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ME6301 Engineering Thermodynamics, B.E Question Bank :

Name of the College : DMI College OF Engineering
Department : Mechanical Engineering
Subject Code/Name : ME6301 – Engineering Thermodynamics
Degree : B.E
Website :
Document Type : Question Bank

Engineering Thermodynamics :

Engineering Thermodynamics Question Paper


PART – A :
** Define Thermodynamics
** What is the difference between classical and statistical approaches in thermodynamics?
** Define the term thermal engineering.

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** Distinguish between “Macroscopic Energy” & “Microscopic Energy”.
** Distinguish between open and closed systems.
** What is meant by Open system with examples?
** What is meant by closed system with examples?
** Define a thermodynamic system.
** Classify the following systems as open/closed/isolated (a). Mixture of ice & water in a metal container ** (b). A wind mill.
** Define Specific heat at constant pressure, Specific heat at constant volume
** What is meant by thermodynamic property?
** How will you classify the thermodynamic property?

** Define Extensive and Intensive properties with examples.
** Define flow energy.
** What is meant by Internal energy?
** Distinguish between state and process of thermodynamics.
** What do you understand by flow work?
** When a system said to be in “Thermodynamic Equilibrium”?
** Define heat and thermodynamic work.
** Define quasi static process.
** What is meant by concept of continuum?
** Define path and point function with examples.
** Distinguish between point and path function.
** Define pressure, absolute pressure with its unit.
** Define the following terms (i).state, (ii). process,(iii).cycle
** What is the law of conservation energy and conservation of mass?
** What are different forms of energy available?
** Define enthalpy and write its unit.
** Define work and heat transfer.
** Distinguish between work transfer and heat transfer.
** Define “Zeroth law of thermodynamics”
** Define ideal and real gas and write the equation of state.
** Write the relationship between Celsius Scale and Fahrenheit Scale.
** Write the relationship between Celsius Scale and Kelvin Scale.
** State first law for (i). a cycle (ii). A process of a closed systems
** What are limitations of first law of thermodynamics?
** What is a PMM1? Why it is impossible?
** Define flow and non flow process.
** Write down the steady flow energy equation.
** Is it correct to say “total heat” or “heat content of a closed system”?
** Show that energy of a isolated system is always constant.
** Determine the molecular volume of any perfect gas at 600 N/m2 and 30°C.Universal gas constant is 8314J/kgmole K.
** Prove that for an isolated system, there is no change in internal energy.
** What are assumptions made in SFEE analysis?


PART – A :
** Define the term COP?
** State the kelvin – Planck statement of second law of thermodynamics?
** State Clausius statement of second law of thermodynamics?
** Why is the second law of thermodynamics called a directional law of nature?
** State Carnot’s theorem?
** What are the Corollaries of Carnot theorems?
** Define – PMM of second kind?
** What is difference between a heat pump and refrigerator?
** What is mean by cyclic heat engine?
** Draw a schematic of a heat pump?
** Write the expression for COP of a heat pump and a refrigerator?
** Why Carnot cycle cannot be realized in practice?
** Why cannot a heat engine have 100% efficiency?
** When the Carnot cycle efficiency will be maximum?
** Sketch the P-V and T-S diagram for Carnot cycle?
** Write the expression for efficiency for the Carnot cycle?
** Define Entropy?
** Deduce the relation between the COP of heat pump and refrigerator?
** Define the terms source, sink and reservoir?
** What is the principle of increase of entropy?
** Define Exergy?
** What do mean by “Clausius inequality”?
** What is the difference between adiabatic and isentropic processes?
** What do you understand by the concept of entropy?
** Explain the term “Reversibility”?
** “Two reversible adiabatic lines cannot intersect”. Is this statement true or false? Justify the answer?
** What is meant by thermodynamic temperature scale? How do you device such scale?
** What is meant by dead state?
** What are ‘available energy’ and ‘unavailable energy’?
** What is loss of availability? How is it related to entropy of universe?
** Define the term absolute entropy?
** What is the essence of the second law of thermodynamics?
** Can entropy of universe ever decrease? Why?
** If Carnot engine efficiency is 50%.Find COP of Carnot refrigerator working between same temperatures?
** Give the expressions to find change in entropy during constant pressure and polytropic process. Show in T-S diagram?
** Find the entropy of universe when 1000KJ of heat is transferred from 800K to 500K.
** A heat pump pumps 10MJ/KWhr to the high temperature reservoir. What is COP?
** Is the second law independent of first law? Explain.
** Define thermal efficiency?
** What is meant by absolute temperature?
** Draw a schematic diagram of a heat engine?
** What is meant by EER?
** Define perpetual motion machine II?
** What is the difference between internally and externally reversible processes?
** What is meant by totally reversible process?
** Explain the two Carnot principles?
** What is meant by Carnot efficiency?
** Explain the quality of energy?
** Write second law of efficiency?
** Define stream availability?
** What is meant by effectiveness?
** What is meant by “Reversible work”?
** What is meant by ‘availability’?
** Evaluate the steady flow availability per unit mass of water at 2000C and 0.7MPa. Estimate the availability if the temperature is 3500C.
** Calculate the increase in availability of 1.5 kg of air when heated reversibly from 550°C to 3750°C at constant pressure of 4 atm. Assume the environment to be at 200°C.
** A thermal reservoir at 1500K can supply heat at a steady rate of 3000KJ/s. Determine the availability of this energy if the environment is at 250°C.
** Explain the term “Irreversibility”?
** Determine the stream availability of a nitrogen gas stream at 10MPa, 320K and 10m/s, if the environment is at 101KPa and 298K?
** How much of the 1200KJ of thermal energy at 750K can be converted to useful work when the environment is at 300K?
** Determine the closed system availability of nitrogen gas at 10MPa and 320K, when the environment is at 101KPa and 250°C?
** Name two alternative methods by which the efficiency of a Carnot cycle can be increased?
** Define change of entropy. How is entropy compared with heat transfer and absolute temperature?
** Why the performances of refrigerator and heat pump are given in terms of COP and not in terms of efficiency?
** Define Availability.
** Define Second Law Efficiency.
** What is mean by COP?
** Define Entropy Generation.
** An inventor claims to have developed an efficient heat engine which would have a heat source at 1000°C and reject heat to a sink at 50°C and gives an efficiency of 90%. Justify whether his claim is possible or not?

1 Comment
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  1. Classify the following systems as open/closed/isolated
    (a). Mixture of ice & water in a metal container.
    (b). A wind mill.

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