All posts from XII STD Philosophy Sample Question Paper 2016-17 : CBSE Academic

Name of the Board : CBSE Academic
Class : XII STD
Document Type : Sample Question Paper
Subject : Philosophy
Year : 2016 – 2017

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Philosophy Sample Question Paper :

Time : 3 hrs
Max Marks : 100
General instructions :
i. All questions are compulsory.
ii. Question no. 1- 14 are of 2 marks each. The answer to these questions should not exceed 40 words each.

Related : CBSE Academic XII STD NCC Sample Question Paper :

iii. Question no. 15- 28 are of 3 marks each. The answer to these questions should not exceed 60 words each.
iv. Question no. 29- 33 are of 6 marks each. The answer to these questions should not exceed 150 words each.

1. Define Jaina concept of Aparigraha.
2. State the meaning of cogito ergo sum.
3. What does Kant mean by Categorical Imperative?
4. State the Retributive theory of punishment.

5. Explain the meaning of Consequentialism.
6. What is the meaning of varna?
7. What do you understand by the first generation of Human Rights?

8. What is the Method of Doubt according to Descartes?
9. Explain Dharma as a purushartha.
10. What is virtue according to Aristotle?

11. What is Saptabhanginaya according to the Jaina philosophy?
12. Distinguish between pleasure and happiness.
13. Define the notion of Paramatma according to the Nyaya philosophy?

14. State the notion of Sakshi in the Bhagvadgita.
15. State the Problem of Evil.
16. Explain the Cosmological Argument.
17. State Mill’s Utilitarianism.

18. Throw light on the four Ashramas.
19. Explain the notion of Aikantika according to the Jaina philosophy.
20. State any two Nyaya proofs for the existence of God.
21. Explain the notion of Brahmavihara.

22. What is Syadvada?
23. State any three arguments against the Divine Command theory.
24. Examine the notion of Rta.

25. Briefly state Ambedkar’s critique of caste.
26. Examine the Buddhist notion of Pancasila.
27. Discuss the relevance of Vivekananda’s view on religious tolerance.

28. State three arguments against capital punishment.
29. Examine Kant’s ethics.
30. Discuss critically the Ontological Proof for the existence of God.

31. What do you understand by environmental degradation? Suggest some measures for the protection of environment.
32. State the notion of gender equality. Examine, in this context, the notion of women empowerment.
33. Examine Descartes’ Mind-Body Dualism.

Subject – Psychology :
Class- XII :
Time : 3 Hours
Max Marks : 70
Part – A :
Q 1. Dipa Karmakar is the first Indian gymnast to qualify for the Rio Olympics 2016. According to psychologists, Dipa would be high on _________intelligence.
a) Spatial
c) Interpersonal
b) Naturalistic
d) Bodily – kinesthetic

Q 2. Mamta is suffering from a rare disease but her mother is refusing to accept the reality. She insists on taking Mamta from one doctor to another hoping to hear that nothing is wrong with her daughter. This is an example of:
a) Projection
c) Denial
b) Reaction Formation
d) Rationalisation

Q 3. Aisha is in the final year of schooling and is highly motivated to excel in the competitive examinations. However she feels she is short of time and always burdened with work. She finds it difficult to slow down and relax. Identify her personality type.
a) Type A
c) Type B
b) Type C
d) Type D

Q 4. George’s sympathetic nervous system is engaged in the flight or fight syndrome due to a major stressor in his life. Which stage of general adaptation syndrome is he experiencing?
Q 5. Rahul keeps organizing his room the whole day. This keeps him anxious and distracted in class. Such symptoms are typical of which disorder?
a) Agoraphobia
c) Obsessive behaviour
b) Obsessive compulsive disorder
d) Generalised Anxiety Disorder

Q 6. During the course of treatment in psychodynamic therapy, the client has resentment, hostility and anger towards the therapist. This is called __________.

Q7. Even though Ajay’s father has recently bought him a pair of trousers, Ajay is insisting on buying a new pair of a particular brand of jeans that all his classmates are wearing. Ajay’s behavior illustrates______________
a) Conformity
b) Competition
c) Obedience
d) Compliance

Q 8. Stereotypes are the _____________ components of a prejudice.
Q 9. Aggression that is shown towards a weaker person who is unlikely to react is called ___________.
Q 10. Authenticity means that your behavioural expressions are inconsistent with what you value and the way you relate to your self image. (True/False)

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