ncert.nic.in National Talent Search Tests Sample Question Paper

Organisation : National Council Of Educational Research & Training
Exam : National Talent Search Tests
Document Type : Sample Question Paper

Website : http://ncert.nic.in/
Download Model Question Paper : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/9003-TestsEnglish.pdf

National Talent Search Tests Sample Question Paper :

Sample Questions for Mental Ability Test : (MAT)
1-3. There is some relationship between the two terms (figures/letters) on the left side of the sign (::). The same relationship exists between the two terms on the right of the sign (::) of which one is missing. Find the missing one from the given four alternatives.

Related : National Council Of Educational Research & Training ISC Biology Question Paper Model : www.pdfquestion.in/6676.html

1. L L M O : M M N O : : A A B D : ?
1. B B C E
2. B B C D
3. A A B D
4. A B B C

2. 9 : 25 : : 49 : ?
1. 36
2. 81
3. 64
4. 100

4 – 5 The capital letters in each of the following words are coded and written in small letters on the right side of each word, but the small letters do not appear in the same order as the letters in the word. Find out the codes for letters and answer the questions that follow.
K I N G : b d m e
R I N G : d e o b
I N K : e m b
I R K : o e m

4. Which is the code for letter K?
1. e
2. m
3. d
4. b
5. What would be the code (in correct order) for the word K I N ?
1. e m b
2. m b e
3. o m e
4. m e b

7.– 8 Study the following number line and answer the questions that follow .
7 5 9 5 2 3 5 9 4 8 5 9 5 4 5 9 3 5 5 9 5 3 5 9 4 5 2 5 3 5 6 5 9 .
7. How many times is ‘5’ is followed by ‘9’? But in such pairs, ‘3’ should not come before ‘5’.
1. 3
2. 4
3. 5
4. 6

8. How many times do the two consecutive numbers (numbers one after the other) have a difference of 2?
1. 5
2. 7
3. 9
4. 8

9. If ÷ means ×, × means – , + means × and – means ÷ , then 2 + 8 × 16 – 4 ÷ 2 = ?
1. 4
2. 8
3. 10
4. 12

10. A boy started from his home. After walking for 5 km towards east, he turned to his right and walked for 8 km. Then he again turned to his right and walked for 10 km.. In which direction was he from his house?
1. West
2. South-West
3. North
4. North – West

Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) :
** Below are given sample questions on SAT in different subjects. These questions are basically multiple-choice questions where one alternative is correct. However, some questions are of different types like matching type, arrange the sequence, true and false statements and questions based on passages apart from simple multiple choice questions.

** After the questions, the key has been provided for each question. The rationale of some questions has also been given which will help you to solve these questions. The rest of the questions, you solve yourself by exercising your thinking, reasoning ability and logic.

Sample Questions in Social Sciences :
1. Which of the following pairs is correctly matched?
1. ILO – London
2. ICJ – Hague
3. UNESCO – Washington
4. WHO – Paris

2. Arrange the following Indo-Pak events in correct chronological order.
A. Creation of Bangladesh
B. Tashkant Declaration
C. Simla Agreement
D. Lahore Declaration
Which order is correct?
1. A C D B
2. B A C D
3. D B A C
4. A B C D

3-4 Direction: Read the following statement and answer the questions that follow.
“India with over 2 percent of the world’s geographical area is inhibited by 16 percent of the world population”.
3. From the above statement, it is inferred that in the world population almost every
1. 5th person is Indian
2. 6th person is Indian
3. 7th person is Indian
4. 8th person is Indian

4. Which of the following countries fits in a completely reverse position explained in the above statement?
1. China
2. Bangladesh
3. United Kingdom
4. Australia

5. Which pairs are correctly matched? Select the correct alternative.
a. Brahmo Samaj – Dayanand Saraswati
b. Arya Samaj- Vivekananda
c. Ramakrishna Mission – Raja Ram Mohan Roy
d. Aligarh Movement – Syed Ahmed Khan
e. Veda Samaj – Cembeti Sridharlu Naidu
1. a and d
2. b and e
3. d and e
4. c and d

6. Some persons and events are stated below:
A. Warren Hastings I Theosophical Society of India
B. Col. Olcott II Duel Government in Bengal
C. Lord Ripon III The French Revolution
D. Tipu Sultan IV The Local Self Government
Which of the following indicates the correct matching of the above 7
1. A I B. II C. Ill D. IV
2. A II B. III C. II D. I
3. A II B. I C. IV D. III
4. A IV B. II C. I D. III

7. Stated below are some statements.
a. The Modern Age suddenly came into existence
b. The Renaissance emphasized the value of reason and scientific temper in life.
c. The Industrial Revolution in England led to the decline of Cottage Industries in India.
Which statements are true?
1. a and b
2. b and c
3. a and c
4. a, b and c

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