Council of Higher Secondary Education Philosophy Sample Question Paper : cohsem.gov.in

Organisation : Council of Higher Secondary Education, Manipur
Exam : Higher Secondary Exam
Document Type : Sample Question Paper
Category or Subject : Philosophy

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Philosophy Sample Question Paper :

Answer Question Nos. 1 to 5 in about 160 words each :
1. Discuss the Four Noble Truths of Buddhism.
2. Explain the nature and kinds of the Vaisesika category of substance

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3. Elucidate and examine Descartes’ Rationalism as a theory of knowledge.
4. Explain and examine the fundamental tenets of Locke’s Critical Realism.
5. Discuss Hume’s theory of Causality.

Answer Question Nos. 6 to 13 in about 80 words each :
6. How are the Indian schools of Philosophy classified ? Name them.
7. What is meant by the Law of Karma 2 4.
8. What does Safikara mean by Saguna Brahma and Nirguna Brahma 7
9. What are the two functions of Maya 7 4
10. What is abstract monism 2 4.
11. Why is Leibnitz regarded as the father of spiritualistic pluralism 2 4
12, Why is Ethics a normative science 2 4
13. What are moral and non-moral actions 2 4.

14. Give very short answers of the following: 1 x 10=10
(a) Name the schools of Indian Philosophy which are directly based on Vedic texts.
(b) What is the root cause of our bondage and suffering 2
(c) Name the last stage of the life of warnäshramadharma.
(d) State the negative meaning of moksa (liberation).
(e) What is meant by anekantavada 2
(f) What does Satkaryavada stand for 2
(g) What, according to the Sãnkhya, is guna 2
(h) What is the Real Self called by the Advaita Vedanta ?
(i) Why is Descartes regarded as an advocate of dualism 2
(j) What is ‘intention 7

15. State whether the following statements are true or false. 1×8=8
(a) Some orthodox schools of Indian Philosophy do not believe in God.
(b) Indian Philosophy is not pessimistic at all.
(c) Right concentration consists of eight stages.
(d) According to some schools of Indian Philosophy, the Law of Karma is not under the guidance and control of God.
(e) All systems of Indian Philosophy accept the idea of liberation as the highest end of life.
(f) Brahman is an object of worship.
(g) Pluralism derives plurality from unity.

Biology :
1. Name the steps involve in primary sewage treatment.
2. How the local rice variety (taothabi) can be improved by genetic engineering technique
3. When a man is suffering from diabetes; what is your suggestion for treatment in view of genetic engineering
4. Give one point of difference between warm blooded and cold blooded animals

Question Nos. 5 to 20 are short answer type-II questions carrying :
5. Draw a transverse sectional view of seminal tubule and label sertoli cells and spermatozoa
6. Draw a diagrammatic representation of a typical anatropous ovule and label Antipodal cells and synergies.

7. Write any two characteristic features of ornithologists flower.
8. Write in brief about the two types of crossing over
9. Define incomplete dominance with an example.
10. Why bio fortification is essential to the modern agricultural technology”
11. Who discovered Monoclonal Antibodies 2 Write any one uses of MAB,

12. Define bio piracy. Give an example.
13. Why Keibul Lamond is declared as national park
14. Name the steps involve in primary sewage treatment.
15. How the local rice variety (taothabi) can be improved by genetic engineering technique

16. When a man is suffering from diabetes; what is your suggestion for treatment in view of genetic engineering
17. Give one point of difference between warm blooded and cold blooded animals
18. Why is declared as national park
19. Who discovered Monoclonal Antibodies 2 Write any one uses of MAB.
20. Why bio fortification is essential to the modern agricultural technology”

Question Nos. 21 to 25 are short answer type-I questions carrying 3 marks
21. Who discovered Monoclonal Antibodies 2 Write any one uses of MAB.
22. Define biopiracy. Give an example.
23. Why Keibul Lamjao is declared as national park
24. Explain brood parasite with a suitable example.
25. Illustrate any three disadvantages of self pollination.

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