wbbse.org Life Science Model Question Papers for Madhyamik Pariksha Examination : West Bengal Board of Secondary Education

Organisation : West Bengal Board of Secondary Education
Exam : Model Question Papers for Madhyamik Pariksha
Document Type : Model Question Papers
Year : 2017
Category or Subject : Life Science

Website : https://wbbse.wb.gov.in/Web/Home?l=Z%2F%2F2JeEw6P%2FkXiUjdLauQg%3D%3D

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Life Science English : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/9212-Life-Science.pdf
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WBBSE Madhyamik Pariksha Exam Question Papers

(Multiple Choice Questions :

Group – A

Answer to all questions is Compulsory :
Total marks 1×15=15
1. Write the answer in complete sentence by choosing the correct answer for each question with respective serial number. Mark for each question is 1.

Related : West Bengal Board of Secondary Education Mathematics Model Question Papers for Madhyamik Pariksha Examination : www.pdfquestion.in/9206.html

1.1 The leaves of Mimosa plant drops down if touched. This is
(a) Chemonasty
(b) Seismonasty
(c) Phototropism
(d) Phototactic movement

1.2 Which hormone is secreted at a faster rate while a person is frightened
(a) GH
(b) GTH
(c) Thyroxine
(d) Adrenaline

1.3 The part of the brain associated with maintaining balance of the body is
(a) Medulla Oblongata
(b) Thalamus
(c) Cerebellum
(d) Cerebrum

1.4 You have not observed the formation of any spindle fibre during the division of a cell. This type of division is called
(a) Amitosis
(b) First Meiotic Division
(c) Second Meiotic Division
(d) Mitosis

1.5 For propagation in lesser time of a plant having prolonged period of dormancy of seed, which of the following processes you will adopt
(a) Sexual reproduction
(b) Fragmentation
(c) Regeneration
(d) Micropropagation

1.6 The phase of human development when memory and vision start to become weaker normally, is
(a) Childhood
(b) Adolescence
(c) Old age
(d) New born

1.7 Who of the following scientists discovered the laws of heredity by using breeding experiment
(a) Jean Baptist de Lamarck
(b) Gregor Johann Mendel
(c) Charles Darwin
(d) Stanley Miller

1.8 How many types of gametes are formed from guineapig having genotype Bbrr
(a) 2
(b) 3
(c) 1
(d) 4

1.9 What would be the probability of a thalassemic child born to a couple who are both carrier for Thalassemia
(a) 100%
(b) 25%
(c) 75%
(d) 50%

1.10 Which of the following sequence is correct in the evolution of horse
(a) Eohippus Merychippus Equus Pliohippus Mesohippus
(b) Equus Pliohippus Merychippus Mesohippus Eohippus
(c) Merychippus Mesohippus Eohippus Equus Pliohippus
(d) Eohippus Mesohippus Merychippus Pliohippus Equus

1.11 Which of the following is the feature of homologous organs
(a) Differ in origin
(b) Completely different in structure
(c) Differ in function but of common origin
(d) Indicates convergent evolution

1.12 The cause of Camel’s ability to withstand excess loss of water is
(a) Their RBC is elongated
(b) Their facees and urin contain very little water
(c) Their body bears many sweat glands
(d) Their hump stores water

1.13 The identifying feature of the step called nitrification in the nitrogen cycle is
(a) Formation of ammonia by decomposition of proteins in dead organisms
(b) Conversion of ammonia initially into nitrite and later into nitrate
(c) Formation of nitrogen from nitrate
(d) Formation of ammonia from nitrogen

1.14 The location of Sundaland biodiversity hotspot is at
(a) The state of Meghalaya and Arunachal Pradesh in North-East India
(b) The islands of Andaman-Nicober along with Sumatra and Java
(c) The densely forest covered mountain region along the West Coast of India
(d) In the region of Sikkim, Darjeeling and Terai

1.15 The cause of endangeredness of Swarpagandha is
(a) Global warming and climate change
(b) Invasion of exotic species
(c) Over-exploitation
(d) Pollution

Group – B

(Very Short Answer type Questions) :
Total marks : 1×21=21
Fill-up the blanks with proper words in the following sentences : (Any five) 1×5=5
2.1 The length of internode of genetically dwarf plant increases due to the action of hormone.
2.2 The example of Pyrimidine nitrogenous base is .
2.3 Alternative forms of a gene are called .
2.4 Evolution occurs only when are present in a population.
2.5 Maximum biodiversity rich region is called as .
2.6 Excessive increase of nutrients in water bodies is called .

Decide whether the following statements are true or false : (any five) 1×5=5
2.7 Node of Ranvier is formed due to discentinuation of neurilemma in nerve cell.
2.8 Spindle fibres are formed from astral rays during animal cell division.
2.9 Homozygote is produced from the union of T and t gametes.
2.10 Ammonia, Hydrogen and Methane were used in the experiment on the bio-chemical origin of life by Miller and Urey.
2.11 SO2 and NH3 are two greenhouse gases.
2.12 Flexor muscles help to come two adjacent bones closer.

Match the words in column A with those which are most appropriate in column B and re-write the correct pairing mentioning the serial no. of both column (Any five)
2.13 Binocular vision – (a) Struggle between deer and tiger
2.14 Microtubule – (b) Bronchitis
2.15 Incomplete dominance – (c) Need of pollinating agent
2.16 Inter specific struggle – (d) Both the eyes are used to see the same object
2.17 Air Pollution – (e) Wastage of pollen grains is quite less
2.18 Cross Pollution – (f) forms spindle fibre during cell division – (g) 1 : 2 : 1

Answer in a single word or in a single sentence : (any six) 1×6=6
2.19 Choose the odd one and write it : ADH, Glucose metabolism, Construction of blood vessels, Reabsorption of water in rewal tubules.
2.20 What type of lens used for correction of defect in case of Myopia?
2.21 Given below a pair of related terms. Write suitable word in the gap of second pair, following the relationship in the first pair.
Bryophyllum : Leaf bud : : Water hyacinth : ………………….
2.22 Why woman is called homogametic sex?
2.23 What is the relation between phenotype and genotype?
2.24 Write any one of the roles air sacs play in the acrial adaptation of pigeon.
2.25 Among the following four terms one includes the other three. Find out that term and write it – Sanctuary, In-situ Conservation, National Park, Biosphere reserve

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