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CE2255 Highway Engineering B.E Question Bank :

Name of the College : Kings College of Engineering
University : Anna University Chennai
Department : Civil Engineering
Subject Code/Name : CE 2255 Highway Engineering
Year : II
Semester : IV
Degree : B.E
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Document Type : Question Bank

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Kings Highway Engineering  Question Bank


Highway Planning And Alignment :
Part- A (2 Marks)
1. Define central road fund :
On the recommendation of Jay existence on 1st march 1929, Upon the authority legislature.

Related : Kings College of Engineering CE2254 Surveying B.E Question Bank :

2. Define National Highway :
In 1956, National Highway empowering the central Govt force with effect from 15th April 1957.

3. Explain CRRI :
CRRI- The central Road Research Institute Delhi in 1950 council of scientific and industrial research, and in function include

4. Write Short notes on Highway Research Board :
This board was set up by I.R.C in 1973 to give proper road research work in India.

5. What are classified roads in Nagpur plan :
1. National Highways (NH)
2. State Highways (SH)
3. District Roads :
(1) Major district Roads
(2) Other district Roads
4. Village roads.

6. Define Express ways :
These roads are of higher, day than National highway. There are Such roads on which only font moving vehicles like car and jeeps are classified.

7. What are the modified classifications of Road system by Third RDP (1981-2001) :
1. Primary System
2. Secondary System
3. Tertiary system

8. What are types of Road patterns :
1. Rectangular (or) Black pattern.
2. Radial (or) Star and black pattern.

9. Write short notes or Nagpur plan (or) its 20-year Road plan :
The first attempt for proper Scientific planning of roads in India, Wan made in chief Engineers conference held at Nagpur in 1943. Nagpur conference finalized at 20 years (1943-1963) road development plan.

10. Write short notes on Second twenty year road plan (1961-81) :
A Second road development programmer (1961-81) was finalized by the chief engineers connected with road development, both at centre and Staten in a meeting held at Hyde Chad in 1959.

11. What are the fundamental principles of alignment :
1. Length of road should be shortest
2. The Proposed road should form a most economical line.
3. The alignment should provide corny.

12. What are the function which control the selection of alignment :
1. Volume and type of traffic
2. Obligatory points
3. Canal river (or) railway crossings
4. Geotechnical standard to he adopted

13. Define obligatory point :
Obligatory points are such points which act to control points in highway alignment.

14. What are special considerations for him road alignment :
1. Stability
2. Drainage
3. Geometric standard
4. Deep writing and heavy fillings should he avoided.

15. What are the varies type of Engineering surveys :
1. Map shady
2. Reconnaissance survey
3. Preliminary survey
4. Detailed Survey

16. What are two type of road project :
1. A new highway Project
2. Re-alignment (or) revenging Highway project

17. What are head involved in Highway Geometric :
1. Cross Section eleventh like camber, Super elevation
2. Sight distance character sight like stopping sight distance, overtaking sight distance etc.
3. Horizontal and vertical alignments

18. Define camber :
Traverse slope given to the road surface in called camber. It is provided mainly to drain off rain water from the road surface.

19. What are the factors deepens on camber :
1. Account of Surface
2. Type ground surface

20. What camber recommended in WBM Road :
Water Bound Macadam road 1 to 33 (3%) 1 in 40 (2.5%).

PART – B (16 Marks)
1. (i) State the construction steps of Macadam method of road formation.
(ii) Compare with Telford road construction.
2. How urban and rural roads are classified? Explain.
3. State and explain the various types of kerbs.
4. (i) What are the requirements of an ideal highway alignment? Discuss briefly.
(ii)Compare Conventional methods with modern methods in Highway.
5. (i) Discuss in detail about the obligatory points controlling highway alignment.
(ii) Explain
1. GIS 2. GPS 3. Remote sensing 4. Total station


Geometric Design Of Highways :
PART- A (2 Marks) :
1. Define sight distance?
Sight distance in the actual length of road over which a driver sitting at a specified height in a vehicle can see objects either moving (or) stationary on the road surface.

2. What are classifications of sight distance depending upon the situation?
1. Stopping sight distance
2. Sate overtaking sight distance
3. Sight distance at intersection

3. Define S.S.D?
Stopping sight distance is the minimum distance required with in which a vehicle moving at designed speed can be stopped without colliding with a stationary object on the road surface.

4. What is the height of driver eye above the road surface?
IRC recommended height of driver eye is 1.22m.

5. Define reaction time:-
It is the time in seconds which a driver can take from the instant the objects visible to him to the instant the brakes are effectively applied.

PART – B (16 Marks)
1. What are the objectives of widening of road pavement at horizontal curves? Derive an expression for the extra widening
2. (i) The speed of overtaking and over taken vehicles are70 and 40 kmph,respectively on a two way traffic road. If the acceleration of overtaking vehicle is 0.99m/sec2
a. Calculate safe overtaking sight distance
b. Mention the minimum length of overtaking zone and
c. Draw a neat-sketch of the overtaking zone and show position of sign posts.
(ii) What is overtaking sight distance and intermediate sight distance?
3. (i) Derive the formula for the radius of horizontal curve.
(ii) Why do you provide the extra widening on horizontal curves?
4. Describe the various types of horizontal curves.
5. Under what circumstances summit curves are provided.


Flexible And Rigid Pavements :
PART- A (2 Marks) :
1. What are the materials required for W.B.M roads?
1. Coarse aqqregate.
2. Screenings.
3. Filler materials

2. What are types of bituminous road?
1. Surface dressing
2. Bituminous bound macadam

3. Define seal coat?
Premised snail bitumen (or) surface dressing type seal coat is applied either immediately (or) after a few days.

4. What are methods adopted consummation of cement concrete pavement?
1. Cement grout method
2. Rolled concrete method.
3. Cement connate slab method

5. What types of join provided in cement concrete pavements?
1. Expansion joint
2. Contraction joint
3. Warping joint.

PART – B (16 Marks)
1. Briefly give the IRC Recommendations useful in the design of cement concrete pavement.
2. Explain in detail about the IRC method of flexible pavement design. Discuss limitation of this method.
3. Explain the methods of design of Flexible pavement by CBR method.
4. Discuss the advantage and limitations of CBR method of design.
5. Differentiate between Flexible and rigid Pavement (or) Compare Flexible and Rigid Pavement.

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