dreamscholarsleague.com DSL Spell Bee Preliminary Test Category 1 Model Question Paper : Dream Scholars League

Organisation : Dream Scholars League – DSL
Exam : Spell Bee Preliminary Test
Document Type : Model Question Paper
Category I: Class I & Class II

Website : dreamscholarsleague.com
Download Model Question Paper : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/8982-CategoryI.pdf

DSL Spell Bee Preliminary Test Model Question Paper :

Category-1 :
Choose the correct spelling for the definition of the word given and write correct option A, B or C in the box provided
1. To carry something out successfully
a) Achieve
b) Acheiv
c) Acheive

Related : DSL Spell Bee Preliminary Test Category-2 Model Question Paper : www.pdfquestion.in/8987.html

2. Widely known
a) Famus
b) Famous
c) Famos

3. A male partner in a marriage
a) Hesbend
b) Husbend
c) Husband

4. To move in a disordered manner
a) Jumble
b) Jumbel
c) Jumbbel

5. To beat repeatedly as a punishment
a) Thraas
b) Thresh
c) Thrash

6. Easily offended or hurt
a) Sensitive
b) Sencitiv
c) Sensiteve

Write the missing words into the gaps .The word in (brackets) tells you how many letters are missing :
7. My father works as an ( ele_t_i_ _a_)
8. Ramesh had an (ac_ _d_ _t) last week. He broke his left leg.
9. Suresh likes English, biology and (G_ _ gr_ p _ y)
10. Do you like going to (bir_ _d_y) parties?

Category-4 :
Class : VIII , IX & X
Choose the correct spelling for the definition of the word given and write correct option A, B or C in the box provided :
1. The condition of being disenchanted
a. Disillussion
b. Disillusion
c. Disilusion

2. To cause to break up
a. Disperce
b. Disparse
c. Disperse

3. To break apart
a. Disrupt
b. Disrept
c. Dissrupt

4. Relating to dissipation especially of heat
a. Dissipativ
b. Disipative
c. Dissipative

5. A variable often familial learning disability involving difficulties in acquiring and processing language
a. Dyslexec
b. Dislexic
c. Dyslexic

6. The senior member of a body or group
a. Doyan
b. Doyen
c. Doyne

7. Hangings of heavy fabric for use as a curtain
a. Drapery
b. Drapary
c. Draperey

8. An imaginary place where people lead dehumanized and often fearful lives
a. Dystopia
b. Dystopea
c. Distopia

9. To bubble, hiss, and foam as gas escapes
a. Effervese
b. Effervecse
c. Effervesce

10. Marked by forceful and fluent expression
a. Eloquently
b. Eloquentley
c. Eloquentlee

Details Specific to Spell Bee :
The students will be divided into different categories based on their class and DSL will provide the question papers as per the below categories :
Category 1: Class I & Class II
Category 2: Class III & Class IV
Category 3: Class V, Class VI & Class VII
Category 4: Class VIII, Class IX & Class X

** Level 1 exam will be forty words written test which is to be attempted in forty minutes.
** Level – 2 and Level – 3 will be conducted by DSL.
** The level-3 is conducted orally in front of an audience.

Details Specific to Maths :
** The question paper will be in a multiple choice format. There will be no negative marking.
** Level 1 exam will have 60 questions and the same has to be answered in 60 minutes.
** Students scoring 90% and above will be eligible to write level- 2 exam.
** For level 2 exam, the hall tickets will be provided by DSL through emails to schools.
** Level 2 exam will be conducted by DSL, Which may be in the same /near by city.

Conducting Exam and Logistics:
** Each school can nominate any number of students for this examination. However, a minimum participation of 100 students is mandatory.
** The decision of DWI will be final and abiding on all the parties in relation to conducting of exams, deciding centers, formate of question papers, issue of scholarship etc.

** DWI reserves the right to change /modify or amend any or all of the above said terms and conditions, including the dates of the exam and the venues/centers/prizes without any prior notice .If there is any change in date or venues, the same will be intimated to the schools.
** Disputes if any will be subjected to Bangalore Jurisdiction.

Results :
** The results will be declared in March 2016 and can also be accessed from the website .dreamscholarslegue.com .DSL will not entertain any individual requests for result /certificate at any stage.
** In case there is more than one winner achieving the same rank, in any of the top position, then the prize will be distributed equally.

Prizes and Scholarship :
** All the prize /scholarship will be distributed during June/July 2016.
** The DSL scholarship amounts will be paid at different point in time, which will be decided by DSL.

** All the participants will be awarded with certificates upon completion of the evaluation process. These will be sent to the respective schools for distribution along with complete marks list.

Categories: Talent Exam
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