bie.telangana.gov.in Intermediate II Year Music & Logic Model Question Paper : State Board Of Education

Organisation : Telangana State Board Of Intermediate Education
Exam : Intermediate II Year
Paper: Music & Logic
Document Type : Model Question Paper
Location : Telangana

Website : http://bie.telangana.gov.in/Secondyrmodelpaper.aspx

Download Model/Sample Question Paper :
Music : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/8972-music.pdf
Logic : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/8972-logic.pdf

Intermediate II Year Music & Logic Model Question Paper :

Logic :
Answer all questions :
I. Answer any two of the following: 2×15=30 Marks
1. Explain the law of Uniformity of Nature.
2. What are the methods that followed in Social Sciences? Explain.

Related : Telangana State Board of Education Intermediate II Year English Model Question Paper : www.pdfquestion.in/8946.html

3. Relations between Deduction and Induction.
4. What are requirements (characteristics) of a valid Hypothesis?
5. The problem of Induction. Explain.

II. Answer any six of the following : 6×5=30 Marks
1. Paradox of Inference
2. Induction
3. Intuitive method
4. Case History method
5. Simple Enumeration
6. Spendthrift Argument
7. Universals
8. Reasoning in a Circle.
9. Kinds of Uniformities.
10. Fallacy of Division.

III. Fill up any ten of the following blanks : 10×1=10 Marks
1. The conclusion of Inductive logic______________
2. _____________says the History of Science is a system of discarded theories.
3. The Author of the Inductive Logic______________
4. The aims of Inductive and Deductive______________
5. The method of questionnaire is followed in ______________
6. Observation is divided into__________________
7. The fallacy of accident is divided into________________
8. _____________methods were proposed by Mill.
9. The postulates of induction are divided ___________kinds.
10. Enumeration is divided into ____________________.

11. _______________must be favourable for the standard observation.
12. __________method in the first method that followed in non-scientific method.
13. Deduction without Induction is meaningless, but Inductive without Deduction _____________.
14. The problem of Induction is to establish_______________
15. The paradox of Interference was directed by_______________

IV. Define any five of the following : 5×2=10 Marks
1. Observation of Facts
2. Definition of Cause.
3. Postulates.
4. Fallacy.
5. Induction leaf.
6. Deduction.
7. Theory.

V. Test any five of the following: 5×4=20 Marks
1. India bagged a Gold medal. Hence tamarind price increased.
2. I can break a brisk easily. So I can break at a time the load of bricks of a lorry.
3. India is developing industrially. Andhra Pradesh is a part of it. So Andhra Pradesh is developing industrially.
4. When I went to Hyderabad, I found a few hotels are dirty. So all the hotels in Hyderabad are dirty.
5. Alcohol acts as a poison when taken in excess. So it always acts as a poison.
6. We cannot live without food. Milk, Meat is food. So we cannot live without meat and milk.

Music :
1. All questions are compulsory.
2. Figures to the right indicate full marks.

I. Write about any two of the following technical terms, not exceeding 8 lines : 2×3=06 Marks
1. Purvanga
2. Sam Vadi
3. Timbore
4. Harmonics

II. Write any two of the following Ragalakshanas, in 20 lines : 2×4=8 Marks
1. Todi
2. Kambhoji
3. Khamas
4. Pantuvarali

III. Write any one of the following question not more than 30 lines: 8 Marks
1. Write about the Chaputala
2. Write the classification of Varja Raga

IV. Write any one of the following question not more than 30 lines: 8 Marks
1. Write the Lakshanas of Varna
2. Describe the Music Concert.

V. Write any one of the following question not exceeding 40 lines : 10 Marks
1. Explain Tambura instrument with the help of a diagram
2. Write the notation of Pallavi in Bhairavi Raga Kriti.

VI. Write the life history on any one of the following composers in 40 lines: (10 Marks)
1. Jayadeva
2. Muttuswamy Dikshitar

Part – III English (Modern Language) Paper – II
Time : 3 Hours
Max Marks : 100

I. Annotate with reference to the context any three of the following passages in about 100 words. 3 x 5 = 15 Marks
a) How dull it is to pause, to make an end
To rust unburnished, not to shine in use!
b) For in everything he did he served the Greater Community.
c) Surely some revelation is at hand Surely the Second Coming is at hand.
d) Thank God the scorpion picked on me And spared my children.
e) Silence, Silenced transmission of Pressurized good-breeding.

II. Answer any three of the following in a paragraph in about 100 words each. 3 x 5 = 15 Marks
a) What is the dramatic value of the young priest in Riders to the Sea?

b) Describe Gandhi’s experiments with music.
c) compare the smile of Theodore Roosevelt with that of Woodrow Wilson.
d) What were the feelings of the Prisoner during the first and second year of his solitary confinement ?

e) Describe the disappointment of the artist and his wife as the visitors leave without buying a picture.
f) Does Alice enjoy the tea-party ? Give reasons for your answer.

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