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Name of the Organisation : National Centre for Biological Sciences
Exam : National Entrance Test
Subject : Wildlife Biology & Conservation Question Paper
Year : 2014
Document Type : Model & Past Question Papers

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Question Book :
1. This book contains Sections A to D all of which should be answered.
2. Questions in Sections A to C carry 1 mark each and all should be answered.

Related : National Centre for Biological Sciences Joint Graduate Entrance Exam in Biology Sample Question Paper :

3. There is no negative marking. Section D would be evaluated only if the
4. candidate gets at least 40% in each of the sections A to C.

Section A :
1. Match the following Union Ministers with their portfolios:
A. P.C. Chidambaram I. Environment & Forests
B. Jayanthi Natarajan II. Rural Development
C. Pranab Mukherjee III. Finance
D. Jairam Ramesh IV. Home Affairs
a. A-III, B-II, C-IV, D-I
b. A-IV, B-II, C-III, D-I
c. A.IV, B-I, C-III, D-II
d. A-III, B-IV, C-II, D-I

2. The 2G scam which has recently been in the news is about
a. The issue of licenses for manufacturing 2G computer chips to telecom companies
b. The issue of 2G spectrum licenses to telecom companies
c. The issue of licenses for mining iron ore in Orissa in 2008.
d. The MoU between India and the US on 2G nuclear reactors

3. ‘Dope test’ in sports and athletics refers to:
a. Test done to detect the use of performance enhancing drugs
b. Test done to detect the use of narcotics by coach and managers
c. Slang term for a chemical test used to detect leaking pipes in sports equipment
d. Test done to ensure physical fitness

4. Which countries have recently seen the fall of rulers who have been in power for several years?
a. Syria, Afghanistan, Egypt
b. Tunisia, Syria, Egypt
c. Libya, Tunisia, Egypt
d. Egypt, Tunisia, Yemen

5. The next Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity is to be held in the year 2012 in:
a. Kathmandu
b. Colombo
c. Hyderabad
d. New Delhi

6. From the two sentences below choose the sentence that has the better English style.
a. Rajat was there, Mukund was there, Lalitha was there.
b. Rajat, Mukund and Lalitha were all there.

7. From the two sentences below choose the sentence that has the better English style.
a. Study for two hours every day for the exam, it is the best way to prepare.
b. The best way to prepare for the exam is to study for two hours every day.

8. Only one of the options below is a completely correct sentence, in terms of English grammar or word choice. Pick the correct option.
a. Gave two clothes to the man from the drycleaners.
b.The speaker emphasised on the importance of proper nutrition.
c. He likes using long words for effects.
d.The price of apples has doubled in the last decade.

9. Only one of the options below is a completely correct sentence, in terms of English grammar or word choice. Pick the correct option.
a. The party was a big fun.
b. She is very rich, she is having two cars.
c. Rohan could not possibly have seen the movie, because he were already gone.
d. The tiger, which is found in many parts of India, is the country’s national animal.

10. Only one of the options below is a completely correct sentence, in terms of English grammar or word choice. Pick the correct option.
a. The husband removed all the items that reminded him of his wife.
b. In Andhra, people prefer hot-hot curries.
c. There are only a few hundreds of such words in English.
d. These mangoes are inferior than those we had last week.

11. Organize the statements below into the following sequence: Observation – Hypothesis – Prediction, by labeling O, H and P, respectively.
I. In the fossil record scientists might find evidence of whale-like animals with small hind legs.
II. Whales have small, undeveloped leg-bones located internally at the back of their body.
III. The evolutionary ancestors of whales were land-dwelling animals that had fullyformed legs.
a. H O P
b. O P H
c. P H O
d. P O H

Study the following statement carefully and answer questions 12 & 13: “Of all the people in the coffee shop when the cell phone was stolen, Ajay was the only one who was rich. Therefore, he could not be the one who stole it.”
12. What assumption is made in the argument above?
a. Ajay already has a cell phone.
b. Coffee shops attract thieves.
c. Rich people never steal things.
d. Cell phones are the most frequently stolen item.

13. The argument above would be strengthened the most if it could be shown that:
a. Ajay never watches movies about criminals.
b. The coffee shop owner is a good friend of Ajay.
c. No-one saw Ajay go near the table from which the phone was stolen.
d. Ajay always uses a Nokia cell phone and the stolen phone was a Motorola.

14. “It is healthy to eat dirt because it provides the body with many essential minerals.” Which of the statements below would be most suitable as a counter-argument to the opinion expressed above?
a. One should only eat food.
b. Disease-causing bacteria are sometimes found in dirt.
c. Dirt does not contain any vitamins.
d. The body is the temple of the soul.

15. Which of the sentences below presents a logically valid argument?
a. Given that the sun is so much farther away than the moon, it must have less influence on the Earth.
b. If it is true that wearing a turban makes you a little more intelligent each day, then traditional Sikh men must get more intelligent as they age.
c. If fifty percent of car accidents involve a driver who is drunk, then there is a fifty percent chance of having an accident if you drink and drive.

16. Two men, starting at the same point, walk in opposite directions for 3 metres and stop. One man turns to his left and walks another 4 metres and stops, at which time the second man turns to his right and keeps walking until he is 10 metres away from the first man. What distance did the second man walk?
a. 22 metres
b. 12 metres
c. 10 metres
d. 15.25 metres

17. Match the following antonyms:
A. Abundant I. Unsure
B. Permeable II. Scarce
C. Confident III. Impenetrable
a. A-I, B-III, C-II
b. A-III, B-I, C-II
c. A-II, B-I, C-III
d. A-II, B-III, C-I

18. In a contest, four fruits (an apple, a banana, an orange and a pear) have been placed in four closed boxes (one fruit per box). People may guess which fruit is in which box. 57 people participate in the contest. When the boxes are opened, it turns out that 21 people have guessed none of the fruits correctly, 17 people have guessed one fruit correctly, and 14 people have guessed two fruits correctly. Of the following combinations, which one is most likely to show (in order): the number of people who guessed three fruits correctly, and the number of people who guessed four fruits correctly?
a. 11, 7
b. 4, 1
c. 5, 5
d. 3, 7

19. Identify the two statements necessary to make the statement below true: Sumita is happy.
I. Sumita just ate a lemon.
II. Sumita’s father just gave her a car.
III. Eating sour food always makes Sumita happy.
IV. Sumita has just passed her exam.
a. I, IV
b. I, III
c. II, IV
d. III, IV

20. In a new species of rat, it is found that 80% of the rats have red eyes and 50% have white feet. What percentage of the rats has both red eyes and white feet?
a. All of them
b. 30%
c. Between 30% and 50%
d. Between 50% and 80%

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