naturalcapitalolympiad.com Natural Capital Olympiad Exam Sample Question Papers

Organisation : Natural Capital Olympiad
Exam : Natural Capital Olympiad Exam
Document Type : Sample Question Papers
Class : Std III to X

Website : https://www.ecoachievers.in/

Natural Capital Olympiad Exam Sample Question Papers

Std III :
Which of the following animals are you more likely to find nearby a pond?
A) Butterfly
B) Monkey
C) Squirrel
D) Frog
Ans: D) Frog

Which of the following is a type of plant?
A) Tree
B) Grass
C) Bush
D) All of the above
Ans: D) All of the above

Find the odd one out:
A) River
B) Mountain
C) Lake
D) Spring
Ans: B) Mountain

Std IV

Which of the following animals will be covered with fur?
A) Deer
B) Crow
C) Peafowl
D) Hawk
Ans: A) Deer

Which part of a tree helps it stay firmly fixed to the ground?
A) Leaves
B) Branches
C) Stem
D) Roots
Ans: D) Roots

Madhubani is an old and traditional style of painting, which got its name from the district where it originated. In which state is the district of Madhubani situated?
A) Bihar
B) Rajasthan
C) Karnataka
D) Assam
Ans: A) Bihar

Std V

What are the venom-injecting teeth of snakes called?
A) Sabres
B) Fangs
C) Needles
D) Canines
Ans: B) Fangs

Which of the following plants is an insectivorous plant?
A) Pitcher Plant
B) Neem Plant
C) Coconut Plant
D) Adulsa Plant
Ans: A) Pitcher Plant

Which is the highest peak in India?
A) Mount Everst
B) K2
C) Kangchenjunga
D) Nanga Parbat
Ans: C) Kangchenjunga

Std VI

What are animals which only eat plants or plant products called?
A) Herbivores
B) Carnivores
C) Autotrophs
D) Scavengers
Ans: A) Herbivores

What are plants are called shrubs?
A) plants that have stems which branch out at the base
B) plants that have stems which are hard but not thich
C) A & B
D) plants with weak stems that cannot stand upright
Ans: C) A & B


What do humming birds feed on?
A) Pollen
B) Petals
C) Nectar
D) Fruit juices
Ans: C) Nectar

What is the process of synthesis of food in plants called?
A) Photoproduction
B) Photosynthesis
C) Florasynthesis
D) Food Production
Ans: B) Photosynthesis


Which of the following bird lays the biggest egg?
A) Hornbill
B) Cassowary
C) Bustard
D) Ostrich
Ans: D) Ostrich

Which of the following is the largest rainforest in the world?
A) Western Ghats, India
B) Amazon Rainforest, South America
C) Congo River Basin Rainforest, Africa
D) Rainforests of Southeast Asia
Ans: B) Amazon Rainforest, South America

Std IX

Which bird’s eyes are larger than it’s brain?
A) Eagle
B) Owl
C) Ostrich
D) Parrot
Ans: C) Ostrich

Several species of trees we think to be Indian are in fact introduced species, many having come to India hundreds of years ago through traders. Which of the following trees is ORIGINALLY from the subcontinent?
A) Neem (Azadirachta indica)
B) Tamarind (Tamarindus indica)
C) Baobab (Adansonia digitata)
D) Coral tree (Erythrina indica)
Ans: D) Coral tree (Erythrina indica)

Std X

Camouflage helps animals to do what?
A) Find shelter
B) Running
C) Hide from other animals
D) Keep warm
Ans – C) Hide from other animals

What percentage of energy is captured by plants to convert it into food?
A) 1%
B) 10%
C) 50%
D) more than 50%
Ans – A) 1%

Terra :
This energy is obtained from the heat generated by natural processes within the Earth such as hot rocks, magma, geysers and hot-springs. Which is this energy?
A) Solar Energy
B) Geothermal Energy
C) Oceanic Thermal Energy
D) Nuclear Energy
Ans : B) Geothermal Energy

Aqua :
What is a Bombay Duck?
A) Bird
B) Fish
C) Navy boat
D) Invertebrate animal
Ans : B) Fish

General Knowledge :
Who introduced the scientific naming nomenclature?
A) Clementus
B) Linnaeus
C) Huxley
D) Lamarck
Ans : B) Linnaeus

Mental Ability :
Ramesh started going for regular morning walks for controlling his blood sugar level. He did so for a month and also started taking Yoga lessons, without going for any pathological examination. He underwent pathological test after two months and found that the blood sugar level has come down. Presuming that he had no changed his food habits during these two months, which statement among the alternatives given below follows most logically?
A) Blood sugar level comes down after doing regular morning walk.
B) Blood sugar level comes down after doing Yoga.
C) Blood sugar level comes down on doing regular morning walk and Yoga.
D) Regular morning walk, Yoga or both may bring down sugar level despite not changing food habits.
Ans: D) Regular morning walk, Yoga or both may bring down sugar level despite not changing food habits

Categories: Talent Exam

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