jac.nic.in History Model Question Paper : Jharkhand Academic Council

Name of the Organisation : Jharkhand Academic Council
Standard : X
Document Type : Model Question Paper
Name of the Subject : History

Website : http://jac.nic.in/Com%20Model%20question.htm
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Unit – III : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/9964-3UNIT.pdf
Unit – IV : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/9964-4UNIT.pdf
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Unit – XVI : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/9964-16UNIT.pdf

History Model Question Paper :

01 marks questions :
1. What was the script of Dhamma ?
a) Devnagri
b) Sanskrit
c) Brahmi
d) Prakrit

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2) When did Chandragupta die ?
a) 300 B.C.
b) 200 B.C.
c) 500 B.C.
d) 400 B.C.
3) Who was first king of the Maurya empire
a) Bindsaar
b) Ashoka
c) Chandragupta
d) None of them

4) Whose write Indica ?
a) Banabhatta
b) Kautilya
c) Megasthenes
d) None of them

5) Where was the capital of Magadh situated ?
a) Champa
b) Kaushambi
c) Paliputra
d) Ujjain

One line questions
6) Who was collectors ?
7) Who wrote ‘Harsh charita’ ?
8) What was the name of Ashoka’a Father ?
9) What do you mean by the word Visaya ?
10) Who was Kautilya ?

Fill in the blanks :
11) ……………….. was famous Emperor of Saka dynasty.
12) ……………………….. was founder of Gupta’s dynasty.
13) ………………… was first Chinese traveler.
14) The society was dented in deviated the …………….. stages in the Gupta age.

02 marks questions :
1) What are the sources of study of Indian History ?
2) Which British officer read the Brahmi and Kharosti script for the fist time.?
3) Who laid the foundation of Maurya empire and when ?
4) Who was Bindusar ?
5) What are Jatakas.
6) In which language and script Ashoka wrote his inscription ?

05 marks questions :
1) Write a note on sixteen Mahajanpadas.
2) Explain thye central and administration of Maurya empire.
3) What measures Ashoka took in the preach of Dhamma ?
4) What was the social condition of Mauryan empire ?
5) Explain the reign of Kanishka ?

Unite – IV :
i) Who wrote Ain –E- Akbari the famous book ?
ii) How many sections are there in ‘Ain-E-Akbari’ ?
iii) Who was the first Mughal emperor used to Tobacco ?
iv) In a year How many crops products according to Ain-E-Akbari ?
v) Where maximum product Jawar-Bajra

Fill in the blanks :
vi) ……………………… wrote the Akbarnama.
vii) ………………. Was the Land Revenue deposited in Central Treasery.
viii) ………………. Part of Akbarnama called Ain-E-Akbari.
ix) Entire Mughal empire was divided in …………….. states.
x)…………………. Was translated Panchtantra in Persian language.

Answer in a word :
xi) In the reign of Akbar the land revenue officials were called ?
xii) When was the Ain-E-Dahshala system implemented by Akbar ?
xiii) Who translated in English the Ain-E-Akbari ?
xiv) When did “Asiatic Society of Bengal” publish the Ain-E-Akbari ?

2. i)Write two types of sources of irrigation in Mughal period.
ii) When and who was the first European traveler to come to the Akbar’s court ?
v) What were two types of Agricultural land in the Mughal period ?
vi) Write two types of crops products in a year in many parts of Mughal empire ?
vii) Who was “Qazi” ? What was his main role ?
viii)When and where was Akbar was born ?
x) Urdu was born due to association of which two languages.

3.i) What were the three sources of Abul fazal’s “Aion-E-Akbari” ?
ii) Point out the differences between different categories of peasants in the Mughal period ?
iii) How was farming done in the Mughal period ?
iv) Throw light on the four agricultural products in the Mughal period.
v) Write about the role of women in Agricultural society and economy.
vi) Mention the four types of land in the Mughal period.
vii) Who were Dastkars ? Point out his two work in the village economy.
viii)What were the main causes for the development of trade in the period of Akbar ?
ix)What were the four benefits of the growth of Monetary system in the period of Akbar.
x) Explain why Ain-E-Akbari remains an extra ordinary document of times even today?
xi) Describe four ways in which Aion-E-Akbari’s is important document in the study of the village life in the Mughal period.
xii) Describe four characteristic features of the aristocracy according to Ain-E-Akbari.
xiii) Throw light on the life of the forest dwellers according to Ain-E-Akbari.
xv) How did land revenue collected according to Ain-E-Akbari ?

Question no. i to x carrying 8 marks should not exceed 250 words each)
4. i) Who was Abul Fazal ? What were his important contribution in the Mughal court ?
ii) Review Ain-E-Akbari as a source of study of the Mughal period.
iii)Who were the Zamindars ? Discuss their role in the Mughal period.
iv) Analyse the role of Abul Fazal as a Historian.
v) Discuss the condition of the Agricultural groups in the 16th-17th centuries.
vi) The land revenue system was responsible for the good Mughal economic system. Clarify this statement on the basis of Akbar’s Revenue policy.
vii) What was the impact of the development of trade on India in Mughal period ?
viii) Discuss the effects of the Panchayat and Mukhia in the rural society.
ix) Describe the subject matters of five sections of the Ain-E-Akbari.
x) Evaluate the land revenue system started by Akbar.

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