spin locks are not appropriate for multiprocessor system.?
** Give two hardware instructions and their definitions which can be used f o r implementing mutual exclusion
** Write short notes on dispatcher.
** How can you avoid race condition? Define race condition.
** What are the various scheduling criteria for dispatch latency.?
** Distinguish entry section and exit section.
** Give the usage of Gantt chart.
** Which is the major problem in priority –scheduling algorithm? And what is the solution for that problem.
** What are the parameters of multilevel feedback queue schedulers.
** Differentiate growing phase and shrinking phase.
** Compare signaled and non signaled state.

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