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MPBSE Class XII Economics Model Questions : Madhya Pradesh Board of Secondary Education

Name of the Board : Madhya Pradesh Board of Secondary Education
Subject : Class Xll Economics
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Document Type : Model Questions

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MPBSE Class XII Economics Model Questions

Time 3 Hours
Maximum Mark – 100

Related : Madhya Pradesh Board of Secondary Education Class XII Sociology Model Questions :


i. All question are compulsory.
ii. Please the instructions carefully before writing the answer.
iii. Q. No. 1 to 5 are objective type which contain fill up the Blank, True/False, match the column, one sentence answer and choose the correct answers. Each question is allotted 5 marks. 1×1 = 5×5 =25 Marks.

iv. Internal options are given in Q. No. 6 to 24.
v. Q. No. 6 to 10 carry 2 marks each and answer should be given in about 30 words.
vi. Q. No. 11 to 17 carry 4 marks each and answer should be given in about 75 words.
vii. Q. No. 18 to 22 carry 5 marks each and answer should be given in about 120 words.
viii. Q. No. 23 and 24 carry 6 marks each and answer should be given in about 150 words.

Set – I

Choose the correct answer in the following :
(a) What also known as Aggregative Economics :
(i) Macro Economics
(ii) Micro Economic
(iii) Both of the above
(iv) None of the above.

(b) Which body calculates the National Income in India :
(i) National Income Committee
(ii) Directorate of National Sample
(iii) Central Statistical Organisation
(iv) Finance Ministry.

(c) Adverse Balance payment is
(i) Less Imports
(ii) More Exports
(iii) Less Imports More Exports
(iv) More Import and Less Export.

(d) A Budget is presented in India by :
(i) Lok Sabha
(ii) Rajya Sabha
(iii) Both the above
(iv) None of the above.

(e) The Basis of Law of Demand is :
(i) Law of Supply
(ii) Law of Diminishing Utility
(iii) Law of Equi Marginal Utility
(iv) Law of Diminishing Returns

2. Fill in the blanks :
(i) Car and Patrol are……………..commodities.
(ii) Rail Budget is presented by ……………… in the Parliament
(iii) The level of Employment is …………at increasing effective demand.
(iv) Increasing Effective Demand ………….. the Level of Employment.
(v) The theory of maximum social advantage propounded by…………

3. Make the correct pair for column ‘A’ choosing from column ‘B’ :
A – B
(a) Gold – Year 1935
(b) Reserve Bank of India – International Market
(c) Government’s Income & Expenditure – Measure of Value
(d) National Income – Barometer of Economic Welfare
(e) Primary function of money – Public Finance

4.Write True or False :
(i) Imperfect competition is practical state of market.
(ii) In Economics of a person doesnt get a job it is known as Unemployment
(iii) The standard deviation in an ideal and scientific measure.
(iv) Index Number is special type of mean.
(v) When marginal revenue is zero then total revenue is maximum

5. Write the Answer of the following questions in a sentence :
1. What is purpose of trade?
2. What is the sale of goods from one county to another called?
3. Which Bank has power of issuing money in India?
4. When Nabard was established?
5. Write the duration of the Budget?

Set – II

Choose the correct alternative –
(a) In economical anyalsis micro and macro words are used first time by –
(i) Adam smith (ii) Prof. Boulding
(iii) Ranger Frisch (iv) Keynes
(b) The commodity having least elasticity –
(i) Cycle (ii) sweets
(iii) furniture (iv) salt
(c) Commodity discrimination is the characteristic of –
(i) Perfect competition (ii) Imperfect competition
(iii) Oligopoly (iv) Monopoly Market
(d) Short of period market is –
(i) Vegitable (ii) Radio
(iii) Gold (iv) Cloth
(e) The National Income is India is calculated by –
(i) National income committee (ii) Directorate of National sample
(iii) central statistical organization (iv) Finance ministery

Fill in the blanks.
(i) Car and Petrol are ……………. items.
(ii) Increasing Effective Demand ……………. the Level of Employment
(iii) Balance is of payment always …………….
(iv) In balance of trade………… included.
(v) Excessive price rise in country decreases its……………

Give true or false.
(i) Balance budget is considered best in private finance.
(ii) In Indian tax system direct taxes is prominent.
(iii) Income tax is an example of indirect tax.
(iv) The Theory of Employment was first propounded by Marshal.
(v) In parliament budget is presented by finance minister.

Make the correct hair for column ‘A’ choosing from column ‘B’.
A – B
(a) Imperial bank of India – Crisis money
(b) State bank of India – 1955
(c) Fiat money – Coffee and Tea
(d) Cheque – 1921
(e) Complementary Items – Optional money

Give Answer in one sentence –
1. Which index number is use for comparison of Economic condition of two
2. What type of mesasure is Index Number?
3. Who has given the idea of standard Deviation?
4. Give one purpose of Budget.
5. What is the soul of Keynes’ theory of employment?

Set – III

Choose the correct answer in the following.
(a) In a perfect competition market the demand for product is –
(i) Completely elastic (ii) Completely inelastic
(iii) Elastic equal to unit (iv) Less elastic
(b) In calculation of National income by the income calculation method
following factor is taken into account –
(i) Self consumption expenditure (ii) Wages
(iii) Agriculture product (iv) Goods produced by government
(c) Commodity having Least Elasticity
(i) Car (ii) Cycle
(iii) House (iv) Salt
(d) The Central Bank of India is –
(i) The State Bank of India (ii) The Bank of India
(iii) The Reserve Bank of India (iv) The United Bank of India
(e) Merit of Indirect Tax is –
(i) Convenient (ii) Certainty
(iii) Economical (iv) Elasticity

Fill in the blanks.
(i) Increase in Effective Demand …………….. the Level of Employment
(ii) When price of any commodity increases than supply will be…………..
(iii) Very short period price is also called………………
(iv) Money is the pivot …………….which the economic science clusters.
(v) The aim of trade is to earn …………..whether it is National or International

Write True or False.
(i) At the first time employment theory is given by Marshall.
(ii) Reserve Bank is also called “Banker of Banks”.
(iii) Money defilation is a stage in which price rises.
(iv) Service tax in India come in force from 2003.
(v) Index numbers are called economics barometer.

Make the correct pair for column ‘A’ choosing from column ‘B’.
A – B
(a) Production method is known as – Lok Sabha
(b) Internal Trade – International Trade
(c) Dumping – In the boundary of country
(d) Permission of budget in India – Economic Development
(e) Objective of Budget – Value added method

Write the Answer of the following questions in a sentence.
1. Which is the one characteristic of a good tax system?
2. What kind of measurement is index number?
3. Write formula of mean deviation?
4. How is Consumption Funtion in Short Period
5. Write one reason for Deficiency Demand.

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