Surat Urban Development Authority Beauty Culture & Hair Dressing Model Question Paper : sudaup.org

Organisation : Surat Urban Development Authority
Exam : BEA 701 & 703
Document Type : Model Assessment Question Paper
Category or Subject : Beauty Culture & Hair Dressing (BEA 703)

Website : http://sudaup.org/modelpaper.html
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SUDAUP Beauty Culture & Hair Dressing Model Question Paper

Choose the correct answer 25×2=50 :

Paper – I

1) How will you identify the dry skin?
2) How will you identify the oily skin?

Related : Surat Urban Development Authority Basic Automotive Servicing Model Question Paper : www.pdfquestion.in/9590.html

3) How will you identify the sensitive skin?
4) Mention the tools require for ordinary make up.
5) What is make up?
6) How will you select foundation for a good make up?
7) Mention limited cosmetics for simple make up.
8) How will you cleansethe skin before make up?
9) Mention the cleanser for different skin before make up.
10) How do you sterilize the sponge?

11) What is hair?
12) What is the cuticle layer?
13) What is cortex and Medulla?
14) Which layer depends on thickness of the hair?
15) How the hair gets Nourishment from blood capillaries?
16) What is hair texture?
17) Mention the types of hair?
18) What is hair shaft?
19) What is hair follicle?
20) Mention the disorder of hair & scalp.
21) How do you analysis the skin type?
22) How do you justify the dry skin?
23) How do you justify the Normal skin?
24) How do you justify the oily skin?
25) How do you justify the combination skin?

Paper – II

Sector :Beauty Culture & Hair Dressing
Module : Beauty Therapy And Hair Styling Level-1 (Bea701)
(Attempt All Questions) (25X2=50 Marks)
Q1. How will you sterilized the Manicure/Pedicure implement/tool?
A)Using few drops of Dettol in a hot water meant for sterilization or using sterilizer unit.
B) Above in cold water
C)Above using ice cubes
D) Using soaps or shampoos

Q2. When will you prepare Manicure/Pedicurecleaning solution?
A) One day before
B) One weeks before
C) Just before the treatment procedure
D) Any old preparation stored in freezer

Q3. Mention the items used in Manicure/Pedicurecleaning solution.
A) Cleansing lotion
B) Cleansing cream
C)Cuticle cream
D)Soap solution, disinfectant, h2o2, NH3, borax

Q4. Manicure is beautifying –
A) Fingernails
B) toenails
C) Eyes
D) lips.

Q5. Nail shaping can be done with the help of
A) Scissor
B) Nail cutter
C) Knife
D) Emery sheet.

Q6. Mahanadi is based on
A) Maida
B) Rice
C) Henna
D) Shikakaipowder

Q7. Skin test should be done on
A)The fore head
B) Behind the earlobe or at the elbow joint
C) Tip of the nose
D) On the eye bid.

Q8. How do you identify the dry hair?
A)Absence of oil on the scalp
B) Presence of dandruff,
C) Presence of lice
D) Absence of color

Q9. How do you identify the oily hair?
A) Presence of dandruff,
B) Presence of lice
C) Presence of oil on the scalp
D) Absence of color

Q10. Lemon shampoo is good for
A) Normal Hair
B)Dry hair
C) Grey hair
D) Oily hair

Q11. What should be the Nature of Water used in Treatments?
A) Hard Water
B) Tap Water
C) Soft Water
D) Well water / Sea water

Q12. Which of these implement/tools required for hair cutting?
A) Knifes
B) Emery Boards
C) Nail Cutter
D) Scissors and sectioning clips

Q13. Name the plants used for hair coloring.
A) Henna
B) Banana
C) Coconut
D) Aloe Vera

Q14. Mention the items present in wax cosmetics.
A) Sugar, lemon juice and water
B) Maida flour, water
C) Rice flour and water
D) Paraffin Wax

Q15. Shaping of eyebrows is done starting
A) From the base to the tip
B) From the tip to the base
C) At the center
D) Any direction


Duration : 1Hours. (6X20=120 Marks)
Q1. Demonstration of Client consultant for Manicure & Pedicure (Role Play)
Q2. How to do Bleaching procedure.
Q3. Demonstration of making different types of hair styles with the use of hair accessories.
Q4. Practice in making different hair styles with the use of different thermal equipment.
Q5. Practice in different types of Make-Ups.
Q6. Demonstrate simple facial and complete the procedure.

Categories: Board Exams
Tags: sudaup.org
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