Eduranet Intellectual Olympiad Exam Leadership & Social Sample Question Paper

Organisation : Eduranet Intellectual Olympiad Foundation
Exam : Eduranet Intellectual Olympiad Exam
Document Type : Sample Question Papers
Subject : Leadership and Social Skills
Class : Class V- X

Website : http://www.intellectualolympiad.com/preparation/model-papers/
Download Model Paper :
Finals : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/9098-leaderfin.pdf

Leadership & Social Model Question Papers :

Class – V- X :
Max. Marks : 75
Duration : 75 Mins.

Related : Eduranet Intellectual Olympiad Exam Critical Thinking & Creative Sample Question Papers : www.pdfquestion.in/9092.html

Psychometric Test :
How self-confident are you ?
Answer each question or statement by choosing which one of the three alternative responses given is most applicable to you.

1. How much do you depend on the approval of others in order to feel good about yourself?
a) Very much, as it makes me feel I am doing right not just by myself but also by others.
b) Not very much, as generally I trust my own abilities.
c) Generally it does make me feel better when I have the approval of others.

2. How comfortable would you feel if invited to attend a social gathering such as a Buckingham Palace Garden Party?
a) Not very comfortable, in fact extremely nervous.
b) Very comfortable, and welcoming of the opportunity to meet many interesting and possibly famous people.
c) Fairly pleased about the prospect of attending, but also a little nervous.

3. How often do you worry about your appearance?
a) Frequently
b) Rarely or never.
c) Occasionally

4. In general, do you feel good about yourself?
a) I often feel frustrated and that I could do better and achieve more.
b) Yes.
c) It is not something to which I have particularly given much thought.

5. How much would you welcome the opportunity to take part in a current affairs radio discussion?
a) I would be very nervous and prefer not to take part.
b) Very much.
c) I wouldn’t mind taking part, but would not be overly excited at the prospect.

6. How would you describe your expectations in life?
a) I live more in hope than anticipation
b) Realistic
c) Quite high

7. How good are you at selling yourself?
a) Not very good
b) Very good
c) I have some strengths that I am able to emphasize.

8. Do you feel there is a need to conform in order to be accepted by others?
a) Yes to a great extent
b) I am not interested in conforming, merely to be accepted.
c) To a certain extent.

9. How important is it to live up to the standards of others, such as parents?
a) I believe it is important to have role models.
b) Not that important, as it is more important to become your own person
c) It is more important to live up to the standards expected by society in general, rather than the standards of individuals

10. Do you generally strive for approval from every significant person in your life?
a) Yes, generally
b) No, as this would seem to be an unattainable goal.
c) Sometimes.

11. Do you believe you have the courage of your own convictions?
a) Not particularly
b) Yes.
c) Perhaps not as much as I would like.

12. Do you set yourself very high standards in everything you do?
a) Yes, I believe everyone should set themselves high standards.
b) I believe it is more important to set myself realistic standards.
c) Perhaps in some things I do set myself high standards.

13. How optimistic an outlook have you on life?
a) I am more of a pessimist than an optimist
b) Very optimistic
c) Fairly optimistic

14. What are your feelings about trying but failing?
a) Disappointment
b) At least I tried, now is there anything positive I can gain from the experience ?
c) Try, try and try again.

15. How easy is it for you to bounce back after adversity?
a) Quite difficult, and there are some adversities from which you can never totally bounce back.
b) It is easier to bounce back after some adversities than
c) It is never easy, but hopefully given time I am able to bounce back from most things.

16. How self-reliant are you in your own abilities?
a) We all need to rely on others to some extent
b) Very much
c) Fairly self-reliant.

17. How desirable is it for you to develop personal standards in life?
a) It is important to me that my values and standards have the approval of others.
b) Very desirable
c) Fairly desirable

18. Do you believe you are in control of your own life?
a) Not particularly, and none of us are ever completely in control of our own lives.
b) In general I am in control of my own life
c) I am in control to a certain extent, but not perhaps as much as I would wish.

19. How assured are you in your own abilities?
a) Not particularly assured
b) Very assured
c) Fairly assured

20. Do you accept yourself for what you are?
a) No, there is always room for improvement
b) Yes, in general I do
c) To some extent; however, there are certain things I would perhaps prefer to change for the better.

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